Recent Chapter Discussion

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
The latest chapter is out.

Btw, I love this image of Vegeta:


Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015


--------Part 1---------
Goku does indeed use Super Saiyan God in the manga version. Goten calls it Super Saiyan Red, but Trunks corrects him for being dumb and tells him it's Super Saiyan God. So they seem to be making fun of themselves.

Goku has the ability to transform and make himself stronger than Hit, but his Time-Skip is troublesome. So he conserves energy throughout the battle by transforming to only the stage he needs at the time.

Goku in Super Saiyan God is stated to be stronger than Vegeta in Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (while fighting Hit), and Goku can still utilize the latter transformation himself to grow even stronger. (Feels like karma for the anime bullshit of having Vegeta skip SSG.)

No SSGSS Kaio-ken.

---------Part 2---------
Fun note. Hit doesn't use ki/stamina to perform his Time-Skip. He can use it indefinitely without weakening himself, but can't use it when drained. As he states that he might only be able to handle one more Time-Skip at full power before it runs out.

Goku is stronger than Hit in terms of pure power with just SS, but he uses up too much stamina to keep up in that form. Goes SSG.

Hit can only fully Time-Stop opponents for the full 0.1 seconds if they're weaker than him. The further they are above him, the less it lasts. So when goku goes SSG, he has trouble holding him back the full time.

Unlike the anime where hit has a set level of power at first, and then later makes huge gains to his power and improved Time-Skip via "growth", Manga!Hit is just hiding his true power at first and unleashes it to counter SSG. He says it's been so long since he used it, that it may not even last a minute.

My biggest issue with the anime is solved here. Goku doesn't ask for the tournament to be turned into a death match. He realizes that, being an assassin, Hit is restricted by the rules. So he just exits the ring and asks to fight again some other time.

Vegeta isn't significantly weaker than Goku after all. Transforming into SSGSS burns through a lot of stamina and power. You can't use it multiple times in a row, even in short bursts. Transforming to show off for Cabba rended him to around 1/10 his full power against Hit.

Zeno's assistants don't seem to say Arale's "Bye'cha", at least not in the Korean version. That's...something.. I guess?

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
Super Saiyan Blue is still stronger. Goku transformed into it after he turned into Super Saiyan God. It's just...Super Saiyan God Goku is stronger than Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta when he fought Hit. Vegeta showing off the form to Cabba fucked his stamina.

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
I edited my post too slow, lol. The only reason why God Goku>Blue Vegeta is because Vegeta could only access 1/10 of his power fighting Hit. Super Saiyan Blue sounds like a shitty form.

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
The Kaio-Ken x10 still being inferior to Beers seemed rather odd when you think about his 10% line, but Vegeta losing 90% of his power transforming into Super Saiyan Blue twice is....:wat

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
That would be hilarious since Beers said the 10% line to himself. He can't even be truthful in his thoughts now.

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
In retrospect, it makes Goku and Vegeta look stupid for making fun of Golden Freeza's stamina issue when Super Saiyan Blue isn't much better.

Then again, Golden Freeza was never in the manga.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Lol Goku can use Super Saiyan God as a power up over SSJ? Really starting to look like Toriyama is only going with these forms because he can't remember what SSJ2/3 were properly.

Honestly preferred the anime version of this. Super Saiyan Blue being that draining sounds stupid. Goku was even able to use SSJ3 more than once a day if he spent like 10 seconds in the first transformation... :wat

Although it does seem like the manga still wants to adhere to Toriyama's old statement that Beers wasn't even twice as strong as SSJG or something. Good for them I guess...


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Although, maybe the reason they're making Blue's stamina so shitty is because of Toriyama wanting to use SSJ White after all. So much bullshit he's making up about stamina nowadays. Dont want SSJ2/3 in the series? Say they got scrapped because of energy drain! Didn't get to use your white hair design? Just say the form they used to defeat another draining form is pretty damn draining itself of course! :cage1 :cage1 :cage1

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fearless Saiyajin said:
So Golden Freeza is non canon now? Yay!!!
Golden Freeza's still canon, as he was mentioned in the chapter that SSB first appeared in.

The stamina drain of SSB seems ridiculous, especially when it didn't seem that taxing in previous chapters and the whole point of it was to control SSG's power without any stress. I'm honestly starting to prefer the anime of DBS now, at least for the Goku VS Hit fight, though at least the manga's being more concrete in how it scales post-God Base/SSJ Goku, SSG and SSB.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Yeah, I far prefer Goku being able to tap into a power that's an all-or-nothing shot that may kill him over Hit's power being essentially a glorified version of Chaozu's paralysis arts and Vegeta being stupid enough to lower his ki to 1/10th over nothing of importance.

Hit saying he wouldn't last more than a minute if he uses his full power took things to a point where it seemed like a pissing contest to see who can drain himself the fastest :facepalm2


May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Fearless Saiyajin said:
So Golden Freeza is non canon now? Yay!!!
Golden Freeza's still canon, as he was mentioned in the chapter that SSB first appeared in.

The stamina drain of SSB seems ridiculous, especially when it didn't seem that taxing in previous chapters and the whole point of it was to control SSG's power without any stress. I'm honestly starting to prefer the anime of DBS now, at least for the Goku VS Hit fight, though at least the manga's being more concrete in how it scales post-God Base/SSJ Goku, SSG and SSB.

SSJG Goku (Universal Tournament) = Goku SSJG (Vs Beerus)?

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