First of all, Roshi clearly stated that Mutaito > 22nd Goku but according to King Piccolo Goku > Mutaito which is inconsistency itself.
Nope, it means Goku got stronger. You are the one treating it like an inconsistency.
And you can't just claim that Goku got stronger which nothing implies he did.
You just presented what implies he did... Roshi stated Mutaito > 22nd Budokai Goku and old Piccolo Daimao stated Goku post 22nd Budokai > Mutaito. That is, in order for it to make sense, Goku got stronger after Tenshinhan's fight and Tambourine's beatdown. No need to treat it as inconsistency.
We all know when someone got stronger, they'll always be a statement from someone but it seems that you're just trying to make your opinion as fact. While I call it as inconsistency on Toriyama's part.
There's not a need to there be a clear cut statement of someone getting stronger when we can put the evidences together and reach a fine conclusion that said character did get stronger. Not everything needs to be stated in a clear cut manner for it to be true.
While I call it as inconsistency on Toriyama's part.
Yeah, you call it an inconsistency because you won't want to accept Goku getting stronger. You are the one who wants to treat it as such, when it doesn't need to be one.
No evidence to support that.
Yes, there're. You just dismissed them with "AT was inconsistent".
It's definitely inconsistency from Toriyama's part which can be apply to my earlier claim.
Yeah, Freeza treating Goku as being stronger than Ginyu is definitely an inconsistency. Now, you are saying that since AT was inconsistent in the Freeza saga with a mere line of Goku being stronger than Ginyu he also HAS to be inconsistent in the Piccolo Daimao saga with the implications of post 22nd Budokai Goku > Mutaito? Pathetic.
Might as well argue AT was inconsistent in all instances where I don't like a character being that strong... not!
We all can explain the story on different way but that doesn't make it as fact. There's no way Goku got stronger since not even Goku can claimed that he got stronger after he recovered. Look, Toriyama is careful on this thing, but he's not perfect. He makes mistakes too. Why do you guys can't just admit that Toriyama fucked this power scalling?
Except it doesn't have to be a fucked up thing by AT's part... we can easily conclude Goku got stronger and everything makes perfect sense. Look, I put up that Yajirobe's argument, which you just didn't understand, and then I put up this "Goku post 22nd Budokai > Mutaito > Goku 22nd Budokai" argument, which you just dismissed with "AT fucked up"... then I do ask, do you really think you are countering my arguments with evidences or just denying them (or, rather, dismissing them) in order to not admit you might have been wrong when saying Goku didn't get stronger? Yeah, I thought so.
If you really want to use Krillin's statement then the only fights he withnessed Goku getting stronger was during the RRA and Baba's arc since he doesn't know that Goku got stronger from Karin's training as well.
Did I ever refer to Kuririn's statement in the Freeza saga? Not that I remember. And even if I did, Kuririn's statement can easily work since Goku got stronger post 21st Budokai after a fierce battle with Kame-Sen'nin and fierce battles on the Muscle Tower... then it's pretty much implied to us he got stronger after the 22nd Budokai. AT obviously didn't think of Goku being a Saiyan back then, but it doesn't change the fact that he was (retroactively speaking), since the "Goku being a Saiyan" was introducced by nobody less than the creator of the story... so Goku IS a Saiyan at DB and DOES HAVE the ability of getting stronger through fierce battles, even if him being a Saiyan wasn't really thought up by that time. The "gaining power through fierce battles" were arguably thought up by AT since Goku got stronger after the 21st Budokai, and also got stronger after the 22nd Budokai even before drinking the God water. Even thougn the 2nd one is based more on implications and not on set on stone statement, it doesn't make it any less true when we do have deductive logic and can lump those statement together to reach a fine conclusion.
To each his own, your opinion or theory are just theory. Admit it, they're inconsistency and move on. You really expect Toriyama to be perfect? smh...
What does "expecting Toriyama to be perfect" has to do with not treating an obvious implication of Goku getting stronger post 22nd Budokai as an inconsistency? Now we have to treat an obvious implication that Goku did get stronger as an inconsistency when it can be explained by, well... Goku getting stronger just because AT has shown to be inconsistent before? Touché!
Vegeta said ''none'' can fight Pure Boo other than Goku, does that make sense? Can't Gohan and Gotenks fight Boo? Of course they can but how come Vegeta didn't know that? After all, once Goku and Vegeta cut Boo's absorption, Boo's power fell a lot which came from Gohan and the kids so why can't Vegeta know that Gohan made Boo that powerful?
Yeah, because Goku and Vegeta were the only one alive at that time while eveyone else was dead. So the only one between Goku and Vegeta who is able to fight Kid Boo being Goku is an obvious conclusion
And now that, which can obviously be explainable in other way (rather than Goku's somehow blatant admittance of inferiority towards Super Boo) is somehow comparable to the situation where Roshi implied Mutaito > Goku, and Piccolo Daimao implied Goku > Mutaito, which can also be easily explainable by Goku getting stronger through fierce battles, rather than dismissing the whole implication as a lazy (to say the least) "AT is inconsistent, he isn't perfect, smh"... yeah, really ridiculous.