GreatSaiyaman123 said:
So based on the fusion rules, would you guys agree with that?
Base Vegetto > SSJ3 Gogeta > Base Gogeta > SSJ3 Goku?
Well, that's assuming there's any solid rules for fusion, which doesn't seem to be the case. For what Super's worth, Base Vegetto would still be likely below PSSB Goku/Vegeta and definitely below SSBE Vegeta, and I highly doubt them fusing after achieving said forms would automatically make Base Vegetto a hell of a lot stronger. There's also GT in which Vegeta states that they'd beat Super Yi Xing Long as a SS4 fusion, implying SS3 and lower would be incapable of doing the job and placing Base Gogeta below Beyond Limits SS4 Goku/Vegeta would be a big stretch when Yi Xing Long only states his transformation was over a ten times increase.
Even assuming this base fusion > strongest unfused form is a thing for the original manga, I wouldn't say that'd make Base Vegetto > SS3 Gogeta when Vegetto's a different method of fusion, not a fusion of Gogeta. As far as actual evidence for Base Vegetto > SS3 Gogeta, there's Gohan Boo's surprise at sensing Base Vegetto and
the anime statement of Galu saying that Metamoran fusion wouldn't be enough, suggesting Base Vegetto surpassed both their estimations. That was without factoring in the rival boost, however, of which I wouldn't say Gogeta should be exempt from when Elder Kaioshin suggested it to be something to do with Goku and Vegeta's fusion in general rather than the Potara.