Should Toei release...

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
a Cut version of Movie 8?

Movie 8 was good (compared to most movies). It had an OK story (most movies had no story), and it was good. The biggest problem with the movie is that the fighting went on forever. It was like a one hour beat-down, with nothing exciting happening.

So how about they released it cut? And make the fight last, maybe 15 minute maximum, and keep all the important things in it, like Paragus' death and stuff.

What about it?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Never gonna happen. The movie itself is barely an hour long even with the fighting, and that was the highlight of the movie. Whilst it's plot had potential compared to the reboots of canon story lines that the previous ones consisted of, Broly himself ruined what potential it had in it's motives. I wouldn't want to see a film if it was mainly just exposition of how much he hated Goku's crying.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
I didn't like how long the fighting went on either. It just kept going and going with no chance for the heroes to make a comeback. It wasn't interesting.


Low Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
It was like a one hour beat-down, with nothing exciting happening.
Doesn't that describe every DBZ movie? Zing!

I don't think movie 8 deserves any special consideration. Broly could have been interesting, maybe on a conceptual level, but the execution would have to be completely redone for his character to be anything more than completely one-note and uninteresting. He didn't have a single interesting trait. He was the big muscleman who punches everything and has no motivation or goal.

Besides, I don't think any DBZ movie really has enough content for anything to be cut out. What they really need is something intriguing that makes us care what's happening. Unfortunately, you can't really have that when the conclusion is preordained, as it is in these movies.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
FutureProtagonist said:
It was like a one hour beat-down, with nothing exciting happening.
Doesn't that describe every DBZ movie? Zing!

I don't think movie 8 deserves any special consideration. Broly could have been interesting, maybe on a conceptual level, but the execution would have to be completely redone for his character to be anything more than completely one-note and uninteresting. He didn't have a single interesting trait. He was the big muscleman who punches everything and has no motivation or goal.

Besides, I don't think any DBZ movie really has enough content for anything to be cut out. What they really need is something intriguing that makes us care what's happening. Unfortunately, you can't really have that when the conclusion is preordained, as it is in these movies.
At-least in other movies, usually something interesting happens during the fight. It's only one beat-down by a villain for all of the fight if it does go that long.

Like in Movie 6 for example Meta-Cooler beats up Goku, then Goku transforms and manages to beat him, and after that Vegeta appears and after some struggle they destroy him, too. That's at-least somewhat entertaining, unlike this.


Low Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
I suppose, but I find all those movies boring. We all know that at the end the villain will be defeated and everything will go back to normal. Any flow that the battle has is really just a formality. Not a single one of those movies should even exist.

Movie 6's battle might have had flow to it, but the battle meant literally nothing, even in the context of the movie. Neither side got any closer to their goal during that fight. At least in Movie 8, Broly fighting everyone was pretty much the point.

I think what the movies should have done, rather than bring us an hour of generic face punching, is bring us something we haven't seen before. The only example I can really think of is the end of Movie 7, where Goku absorbs the Spirit Bomb. They needed their own identity, their own unique moments. Instead, they blatantly rip off characters and events from the manga.

M1 - Rip off of Raditz fight
M2, M3, M4 - Spirit Bomb
M5 - Freeza ripoff
M6 - WTF?
M7 - something vaguely unique
M8 - Generic combining powers
M9 - Cell Games ripoff
M10 - Cell Games ripoff, M2 recycle
M11 - M10, M2 recycle
M12 - Fusion
M4, M13 - Oozaru fist ripoff

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
FutureProtagonist said:
I suppose, but I find all those movies boring. We all know that at the end the villain will be defeated and everything will go back to normal. Any flow that the battle has is really just a formality. Not a single one of those movies should even exist.

Movie 6's battle might have had flow to it, but the battle meant literally nothing, even in the context of the movie. Neither side got any closer to their goal during that fight. At least in Movie 8, Broly fighting everyone was pretty much the point.

I think what the movies should have done, rather than bring us an hour of generic face punching, is bring us something we haven't seen before. The only example I can really think of is the end of Movie 7, where Goku absorbs the Spirit Bomb. They needed their own identity, their own unique moments. Instead, they blatantly rip off characters and events from the manga.

M1 - Rip off of Raditz fight
M2, M3, M4 - Spirit Bomb
M5 - Freeza ripoff
M6 - WTF?
M7 - something vaguely unique
M8 - Generic combining powers
M9, M10 - Cell Games ripoff
M11 - M10, M2 recycle
M12 - Fusion
M4, M13 - Oozaru fist ripoff
The problem with that is that this is a DragonBall movie, where they are basically dependent on AT or the manga to do something new. Like they can't do a new transformation, if AT hasn't done one in the manga, so they have to always resort to the same kind of ending. Genki-Dama, multiple times.

To be honest fans would have complained, if it was inconsistent, too. Say if they just got a miraclous "power of friendship" power-up or something. It would be inconsistent and wouldn't make much sense.

I actually bought this up in a thread.


Low Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
That's true, but they could have put effort into that stuff, made them complement the series, rather than rehash it. They could have expanded the universe in an interesting way, they could have fleshed out the characters, they could have come up with villains who were their own characters, they could have have characters interact in ways they hadn't before.

I'm going to comment on a few of the things said in that thread you linked. They are basically just a cheap way to make money. Well, maybe not exactly making money, more like they're a way of keeping people's interest in the series. I haven't seen many anime movies, but in the case of Dragon Ball, it feels like the writers just didn't care. They had no interest in telling any particular story, they just wanted to come up with something that was good enough. The screenwriter had no real interest in what he was writing, he just wanted to come up with something that could be animated and released. It's just a simple cartoon, who can complain, right?

Even with the restrictions you mentioned, if the people writing the things had any kind of passion or interest in the material, they could have made us interested too. It simply doesn't feel that way.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Yeah, that's why I think they are more quick cash-grabs than anything else.

I think, either the creator could help with the movie (you can't really blame them for not wanting to work in the movie, considering they are already working on a manga), that'd make movies better than the generic movies we have, or they just wait until the series ends. I mean Movie 5 for example, if they had waited until the Freeza arc completely ended, they wouldn't have the plot-holes in the movie they had. They just seemed to want to strike while the iron was hot, so to speak, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but in this case it kind of is.

Waiting until the series is over could also help in that, the creator might be able to help with the movies, since they are done with the manga. The movies could mean a lot more that way.

The creator also not working or helping on the movie, also might lead to a lot of out-of-character moments. Who knows the characters better than the creator? This is especially a problem sometimes with DragonBall movies.

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
Staff member
Global Moderator
Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
I wouldn't mind seeing this movie remade, if I'm being completely honest. Like BoG or OVA style. A lot of people may cringe at that idea. But there is a potential there for a cool as movie with a few story tweaks and some new animation.

At least, I mean to say, I would rather see the time and effort put into a remake rather than a recut.

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