Silver vs White


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Silver stomps. He one-shotted several boxers and surprised Goku with his speed. White on the other hand doesn't have any feats of being exceptionally strong for a human and stood no chance against a Goku who had become so weak and exhausted to the point of being a ko'd by a bullet.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
There's no reason to believe Silver's weaker than White, at least manga-wise (anime makes it more arguable with White seemingly enjoying the idea of fighting someone who can go up against Metallic). Silver displayed superhuman speed at a level to surprise Goku, whereas White got easily beaten by a Goku noted to be heavily fatigued.

Animelover5487 said:
Goku who had become so weak and exhausted to the point of being a ko'd by a bullet.
To be fair, it was noted to be far more powerful than a regular pistol, and a fresh Goku at the start of the series could already be hurt by pistol shots.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
White gets absolutely fried.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
I don't think Silver is anything special, but White should get demolished here. Dude could lose to Mr Satan.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Silver doesn’t have to be special by 21st Budokai standards, but the fact of the matter is that he was fast enough to speed blitz Goku from behind. White’s performance against Goku might have been one of the most embarrassing in the series. It’s clear who is superior.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Dude could lose to Mr Satan.
Doubtful. White could endure being knocked into the ceiling without severe injuries, compared to Mr. Satan not being able to KO and gunman and breathing heavily after the beatdown. Even if we use Mr. Satan's far more powerful anime self, it'd only be fair to use White's too in which he felt confident in the idea of fighting Goku after seeing his fight with Metallic.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
and a fresh Goku at the start of the series could already be hurt by pistol shots.

Yeah but it didn't knock him out.

White could endure being knocked into the ceiling without severe injuries,

White enduring being knocked into a ceiling was played for comedy, as earlier he was harmed by Goku lightly tapping his foot, and Mr. Satan endured being smacked into a cliff by Cell.

it'd only be fair to use White's too in which he felt confident in the idea of fighting Goku after seeing his fight with Metallic.

Given his performance against a heavily fatigued Goku is virtually the same in the anime, White's confidence could just be boiled down to arrogance. White doesn't seem like much of a martial artist so I doubt he's skilled enough to get an accurate measure of a fighter's capabilities by just watching them on a screen.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Animelover5487 said:
Yeah but it didn't knock him out.
That's not the point. White makes note of his pistol being far more powerful than a regular one, so it seems doubtful BoDB Goku could endure it any better if a standard pistol like Bulma's could already injure him.

White enduring being knocked into a ceiling was played for comedy, as earlier he was harmed by Goku lightly tapping his foot
White's feats being comedic is purely an assumption, unlike with Satan. Him being injured by a tap from Goku's foot isn't inconsistent with him being knocked into a ceiling and enduring it which is something regular humans wouldn't be capable of. If anything, this just shows how much strength Goku still had left.

and Mr. Satan endured being smacked into a cliff by Cell.
The characters observing it explicitly state that Cell put in just enough effort not to kill Satan. Unlike with White, there's zero doubt that it was treat as a gag feat when Mr. Satan didn't even crash into the mountain, only making contact with it as though it were a flat surface.

Given his performance against a heavily fatigued Goku is virtually the same in the anime, White's confidence could just be boiled down to arrogance.
Or that Goku didn't lose anywhere near as much power in the anime as he did in the manga.

White doesn't seem like much of a martial artist so I doubt he's skilled enough to get an accurate measure of a fighter's capabilities by just watching them on a screen.
He should still have a good idea how capable Metallic is, so his skill at judging one's true strength from movements is irrelevant here.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Dude could lose to Mr Satan.
Doubtful. White could endure being knocked into the ceiling without severe injuries, compared to Mr. Satan not being able to KO and gunman and breathing heavily after the beatdown. Even if we use Mr. Satan's far more powerful anime self, it'd only be fair to use White's too in which he felt confident in the idea of fighting Goku after seeing his fight with Metallic.

Using that argument, that implies White could beat Metallic in a fight himself. Mr. Satan was stupid enough to believe he could take down Cell knowing he destroyed the whole military. I don't see why their word should be infallible and not just delusion.

I doubt White is supposed to be all that strong himself. Granted, he could probably hand every member on this forum their asses, but i don't think he would set world records in the real world. He seems about as capable as a typical body builder.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Future Warrior said:
Using that argument, that implies White could beat Metallic in a fight himself.
Anime-wise, seemingly so.

Mr. Satan was stupid enough to believe he could take down Cell knowing he destroyed the whole military. I don't see why their word should be infallible and not just delusion.
Satan was deluded into thinking Cell destroyed the army through tricks like explosives rather than his own power though, a completely different situation to Goku's performance in Muscle Tower.

He seems about as capable as a typical body builder.
I have severe doubts a typical body builder could be knocked into the ceiling and still be conscious without severe injuries.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015

Metallic send Goku flying multiple times by punching, causing him visible pain as well. All these events are identical in the anime. White would literally just get stepped on.

He actually did seem to be visibly damaged after hitting the ceiling, but in classic comic book fashion his injuries disappeared along with his bandages lol.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Galu can't tank a ray gun at SSJB while off guard but a trained fighter punching him when his power isn't even 100 doesn't even tickle him :troll


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Future Warrior said:
Granted, he could probably hand every member on this forum their asses,

He wouldn’t be laying a fighter on our resident bodybuilder [mention]Super Saiyan[/mention].

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Future Warrior said:
Granted, he could probably hand every member on this forum their asses,

He wouldn’t be laying a fighter on our resident bodybuilder @Super Saiyan.

White is also a trained fighter, not to mention the height advantage he has. Maybe if SSJ used his agility to his advantage he could land a shot to the groin. Either way, I'd still give it to White 8/10 times.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Future Warrior said:
Metallic send Goku flying multiple times by punching, causing him visible pain as well. All these events are identical in the anime. White would literally just get stepped on.
Yeah, I'm not arguing it's consistent, but simply the direction the anime seemed to be going for, just like how Pure Boo being the strongest Boo obviously isn't consistent with what's shown but was what Toei tried to push.

Edit: After going back to the part the statement was made, I discovered I'd made a mistake as it wasn't referring to Goku's performance against Metallic, but before that when White saw him beat up the soldiers and deduced this was the boy who defeated Silver before getting excited at the idea of defeating him, thereby making the more consistent chain of Silver < White < Fatigued Goku for the anime.

He actually did seem to be visibly damaged after hitting the ceiling, but in classic comic book fashion his injuries disappeared along with his bandages lol.
He still recovered from it easily enough, something I doubt even the strongest of real life humans could do so well. Moreover, it being a testament to his abilities rather than something to be refuted would be more in line with his rank. I doubt someone who's barely shown to not be a great leader would be given the rank of general if he didn't at least have some physical might to not make him a pushover in a world where peak human fighters are the norm.

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