Since the bandwagon for this has appeared...

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I'd say you summed it up well. It would've showcased the stakes present in this war, but be a cheap way to resolve the love triangle. Yes, the reveal of Leia being Luke's sister was a cheap way to resolve it too, but that at least had some foreshadowing from ESB. I'd say having Han die on Endor would've been better since having the Jabba's Palace infiltration become a complete failure would've invalidated the point of showing Luke's growth both in his Jedi capabilities and leadership. For that reason, I'd say having him die on Tatooine would've only hindered the movie.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Do you recommend the star wars prequels? Excluding 3 as I've seen it.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Yes. Despite the flak they've been given in the past, they do tell quite the compelling story that has several advantages in their inclusion in the saga, particularly adding a detail to world building that the OT was sorely lacking. Most of the flaws people often complain about such as Jar Jar or the Midichlorians don't really stand up to objective scrutiny as I've gone over in this thread (though after additional analysis, I'd retract my closing statement on what plot holes they do have as even the "force speed" or Padme's death are highly explainable in context). I'd say the genuine flaws of the prequels are actually pretty minor ones as far as its storytelling goes. Upon further analysis, I'd even go as far as to cite Revenge of the Sith as George Lucas' masterpiece. It's not without some flaws, as with the other two, though none are truly plot-breaking and the OT is guilty of just as many minor faults.
Furthermore, the world building of the prequels opened up for some of the most well done and ambitious entries of the Star Wars franchise, such as The Clone Wars (2009 cartoon, not the 2003 one) and its portrayal of the Jedi and Sith's philosophy acting as the basis for what's easily the best Star Wars story in the video game Knights of the Old Republic II.

Also, about 99% of the scenes are God tier meme material.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
What are your thots on the factual evidence that Jar Jar is a Sith Lord?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
"Maxi big da force." - Jar Jar Binks (The Phantom Menace)

From that, we clearly see he knows of the force. It's undeniable that he's a Sith Lord. Also, nobody can survive on as much luck as he had without being a master in the Force. Jar Jar is top tier. :troll

In all seriousness, it was a concept that could've worked if Lucas didn't have different plans for him in AotC, though a surprise reveal of Jar Jar being the key to all this in the sequel trilogy would've been far better than Snoke getting his EXPECTATIONS SUBVERTED or Palpatine being asspulled back to life only to lose to Ma-Rey Sue because of his incompetence).


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Palpatine was brought back to life??? Man I don't even want to know how or why :ha

Obviously I haven't seen the last movie yet, but does it close the door on potential sequels?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Super Saiyan said:
Palpatine was brought back to life??? Man I don't even want to know how or why :ha
Luckily for you, the film was too lazy to even explain that :alex2

Tfw the leaks for the film actually try to explain asspulls in a more semi-coherent way than the actual film. :wtf

Obviously I haven't seen the last movie yet, but does it close the door on potential sequels?
I haven't either (only heard plot summaries and that 99% of the leaks were proven to be true), though it seems like they're certainly closing things off unless Disney thinks they can milk another trilogy using Rey of all people :alex2

As far as official statements as to how things could go, Disney's main staff have said that they plan on mainly making stand-alone films in the future that are more accessible to normies without any context of the previous ones. With all the shit they've added with the sequel trilogy, however, they could just keep milking the Jedi VS Sith plot indefinitely if they wanted to due to how much the conflict has been cheapened and how the balance of the force has been retconned into being fatalistic bs of the light and dark side rising to combat the other whenever the plot demands it.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
As I’ve recently found out you rewatched them all (Not just the OT, but the Prequels and it’s memes too), I suppose it would be

Do you really think RotS deserves the title of best film? What about Anakin’s hurried 180 (The main issue with the film here imo), Mace Windu’s irresponsible decision or the way Dooku and Grievous are treated as fodder?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I wouldn't say Anakin's turn was rushed at all when taking into account not just the foreshadowing in Attack of the Clones, but the women, and the children too! but how much being unable to stop something he knew would happen because of the Jedi held him back before. In that moment, it came to either allowing what he perceived to be the inevitability of Padme dying happen or risk the one chance to save her, with the motivation of Anakin wanting to have the power to save those he loved being something made blatant throughout each instalment of the prequel trilogy.
Alongside that, Palpatine's manipulation was validated in Anakin's mind when Windu actively went against the teachings of the Jedi by attempting to kill a "defenceless" Palpatine for his own personal reasons. Both AotC and RotS make it apparent that Anakin is also the kind of person who lets his emotions take the better of him in difficult times or when he's offered a choice (Killing not just the men, but something something too!, Charging at Dooku on Geonosis, Killing Dooku when told to Dew It, etc.) so all these attributes allow for this choice to fall very much in line with his character.

His immediate loyalties to Palpatine after this were less a sudden change and more an inevitability of having to live with his decision. This is made apparent when Palpatine says "When the Jedi learn what has transpired here they will kill us, along with all the senators." Immediately after this, Anakin agrees, which is perhaps the most important part in contextualising this. He also does this whilst standing straight and composed, showing he's not just being irrational about this and that this is his genuine belief based on his growing distrust in the order and seeing what happened when Windu went to what was supposed to just be an investigation into Palpatine. Also, keep in mind that "along with all the senators" would include Padme. The part Palpatine says before this is very important in understanding Anakin's state of mind too: "Because the council did not trust you, my young apprentice, I believe you are the only Jedi with no knowledge of this plot." This would be a very reasonable conclusion to validate Palpatine's words in Anakin's eyes when he was actively excluded from many standard aspects of the Jedi Order such as not being granted the rank of master (and having to take a seat) despite his accomplishments surpassing the majority of masters and such a thing having never been done before in the history of the order. Truly outrageous and unfair.
As for him going as far as to kill the younglings, this is another inevitability that was forced upon him with what's stated in the same scene by Sheev: "Do what must be done, Lord Vader. Do not hesitate, show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough in the Dark Side to save Padme." A moment of emotion had forced Anakin into this and to go back at this point and risk losing everything would have made all he had done a waste. It's not as if he enjoyed what he did at the temple, as we see with his tears on Mustafar when he's finally given a moment to process what he's done.
As for his corruption and lust for power shortly after that, this is something that was building up ever since Attack of the Clones. He has always been yearning for something more than his current standing, feeling as though his natural talent demanded it when the Jedi held him back. Now, the title of Emperor is the only thing he can aim for when looking up and by that point he'd become entrenched in the Dark Side enough when killing the Separatists to achieve the trademark Sith eyes. With all that said, I'd say his turn was handled brilliantly.

Onto Windu's decision, it was indeed far from well thought out with several alternatives that could be made. It's important to note, however, that Windu has been portrayed as far from composed compared to his peers on the council. His first move at the Geonosian arena was to go into aggressive negotiations and hold Dooku at saber-point rather than any alternative and, when facing Jango, his immediate instinct was to go for the head. It's made clear through his actions that Windu is the kind of Jedi who prefers putting down a threat regardless of the order's teachings and, combined with his growing distrust for Palpatine, resulted in him using Anakin's revelation as the excuse he needed to take Palpatine down the only way he knew how.

As for Dooku and Grievous being jobbers, that's expected. The prequel trilogy is meant to be a concept-driven story about two things - Anakin's fall to the Dark Side and Palpatine's rise to power. Because of this, Anakin and Palpatine are the characters of which it's essential the movies' focus should be on and; whilst fleshing out and exploring the other characters in-depth would be nice, doing so for villains that were there to serve the purpose of being parallels to what Anakin would become would only make pacing messy in a movie that already had far more going on in its story than any other Star Wars film even after a lot of important scenes were cut.

Overall, the only flaw in RotS I'd consider to be pretty apparent would be Yoda having good relations with Chewbacca, which kind of screws up Han being so atheistic towards the Force in ANH, though it's not much more damaging than something such as, say, Leia sensing where Luke is without any training or Lando treating Han and co. as guests when the Empire apparently arrived before them in ESB, or Leia's "Somehow I've always known" in RotJ. Yes, I'll say Padme's death actually did make sense when you consider that the medical droids seemed fully focused on her health in terms of the pregnancy and it'd make sense for them to have not examined her neck (keep in mind how powerful Vader's force chokes are) and that she hit her head on the pavement when she fell.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
My immediate thoughts would go to the KOTOR duo, but the plot of either would be too long to place in a single movie. I guess I'd go with one exploring the origins of the Jedi and Sith, taking influence from a number of Legends sources.

Either that, or provide the film the fans need and deserve right now - Jar Jar: A Star Wars story (Episode I: The Key to All This).


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
My immediate thoughts would go to the KOTOR duo, but the plot of either would be too long to place in a single movie. I guess I'd go with one exploring the origins of the Jedi and Sith, taking influence from a number of Legends sources.

Either that, or provide the film the fans need and deserve right now - Jar Jar: A Star Wars story (Episode I: The Key to All This).

Considering anything besides Darth Darth Binks to be worthy of a movir is a blasphemy.

But mind explaining why the KOTOR era? I now very little about it besides it’s placement centuries before the Clone Wars.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
The KOTOR era is generally considered the peak of Star Wars content and for good reason. The story told throughout the two games helps deconstruct many parts of the franchise in a way that still respects the source material (unlike TLJ's Subverting Expectations). The first game does this through Jolee Bindo's view on how the Jedi can find their ideology being easily corrupted or pointing out that conflict will still continue regardless of people believing they're living in the most exciting time. It's in KOTOR 2 that this is brought to perfection with the character of Kreia, easily the best Star Wars character. Her view of detesting the Force due to its need to put things back into balance as we'd see with the Chosen One prophecy in the prequels points out how much of a deus ex machina the force can be and the inherit bias within it. Alongside that, she points out the flaws within both the Jedi and Sith's ideologies.
If wanting a more comprehensive guide on what makes Kreia amazing (and don't mind spoilers), this video essay is the best source (though take into account it is very lengthy):



Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Why do you think it is that the Han Empire rebuilt itself as the Tang, Ming and Qing dynasties and retained control of China proper while Roman Empire crumbled into a bunch of smaller countries (and there really isn't a huge country like India, China or the US in Europe, unless you count Russia)?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
For the Roman Empire, it can be attributed to a problem that plagued Greece and is becoming prevalent in modern western society. Once you start normalising degeneracy such as how the Roman elite were very into paedophilia, your society can only go downhill. Maintaining an empire as large as Rome was also something too complicated to maintain for overseas territory, a matter the British Empire would see centuries later when expanding to far greater heights than even the Romans. Alongside that, there is the strong sense of national identity. Europe, at least prior to being infected by liberalism, always had a strong sense of nationalism an cultural identity that would avoid it being permanently swallowed up by larger powers, whereas eastern nations such as the various regions of China were often united by common enough culture as to have all the regions integrated into a larger collective, the only exceptions being some of the Mongol tribes that inhabited northern China during both of the Han dynasties.
The US being a special case would be down to two reasons. One would be it being settled at a time when technology was far more advanced by enough to overcome the hardships of settling in this new frontier. The other would be that the style of governance initially proposed would allow for each state to be self-governing and aspects such as presidency being to mediate a consensus between opposing political matters. The founding fathers saw the flaw that befell most empires of both Europe and Asia, that you can't expect to govern over a group of people in such a vast amount of land and expect them to all follow the same political ideologies or laws.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I'd say it's also a problem that European countries of very similar genetic origin like Scandinavians failed to maintain unity because ruling countries like Denmark saw their subjects like the Swedish as just poor saps to pilfer resources from, while the various Chinese-y ethnicities shared a common language and saw each other as more homogeneous.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Happy New Year. Just turned 2020 a few minutes ago over here.

A Tarkin spinoff is one that could be great if done correctly. His early life is one improvement the Disney Canon has made with him in showing how tough his upbringing was and, with the passage of time, the guy who played him in his RotS cameo would be at the perfect age to play Tarkin during the Rise of the Empire era, assuming he can also get the voice right. After a trilogy dealing with the First Order's retardation and having Krennic's incompetence in Rogue One, it'd be great to see a return to form in the embodiment of all the Empire's competence getting the limelight.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Do you have any streaming services aside from Prime Video?

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