1. The Cell arc ends with Vegeta, Trunks, Krillin being brought back to life. It's debatable whether or not Gohan would continue training if Goku is around. I feel as though he might keep up with it, but the question is would any of the Saiyans unlock SSJ2 without having seen the form? If they do, the Boo arc would look completely different. For one, nobody would go to the Budokai if Goku was alive, so it's debatable if Boo would ever get revived. Even if he did, there's no chance he'd be revived at full power, so the 3 SSJ2s would be able to take care of him.
If the Saiyans don't learn SSJ2, they would die to Boo unless they are able to acquire the form.
2. Cell destroys earth. He'd be too strong for Cell Games Goku and would likely become angry with the tournament and blow up earth as a result.