An instant.withheldforprivacy said:It all depends on what you think the gap Cyborg Freeza/Alternate Trunks is. And this
depends on how you view Trunkses statement ''i can bring you down in seconds''. Did
he mean literally in an instant or just in a short time? Monster Zarbon beat Vegeta in
seemingly less than one minute with 1.25x a gap.
ahill1 said:He doesn't have anything going to him. Nothing at all. We just know he lost to [less than half] #17, and took a beating to the point the android was surprised he was alive. It also depends of some of your gaps. We know Mirai Trunks SSJ > Mirai Gohan SSJ [1 arm] > [less than half] #17 > Mirai Gohan SSJ [2 arms]. I generally do have something like this:
Freeza 100% : 235,000,000
Goku SSJ : 250,000,000
Mecha Freeza : 260,000,000
Mirai Gohan SSJ [1 arm] : 320,000,000
Mirai Trunks SSJ : 350,000,000
Goku SSJ [Yardrat] : 400,000,000
Seems pretty fair. We have to fit #17 [less than half] in that... 1 arm Son Gohan stated full of himself to #17 that was gonna be the robot's turn to lose, who didn't want to still fight at less than half and already admitted he hadn't be using nearly his all. But we also know Gohan wasn't so confident, he knocked Trunks out in case he was gonna lose... I don't think Gohan can just one shot the power #17 used against him in their last meet, but we have to be aware that there're 2 androids with infinite stamina and Gohan doesn't have an arm. Hmmm... I think 280,000,000 seems fair to less than half #17, at 87% of 1 arm Gohan. Now 2 arms Gohan is considerably below that, I generally have him at 100% Freeza or Namek SSJ Goku, so I'm gonna say Mecha Freeza would win here after somewhat after a tough battle. It also depends if he still has his shitty stamina.
withheldforprivacy said:It all depends on what you think the gap Cyborg Freeza/Alternate Trunks is. And this
depends on how you view Trunkses statement ''i can bring you down in seconds''. Did
he mean literally in an instant or just in a short time? Monster Zarbon beat Vegeta in
seemingly less than one minute with 1.25x a gap.
Nah, that was because of his 100% being too much for him. The Genki-Dama probably didn't have an effect on how long he could sustain the form, or that'd be stated imo.GreatSaiyaman123 said:ahill1 said:He doesn't have anything going to him. Nothing at all. We just know he lost to [less than half] #17, and took a beating to the point the android was surprised he was alive. It also depends of some of your gaps. We know Mirai Trunks SSJ > Mirai Gohan SSJ [1 arm] > [less than half] #17 > Mirai Gohan SSJ [2 arms]. I generally do have something like this:
Freeza 100% : 235,000,000
Goku SSJ : 250,000,000
Mecha Freeza : 260,000,000
Mirai Gohan SSJ [1 arm] : 320,000,000
Mirai Trunks SSJ : 350,000,000
Goku SSJ [Yardrat] : 400,000,000
Seems pretty fair. We have to fit #17 [less than half] in that... 1 arm Son Gohan stated full of himself to #17 that was gonna be the robot's turn to lose, who didn't want to still fight at less than half and already admitted he hadn't be using nearly his all. But we also know Gohan wasn't so confident, he knocked Trunks out in case he was gonna lose... I don't think Gohan can just one shot the power #17 used against him in their last meet, but we have to be aware that there're 2 androids with infinite stamina and Gohan doesn't have an arm. Hmmm... I think 280,000,000 seems fair to less than half #17, at 87% of 1 arm Gohan. Now 2 arms Gohan is considerably below that, I generally have him at 100% Freeza or Namek SSJ Goku, so I'm gonna say Mecha Freeza would win here after somewhat after a tough battle. It also depends if he still has his shitty stamina.
Didn't Freeza run out of stamina because he was already fucked up by the Spirit Bomb and had to use his reserves?
One thing, I think people could perhaps consider when thinking this way is that the special-chapter wasn't actually published until Cell turned perfect in Weekly-Shounen-Jump, so by that time people were already used to Super-Saiyan and getting surpassed, but I see your point chronologically-talking.GreatSaiyaman123 said:I think SSJ Gohan should be able to take this after a pretty hard time. Even though he has nothing directly proving his worth, all the hype about the Cyborgs loses weight if he's weaker than Goku and Freeza. 17 beating him up is the wayhas to say "Hey guys, remember the SSJ? Look at his against the new bad guys..." I think something like this looks really good:
Organic Freeza: 360
SSJ Goku: 375
Cyborg Freeza/SSJ Gohan (Two): 400
Future 17 (40%): 500
SSJ Gohan (One)/SSJ Trunks: 600
SSJ Goku (Yardrat): 675
Dr. Fearless said:Of course, if it would be pretty stupid for him to fight the Androids who probably killed SSjin Vegeta > Cyborg Freeza.
GreatSaiyaman123 said:Dr. Fearless said:Of course, if it would be pretty stupid for him to fight the Androids who probably killed SSjin Vegeta > Cyborg Freeza.
I dunno Vegeta was a SSJ. Without Trunks to prove there no "The one" he didn't has the right motivation. And if he was, why he would be a above Freeza?
Dr. Fearless said:GreatSaiyaman123 said:Dr. Fearless said:Of course, if it would be pretty stupid for him to fight the Androids who probably killed SSjin Vegeta > Cyborg Freeza.
I dunno Vegeta was a SSJ. Without Trunks to prove there no "The one" he didn't has the right motivation. And if he was, why he would be a above Freeza?
What do you mean by ''the one''?
Also why wouldn't Vegeta be stronger than Freeza after 3 years of training? His new mission post Freeza is to learn the SSjin form and surpass Goku.
Nope, Vegeta's new goal was to see the SSjin form from his eyes and even help the Z fighters how to summon Goku and Krillin since once they're body is on Namek and got destroyed too.GreatSaiyaman123 said:Dr. Fearless said:GreatSaiyaman123 said:I dunno Vegeta was a SSJ. Without Trunks to prove there no "The one" he didn't has the right motivation. And if he was, why he would be a above Freeza?
What do you mean by ''the one''?
Also why wouldn't Vegeta be stronger than Freeza after 3 years of training? His new mission post Freeza is to learn the SSjin form and surpass Goku.
Wasn't the whole thing about the SSJ on Freeza Arc that he was a powerful warriors that appears once in 1,000 years? Goku turning into the SSJ pretty much crushed Vegeta's hope on being a SSJ until Trunks came.
Dr. Fearless said:Of course, if it would be pretty stupid for him to fight the Androids who probably killed SSjin Vegeta > Cyborg Freeza.
KyuubiAhri said:Dr. Fearless said:Of course, if it would be pretty stupid for him to fight the Androids who probably killed SSjin Vegeta > Cyborg Freeza.
was vegeta even a super saiyan?
Dr. Fearless said:KyuubiAhri said:Dr. Fearless said:Of course, if it would be pretty stupid for him to fight the Androids who probably killed SSjin Vegeta > Cyborg Freeza.
was vegeta even a super saiyan?
Yes because it's impossible for him not to be a SSjin.