Dr. Fearless said:
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Wasn't the whole thing about the SSJ on Freeza Arc that he was a powerful warriors that appears once in 1,000 years? Goku turning into the SSJ pretty much crushed Vegeta's hope on being a SSJ until Trunks came.
Nope, Vegeta's new goal was to see the SSjin form from his eyes and even help the Z fighters how to summon Goku and Krillin since once they're body is on Namek and got destroyed too.
A Super Saiyan appears once every thousand years… a Saiyan who overcomes the wall which no warrior, no matter how gifted, can overcome…That’s supposed to just be a stupid tradition…And even if the legend were true…only I would have the potential to become a Super Saiyan.
This is what Vegeta says after Goku knocks Recoome out: There is only one Super Saiyan on each 1,000 years. What Vegeta wanting to see the SSJ with his eyes has to do with this? He still sees him as a SSJ taking out Freeza and Cold, anyway. And he thinks Goku is the Legendary Super Saiyan, not him. He had zero hope on turning a SSJ after this.