SSj Goku (Cell-Games) vs Blow-Jack

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Pakl said:
Haha come on CC, Thats just looking at things too deep.
Coming from the guy who made the equivalent of a University dissertation on Movie 8 Broly?

Not that Piccolo is stronger. Dont be ridiculous here.
Despite the fact he's been stronger than base Goku at no less than 2 points in the series and is known for making massive training gains?

While I agree Goku got some zenkai, its never stated or anything.
For what it's worth, Budokai Tenkaichi 2's story mode states he indeed got a Zenkai. That's not much, but it's better than nothing, plus his two performances against base Coola support it when I'd hardly say his initial defeat was an off-guard one.

What are you talking about? When Gohan first fought Cell, he later didnt want to fight him which is why Cell made the Cell Jrs plan.
Yes, and then he learnt not to hold back his anger after #16's death and showed no character flaw of holding back in the Boo Arc. If Gohan went back to how he was before going SS2, that would be character regression, plain and simple.

Ughh ok, Base Bojack clearly cant tank Gokus IT KHH, at least not canon wise. So what? We are arguing over Base Bojacks strength.
The title of the thread would suggest we're discussing how an actual fight between them would play out, not just who the bigger power is. There's more to discussing versus match ups than just numbers.

Tullece being a saiyan is not because he is based on Vegeta from the Saiyan arc but because TOEI chose to make such a charactrr. Not to mention he can be based on Namek arc Vegeta too if you want to look at him that way. Doesnt change the fact that M2 is based on late Saiyan Arc and M3 ia based on Namek arc.

Slug was a Namekian, yet he was not based on Piccolo Daimao in terms of strength. You tend to complicate things and get into new arguments which are off topic and irrelevant.
You said each movie villain is based on a canon one, I'm simply providing the evidence of who they were based on from a narrative standpoint, as Toei clearly don't care about having them match up 100% to the latest big power level in canon.

If you're wanting me to play by your rules of only caring about things from a power perspective, Tullece still isn't a good match up for the Namek Arc due to his power up not exactly equalling either level of 1st form Freeza from what information we're given. He'd either end up somewhere below him or somwhere significantly above most likely, especially taking into account him eating a second fruit.

The one complicating things is you by not making it clear exactly what you want to discuss, as you would've had far less problems by specifying "purely in terms of strength". I'm just serving as an example to you on the multiple interpretations of a sentence if you make the structure too broad. The main point of debate is to improve upon yourself. I am simply trying to help you.

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