SSJB Vegetto (FT arc) vs Hakaishin Toppo


Low Class Warrior
Jun 28, 2016
Toppo probably wins this with minimal difficulty. SSB Vegetto is pretty overrated in my opinion; I honestly feel that even SSJ2 Kefla possesses the capability to wreck him.

As the ToP progressed, both Goku and Vegeta had seemingly far surpassed the caliber they were at when they faced Merged Zamasu. Though the degree of which this took place was shrouded by ambiguity, it seems plausible enough that both Saiyans in their respective forms (SSB Goku Kaioken x20 and Super Saiyan Royal Blue Vegeta) had reached a level that was more or less on par with the SSB Vegetto that took on Zamasu.

Toppo was trouncing Super Saiyan Royal Blue Vegeta, so that in-turn puts him a good deal above SSB Goku Kaioken x20. While neither of these factors undoubtedly secure Toppo a win, they are solid implications that strongly support his prominence on the power scale; given how much Goku and Vegeta had likely progressed. Of course, there is always that chance that neither Saiyan (barring UI Goku) had actually reached SSB Vegetto-tier; in which case, Toppo stomping Vegeta as easily as he did wouldn't merit as much credibility. But all in all, I'd say the odds are definitely in Toppo's favor.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
SSJB Vegetto is Galu and Vegeta's power added and multiplied by tens of times so he'd be multiple times above any level of Kaioken Goku, even considering post-Zamasu arc gains. I'd say Vegetto has the edge here.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Idea of Gaslight said:
SSJB Vegetto is Galu and Vegeta's power added and multiplied by tens of times so he'd be multiple times above any level of Kaioken Goku, even considering post-Zamasu arc gains. I'd say Vegetto has the edge here.

True. I am also starting to think Vegetto was holding back against Zamasu, and at full power he would be Beerus level like the manga. Goku with unknown variant of Kaioken (possibly x10) kicked the shit out of him and I didn't get the impression that Zamasu got too much stronger after growing those purple arms.

I'd also like to think Toei is smart enough to know that a SSJB fusion would be stronger than a fusion of two girls far below Goku's God form.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Idea of Gaslight said:
SSJB Vegetto is Galu and Vegeta's power added and multiplied by tens of times so he'd be multiple times above any level of Kaioken Goku, even considering post-Zamasu arc gains. I'd say Vegetto has the edge here.

True. I am also starting to think Vegetto was holding back against Zamasu, and at full power he would be Beerus level like the manga. Goku with unknown variant of Kaioken (possibly x10) kicked the shit out of him and I didn't get the impression that Zamasu got too much stronger after growing those purple arms.

I'd also like to think Toei is smart enough to know that a SSJB fusion would be stronger than a fusion of two girls far below his God form.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Toppo does get cucked. Vegetto is still top tier God of Destruction level for me, anime or manga. Toppo at his best is mid-tier, and low tier realistically.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Toppo wins. He should be on a similar tier to Initial UI Goku at the very least based on being stated several times to practically be a Hakaishin and Initial Jiren being stated to be far above any previous foe (ie. Infinite Zamasu) would place them solidly above Anime SSB Vegetto, unless you for some reason believe Vegetto was pretending to put in effort against Mutated Zamasu.

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