p123 said:
How can fucking Vegetto go Super Saiyan Blue and not be ridiculously stronger than everyone?
You'd think, right? But nah. From face value feats, you'd think SSBKK Goku is on the same level as Merged Zamasu and SSB Vegetto, and let's not even get into fucking Superhero Trunks. In order to explain this shit powerscaling, you'd have to say Zamasu was toying with the Saiyans (nevermind the fact that he got pissed at Vegeta and Trunks, and then got half his fucking body blown off by Goku while clearly trying to overpower the guy), got taken by surprise by the Kaio-ken technique (sure, whatever), and then used his real power against Vegetto...and got even stronger when he went giant at the cost of speed.
Merged Zamasu (Giant) > Merged Zamasu (full power/Light of Justice?) > Merged Zamasu (toying/initial)
But, that leads to more issues, such as his initial power being stated to be "endless" and stronger than any God that Gowasu has sensed in his lifetime (which also leads to the debate about if he sensed Beerus' full power and all that jazz). If he was already THAT strong, then does that mean SSBKK Goku as well as the team of SSB Vegeta & SSj2 Trunks are also that strong? And if they're not, that means Zamasu formed into this amazingly powerful dude, and then silently suppressed himself for fuck-all reason...because he wanted to toy with the Saiyans...after becoming so desperate as to merge in the first place? Ugh.
I digress. Everything from Zamasu and Black merging up until Zamasu is completely erased is complete bullshit powerscale-wise, at least in the anime. We'll see if Toyotaro does anything differently in the manga.