Steve Austin (1998 - 1999) vs UnderTaker (at his best)

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
shchavkyossj2 said:
you've lost the right to put "2", "4" and "kewl" and "u" in a sentence together

Yeh it's good.

And how do you have a "legitimate dispute" with the images? lol
do I need a solicitor
why have i lost the right :'( :'( :'(

bro i can't live without it

it's kewl 2 knw that u like talking 2 me too (sry wolf)

i appreciated what u did for me way back when (as far as forum times goes)

i can't say how i have a dispute with those images, because u'd think i'd have a screw loose, l0l

basically i have a bit of a mental problem, i think (ocd??? i'm not sure. i haven't ever went to check, l0l)


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
I didn't do anything lol. Unless you mean when people didn't like you on F or something.

I had OCD. Didn't effect me on forums much, except for giving me weird sentence structures sometimes and making me not wanna use certain punctuation.

No point me having sigs then.
Fak would be good if I could get this phone unlocked soon so I can use whatsapp and viber....mainly whatsapp.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
shchavkyossj2 said:
I didn't do anything lol. Unless you mean when people didn't like you on F or something.

I had OCD. Didn't effect me on forums much, except for giving me weird sentence structures sometimes and making me not wanna use certain punctuation.

No point me having sigs then.
Fak would be good if I could get this phone unlocked soon so I can use whatsapp and viber....mainly whatsapp.
ye u were like 1 of the ppl that always was good to me

& i've talked to my friends too & they also said u were like 1 of the few nice ppl when they joined (back when other ppl weren't being so nice), bcoz u are always good. chase said that, too i think.

i also remember a time when u defended me of an evil member. he was being evil & u were like "stop being an asshole" or something like that, l0l

i can't remember. like i said my recent memory is shit, so i can't tell maybe i dreamt it or something, l0l

that would fit, u as the knight in shining armour coming in defence (or rescue) of me, the princess.

*awkward silence*

ooooooooooook that was obvsly a joke

i mean the prince saving princess thing

but i gave u a shout-out on my dbzf interview too

i said what i just said here there

if u want the link i can give u

u had ocd? how did u get rid off it, l0l?

why don't u go on dbzf & ask there on there section? they could help?

what do u want to use whatsapp for?


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
no comment on the prince thing....

I'm reading it. So lonnnng. I like that though....a lot of people just do short answers.

Whatsapp because it could be useful to talk to people from dbzf without actually having to go on there, useful to talk to my cousins and maybe family friends/friends a little bit who are in USA (if they have smartphones, not sure) and PK and useful because my relatives in the UK use it a lot to talk about stuff and send pictures/videos but I'm not able to see what's going on.

OCD dunno breathing might help. Like breathing in your spare time yoga style using your abdomen, to relieve some stress that might be there subconsciously. And maybe being aware of each different compulsion individually and thinking about whether they even make sense. Trying to quickly think about other stuff by immersing yourself in something (like a video or music) might be good. It was a while ago tbh. Maybe 1 year ago.

Would look so bad if I went on dbzf just to ask about my phone lol. Doubt they will know anyway.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
shchavkyossj2 said:
no comment on the prince thing....

I'm reading it. So lonnnng. I like that though....a lot of people just do short answers.

Whatsapp because it could be useful to talk to people from dbzf without actually having to go on there, useful to talk to my cousins and maybe family friends/friends a little bit who are in USA (if they have smartphones, not sure) and PK and useful because my relatives in the UK use it a lot to talk about stuff and send pictures/videos but I'm not able to see what's going on.

OCD dunno breathing might help. Like breathing in your spare time yoga style using your abdomen, to relieve some stress that might be there subconsciously. And maybe being aware of each different compulsion individually and thinking about whether they even make sense. Trying to quickly think about other stuff by immersing yourself in something (like a video or music) might be good. It was a while ago tbh. Maybe 1 year ago.

Would look so bad if I went on dbzf just to ask about my phone lol. Doubt they will know anyway.

is using whatsapp easier than dbzf???

i haven't used it so i don't know. sounds like it'd be kewl to have.

i do breathe in my spare time

l0l jk i think i get wat u mean

i might use it for me, if i do have it

i think they'd be happy to have u back. u were & are so kewl. like rly.

there are some tech-savvy ppl there i think they could help u, but only if u want obvsly.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
when you said to Emmeth "so ye u might not be all that strict but 2 strict 4 me" I lost it was too much like "2kewl4u. Couldn't laugh though cuz it was about 3:30am and also the window is open (also just realised there are no pigeons).

Whatsapp is good for talking to individuals or small groups I guess and I don't have to worry about not being quick enough to reply (like taking a week or 1 or 2 days) and getting ninja'd by everyone talking about other things and don't have to bother with annoying parts of the forum and can talk to people who aren't on forums much like Wolfy. Was gonna say Sasuke but he doesn't even know what whatsapp is. Wut.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
shchavkyossj2 said:
when you said to Emmeth "so ye u might not be all that strict but 2 strict 4 me" I lost it was too much like "2kewl4u. Couldn't laugh though cuz it was about 3:30am and also the window is open (also just realised there are no pigeons).

Whatsapp is good for talking to individuals or small groups I guess and I don't have to worry about not being quick enough to reply (like taking a week or 1 or 2 days) and getting ninja'd by everyone talking about other things and don't have to bother with annoying parts of the forum and can talk to people who aren't on forums much like Wolfy. Was gonna say Sasuke but he doesn't even know what whatsapp is. Wut.

that sounds kewl. if i want to use it, can i use it on an ipad but have to download some kind of app or something? or do i have to just sign-up?

not saying i will for sure, just asking.

also why u always so rare on forums these days?

& u always really like way l8er in replying, l0l

also i knw how it is not to want to laugh out loud at night when being on the forum or serving the Internet

my parents always think i'm asleep

it's 03:51 a.m here now, l0l


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Why did SG dislike your post?
Whatsapp is an app and isn't released officially for tablets although you can get it on there I know with some method (well I just looked online tbh).

Rarely on forums because of internet (my mum's brother's GF is moving house in a week and a half so then I won't have this internet from across the street) and cuz on here I didn't know what to post anyway.

I remember when I watched Dragon Ball and DBZ I went to *sleep* and then got up and watched DB for like 8 hours lol. That was like 5 years ago though.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
shchavkyossj2 said:
Why did SG dislike your post?
Whatsapp is an app and isn't released officially for tablets although you can get it on there I know with some method (well I just looked online tbh).

Rarely on forums because of internet (my mum's brother's GF is moving house in a week and a half so then I won't have this internet from across the street) and cuz on here I didn't know what to post anyway.

I remember when I watched Dragon Ball and DBZ I went to *sleep* and then got up and watched DB for like 8 hours lol. That was like 5 years ago though.

he does that time sometimes. i think it's just a joke.

whatsapp sounds good. i might use it, but hopefully there won't be some kind of scam or virus filled version out there. i'd fuck the company up if it was, l0l jk.

does ur mother's brother's partner have internet? are u using hers? or are u moving with or something, l0l?

was that the 1st time u watched db?


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
I'm intimidated by his (her? Well you said "he" too anyway) dislikes. Even though they're on your posts.

She has internet yeh. Sky. I'm used her internet now. I can 4 bars out of 5 of my uncle's laptop from my bedroom if I put the laptop on the ironing board near the window, although it drops to like 2 bars if I move it to the wrong places/positions.

Yeh that was when I first watched DB. I watched some DBZ on TV when I was a kid (like 5-8 years old) and watched Fusion Reborn when I was 8 in 2001 or 2002 with my neighbour/family friend who downloaded it via torrent I think. Then for some reason I was online reading about DB stuff - dunno how - and then reading the DB Wiki made me think it was an interesting franchise and that it was pretty vast and complicated (at least more than what I expected) so I started watching DB English Funimation dubbed. Then I watched DBZ mostly Funimation but I started watching in Japanese during the episode in which Buu gives the blind kid sight (in the Funimation dub he's just sick/ill or something) since I always downloaded a tri-audio DBZ Remastered file that had the Japanese version as one of the audio tracks. Joined F while watching the Buu Saga.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
shchavkyossj2 said:
I'm intimidated by his (her? Well you said "he" too anyway) dislikes. Even though they're on your posts.

She has internet yeh. Sky. I'm used her internet now. I can 4 bars out of 5 of my uncle's laptop from my bedroom if I put the laptop on the ironing board near the window, although it drops to like 2 bars if I move it to the wrong places/positions.

Yeh that was when I first watched DB. I watched some DBZ on TV when I was a kid (like 5-8 years old) and watched Fusion Reborn when I was 8 in 2001 or 2002 with my neighbour/family friend who downloaded it via torrent I think. Then for some reason I was online reading about DB stuff - dunno how - and then reading the DB Wiki made me think it was an interesting franchise and that it was pretty vast and complicated (at least more than what I expected) so I started watching DB English Funimation dubbed. Then I watched DBZ mostly Funimation but I started watching in Japanese during the episode in which Buu gives the blind kid sight (in the Funimation dub he's just sick/ill or something) since I always downloaded a tri-audio DBZ Remastered file that had the Japanese version as one of the audio tracks. Joined F while watching the Buu Saga.
l0l sg isn't that scary, tho

i think he's just joking & ye he is a male, l0l

by bars do u mean, like charging bars? so how much charge u have?

i watched db when i was a child. what was ur fav db movie?

wolf plz dbzf, maybe? :( :( :(


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
I mean bars like how many bars of signal. l0! I have 4 bars right now. If I was on a smartphone I'd get less since they don't pick up signal as easily as laptops usually. Some laptops pick it up better than others though, like in at my cousins' place my annoying cousin had an i3 Dell laptop and his dad had an i5 one and the i5 one and the latter picked up more signal when in a different room to the internet stick (looked it up and it's called a "dongle". Doesn't sound much better than "stick").
For charge I have a charger and electricity (just got some more about 10 minutes ago. n00b at the counter said the gas card doesn't work though so dunno....not that I need more any time soon. Works on my machine downstairs that you stick the card in to add more money though. If ya get me.

Didn't watch any DB movies (although I started watching the Ruby one) but for DBZ I guess the 8th one was good apart from the ending. I've watched the Slug and 2nd Broly movie the most (I like Gohan in that movie). The funniest is the Android movie since Goku gets punched in the groin and Vegeta screams a lot not that long after making his epic entrance (one of my favourite ever DBZ entrances). Really the movies kinda suck to me.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
shchavkyossj2 said:
I mean bars like how many bars of signal. l0! I have 4 bars right now. If I was on a smartphone I'd get less since they don't pick up signal as easily as laptops usually. Some laptops pick it up better than others though, like in at my cousins' place my annoying cousin had an i3 Dell laptop and his dad had an i5 one and the i5 one and the latter picked up more signal when in a different room to the internet stick (looked it up and it's called a "dongle". Doesn't sound much better than "stick").
For charge I have a charger and electricity (just got some more about 10 minutes ago. n00b at the counter said the gas card doesn't work though so dunno....not that I need more any time soon. Works on my machine downstairs that you stick the card in to add more money though. If ya get me.

Didn't watch any DB movies (although I started watching the Ruby one) but for DBZ I guess the 8th one was good apart from the ending. I've watched the Slug and 2nd Broly movie the most (I like Gohan in that movie). The funniest is the Android movie since Goku gets punched in the groin and Vegeta screams a lot not that long after making his epic entrance (one of my favourite ever DBZ entrances). Really the movies kinda suck to me.
so u mean bars, like how much signal u can get? & the better & faster the internet works for u?

l0l when u said i3 dell laptop, i thought of some dell sandwich that u can get from mcdonald's.

why u call the gas person a n00b? that's evil :'(

ye i meant db movies as in all db related movies (the franchisee db)

& ye i don't like many of the movies, either

so ye i get u on that

also wolffanghameha plz come to dbzf if u want? :'(

i replied :'(


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
I swear you didn't reply here 41 minutes ago....says you did though

dell sandwich? Guessing you mean a deli? Int that from German?
Yes it is, looked it up.

fak mcdolands

you like WWE movies?
edit: yeh I replied on F and listened to a bunch of long songs before finishing with this post

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
shchavkyossj2 said:
I swear you didn't reply here 41 minutes ago....says you did though

dell sandwich? Guessing you mean a deli? Int that from German?
Yes it is, looked it up.

fak mcdolands

you like WWE movies?
edit: yeh I replied on F and listened to a bunch of long songs before finishing with this post

ye that's what i meant. i didn't knw that was from germany, tho. the name makes it sound indian or something like that (isn't there a city called delli, l0l)l

they are better than kfc or starbucks or maybe even burger-king.

wwe movies, l0l. i don't i ever rly watched 1 srsly.

i saw 12 rounds once, with cena in it. i didn't rly like it, i don't think.

l0l wolf plz be there again if u want. i didn't see the notification & only saw it 20 minutes l8er, but i did reply.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
wow WWE movies really exist....didn't think it


they all suck

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
they do, l0l

also now it makes sense

when thinking of "deli" as an abbreviation then ye

in germany we call them Delikatessen

they are good, tho

i think

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