Super Saiyan God ~ <1/10th SSJB?


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
[mention]Super Saiyan[/mention] 4/10. Gotta speed this thing up.

Ch. 13, pg.18.1-2
Context: Whis continuing to explain how Hit is losing
Beerus: “But Vegeta couldn’t do that even in Super Saiyan Blue.”
Whis: “Back then, he wasn’t even able to perform at 10 percent of Super Saiyan Blue’s usual strength. That form is something you can only use a few times in a single day. It consumes too much energy.”
Beerus: “So, you’re saying Goku’s God form surpasses that of Vegeta’s Blue form earlier, just as it’s already surpassed Hit…? Is that it…?”
Whis: “Yes, possibly.”

So SSJG Goku >= SSJB Vegeta > Hit > SSJ Goku? Granted this might place too much of a gap for SSJ Goku to keep up, but this isn’t very different from Base Goku keeping up only somewhat worse earlier.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
SSJ Goku seemed equal to Hit.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
It's shown that Hit's Time Skip can't make up for the gap between SSG and SSB, which isn't as great as the other Super Saiyan forms are to each other when considering Vegeta still had time to instantly switch between God and Blue and react to SSR Black's attacks. That said, the gap between SSJ Goku (who was stated to be superior to Hit in raw power) and Less than 10% SSB Vegeta is less than that between SSG and SSB.

In other words, SSG Goku >>> Initial Hit's Time Skip >> ~10% SSB Vegeta > SSJ Goku > Initial Hit.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
[mention]Captain Cadaver[/mention] Goku also had plenty of time to power up and down ten times when fighting the Ginyu Tokusentai though. In hindsight Whis might have been taking into account the blue power they only mastered with PSSJB rather than the initial SSJB power, but Vegeta vs Hit is still "possibly" weaker than SSJG Goku though.

When was it stated Goku had the upperhand on Hit? He was getting by just by outpacing and outsmarting Hit alone. Base Goku did the same thing with a less serious Hit.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Goku also had plenty of time to power up and down ten times when fighting the Ginyu Tokusentai though.
What he can do at varying levels of his base form is a completely different situation to how he can react in two different transformations. It's not as though having access to SS3 bolstered Goku's reactions in SS2 against Majin Vegeta, for instance.

In hindsight Whis might have been taking into account the blue power they only mastered with PSSJB rather than the initial SSJB power, but Vegeta vs Hit is still "possibly" weaker than SSJG Goku though.
Seems like a bit of a stretch. Sure, Whis is an expert martial artist, but to say he had that much insight on the form's latent power doesn't seem that likely when he gave little indication of there being far more power than it could amass at the surface.

When was it stated Goku had the upperhand on Hit?


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
What he can do at varying levels of his base form is a completely different situation to how he can react in two different transformations. It's not as though having access to SS3 bolstered Goku's reactions in SS2 against Majin Vegeta, for instance.

There’s only two levels he uses though: The one he wants people to see and the one he needs to keep up with them. It’s the same kind of swing as going back and forth between two forms. Or are you implying Goku would keep his full power reflexes while suppressed? Because his fight with Tenshinhan at the 23rd implies the opposite. He was totally too fast for a suppressed and weighted Goku.

Seems like a bit of a stretch. Sure, Whis is an expert martial artist, but to say he had that much insight on the form's latent power doesn't seem that likely when he gave little indication of there being far more power than it could amass at the surface.

But the power of SSJB isn’t a “latent power” they still hard to work towards, it’s just the full power they wouldn’t dare using due to strain. Think of it as Freeza’s 100% power compared to his 70 or 50% powers, instead of his lower transformations.

When was it stated Goku had the upperhand on Hit?

He’s supposed to be stronger than “this” because he’s got 4 transformations up his sleeve. Beerus even complains Goku took too long to go Blue around these pages.

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