Super-Saiyan Goku-Black (post-Zenkai) vs Hit

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Paladin said:
Pyro said:
I don't give a damn about this manga-anime comparison!

SSJ Black >> SSJB Vegeta (FT arc)

I'm not sure they were that far apart, considering Vegeta still did enough damage to him to warrant another healing from Zamas which pushed him into Rose.

I'm not sure how Black is going to counter Hit, but he is definitely a lot stronger than him. :idk
If he is Blue tier he should definitely be way out of his league, enough for the time-skip not to be effective against him. Hit could use his other techniques he wasn't allowed to use though.

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That was almost an incredible promo by John Cena. Almost.
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