MysticGoku said:
Its pretty clear that:
Android 19 and 20 > mecha saga Ssj's >> piccolo
Piccolo >> 20 pre so do you think he is stronger than trunks?
It's never ever stated, that 19 and 20 are stronger than SSJs or even Freeza.
Heck, the opposite is implied when Freeza and Trunks are used as a benchmark for 17 and 18's strength.
ahill1 said:
I think it's best just ignore this GokhanDBZfan, he's doing it on purpose. Papasmurf and many others already showed him the evidences and all he has to say is: "it doesn't matter". I smell a troll here.
I am offended by this comment.
The point of a discussion is to share and debate differening opinions, not to confirm each other's opinion.
Yet you implied I was trolling, just because I have dissenting interprentation of the manga.