The Boo Arc happened by the Cell Games?


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
The moment Gohan turns Super Saiyan 2, :bitch and Yamu butt in and drain Gohan. Kaioshin and Kibito appear, revive Gohan and explain the situation, asking their help to defeat Babidi. What happens next?


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016
Nobody would do enough damage to revive Boo if SS Gohan and Dabura contributed next to nothing. SS2 Gohan could dispose of Babidi and Dabura.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Cell would stop them from leaving, causing Gohan to kill the Cell Juniors and their father without delay. Gohan would therefore not have the time to track Spopovich and Yamu, leading to the other fighters tracking the pair. After that, the Babidi's spaceship events likely happen with the 3-man roster being changed to Goku, Vegeta and Trunks. Taking things more seriously due to not being so far above Dabura, if at all, Goku would either kill Dabura with a Shunkan Ido Kamehameha or wait until Gohan got there. Babidi is killed, Boo isn't revived and Kuririn doesn't get his cyborg waifu (at least not as quickly as in canon).

Over a decade later, Beerus appears and the events of Super take place relatively the same aside from Galu's rematch with Beerus having less tension beforehand due to Beerus leaving the party on good terms after getting his pudding. I imagine #17 and #18 would still be scouted for the team regardless of where the Cell Games' conclusion took their characters, so Universe 7 still wins the ToP. Only real change to the plot is that Vegeta wouldn't be as open about is familial attatchments, so no resolve boost against Toppo or Jiren (which the manga may not have anyway).


Jun 19, 2015
1. Cell or anyone else do the reasonable thing and kill Spoppo/Yamu before they can do their stuff.
Cell Games happen as normal. No Buu Saga. Golden Freeza fucks everyone.

2. They take SSJ2 Gohan's energy and leave.
Kaioshin explains the situation. Cell decides to call the tournament and follow them to Babidi's spaceship for the fun of it. Eventually, Cell is majinized. For plot sake, he reaches his post zenkai level. He and Gohan are transported by Babidi somewhere to fight each other while the rest of the gang is trying to stop Buu from being revived. Cell Jrs probably help too.
Buu awakens. Cell Jrs are his first victims. Like Majin Vegeta did to Goku in canon, Cell knocks Gohan unconscious and goes to fight Buu alone. Seeing he is outmatched, he resorts to selfdestruct. He has gone mad of rage and does not care about Earth's fate; he only wants to destroy Buu. Goku teleports with Cell to Kai's planet and finds a way to trick Buu into holding his hand so that he gets teleported too. Buu regenerates, but so does Cell.
Cell teleports Buu back to Earth. He has got a zenkai and reached SSJ3 level. The fight continues, but Cell now has the upper hand. Eventually, he realizes Buu can easily be manipulated and talks him into killing Babidi.
After all that fun he had, Cell relaxes a little, starts liking Buu and decides to become his friend and teacher. They both stay at Earth. Because of that, Goku does not ask the group not to revive him, so he comes back too.
Satan does not get fame, so Gohan probably never meets Videl. Years later, when Beerus shows up, Cell is the one to become SSJ God. Nevertheless, after the fight with Beerus, Goku, Vegeta and Cell all become Beeruses/Whisses students. Golden Freeza is defeated even easier than in canon. U6 tournament is won even easier than in canon.
If Zamasu decides to proceed to Zero Mortal Plan, he probably takes Cell's body, but he is still defeated in the end. About TOP, I don't know. Maybe Cell takes Goku's place during the final battle against Jiren. Also, there is a chance the stakes aren't as high as in canon, since Cell can always spawn some Cell Jrs for Zeno(s) to play with and be distracted from erasing universes.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
I think Majin Cell would be a thing then fights Gohan with Goku and the others fighting Dabura. Majin Buu will destroy them all.

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