Toyotaro #17 vs Super-Saiyan 3 Goku


Mid Class Warrior
Nov 16, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
Fantastische Hure said:
but you could argue Hit was holding-back more since he knew Goku could also transform into the Blue state.
I don't think even that would hold up, considering Hit's character. He just wanted to get his job done and only found enough fun in the battle to offer some courtesy once Goku went Blue, which beforehand, Hit would've probably expected to go down the same way it did with Vegeta. There's also Base Goku/Vegeta surviving hits from Merged Zamasu, which whilst bullshit no matter how you look at it, still points to the Base Saiyans not being hundreds of times weaker than their God forms.

Works best just to have the current Base Saiyans having God Ki in terms of feat consistency manga-wise.
Manga-wise I agree that the base state was increased after the god power up for both Goku and Vegeta, but only the base state, the other SSJ forms seem to have the same power they achieved pre-God phase.
That being said, Hit was totally confident in his time-skip ability, so Goku anticipating his movements took him by surprise (and this has always had a big effect in favour of the one giving the "surprise"). Hit's real strength once he took into account that with his timeskip alone wouldn't be enough was more comparable to a SSJ3+.
At full power he was at SSJGod levels of strength more or less (that's why Goku went Blue I assume).

Regarding them surviving Zamasu, he was torturing Goku and Vegeta without killing them on purpose. Manga Zamasu is quite an interesting character, he isn't your typical sadistic bad guy but he acted out of hatred. Even when he tossed out Mai he did it with a serious face you normally see when a fighter is giving it all (in DB at least).


High Class Warrior
Aug 18, 2016
freezamite said:
Keedounan said:
That is false, though.

In the manga, they are cyborgs, which means that they are humans improved by mechanical parts. They were later retconned into being modified by artificial cells. This change helps to explain why their cells are special enough to become Perfect Cell, so it was probably for the better. In either case, #17 and #18 were never supposed to be machines like #16 or #17. They were simply enhanced humans. Therefore, they ARE capable of getting stronger.

However, the thing that makes no sense is how strong #17 become with so little training, especially when there was no indication of his potential being just that high. His case isn't as extreme as Freeza, though.
already at FPSSJ levels of power,


Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Who would you say wins this? :troll :troll :troll
Considering Galu's reaction to #17's blast and desperately wanting to stop the fight, it's safe to say he can't take #17 with just SS3. Not only that, but the drain of SS3 against #17's infinite energy would make this fairly even match become a stomp pretty quickly.