GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Where's Freeza Arc @Captain Cadaver
Was waiting until someone else replied or contributed to the topic before continuing.
Part 4 - Freeza Arc
When the group arrive on Namek, they kill the scouts before they can attack their ship. They then sense Freeza as in canon, with Raditz ordering to hide. Goku agrees, knowing their training still isn't enough to conquer Freeza and they go the same route as in canon. Vegeta also arrives and kills Cui. When arriving at Dende's village, things become quite different when Gohan's rage gets the better of him. His far greater power at this point causes his kick to not send Dodoria reeling back, but rip his head clean off. With little alternative, Goku grabs Dende whilst Yamcha distracts Freeza with a Ki blast, one that kills Zarbon and any of the other soldiers in the process. They then all attempt to escape, though the fairly annoyed Freeza pursues them. Kuririn is able to distract him with a Taiyoken and the group escapes. Once having recovered, Freeza recollects that one of the fleeing enemies seemed to be Raditz and another looked like the Saiyan who once opposed him. Believing Vegeta may have organised some kind of secret coup and being shocked at how strong his small group has become, he immediately heads back to his ship to call the Ginyu Tokusentai along with the bulk of the Freeza Force, as well as put in a word to his father to keep close to the system should something unexpected require his assistance.
Meanwhile, it doesn't take long for Vegeta to sense such massive Ki and be found by Goku. Enraged that lower class Saiyans and even humans surpassed him, yet not foolish enough to fight them, he agrees to work with them and not harm the Namekians. Dende takes Goku and Gohan towards Saichoro's house and takes one Senzu whilst Ten and Yamcha guard Bulma from Vegeta. Raditz is given the rest of the Senzu to protect and goes off to scout villages for Namekian survivors. Goku and Gohan get their potential unlocked and with the vast increase in power, they feel confident to go ahead and fight Freeza directly. Saichoro also unlocks Dende's and tells him to head with them in case things don't go as expected. Goku and Gohan quickly arrive to face Freeza, with Goku quickly tooling the tyrant. Upon hearing how Freeza can transform and being confident in his new power, Goku tells Freeza to hurry up and transform. At this point, Goku and Gohan will be in about the million range and together are able to fight 2nd form Freeza, though Freeza's 3rd form quickly overpowers them. Goku tells Gohan to hurry up and run whilst he is quickly brought down by a Death Beam to the heart from Freeza, who then continues to chase the boy. Goku quickly searches for his Senzu and consumes it in just enough time to save his life. Meanwhile, an enraged Gohan stands against Freeza and is able to overpower him, though Freeza quickly transforms into his true form and as he's about to kill Gohan, he's knocked into the sea below by a surprise kick from Goku, even stronger than his base form's peak in the Freeza Arc due to the severity of the Zenkai and his far greater initial strength. He doesn't choose to fight Freeza, however, being aware there's even more to the tyrant's power than he's showing and focuses on retreating until the group can think of a better plan; intercepting Freeza with a Taiyoken if need be. Freeza also chooses not to pursue them, knowing that Vegeta or another one could attack his ship and steal the Dragon Balls and ruin his plans. He decides to wait there until the Ginyus arrive with a new model scouter so he can search for his enemies and erase them with one swift stroke.
As this is going on, Raditz brings the members of Tsuno's village and their Dragon Ball to the hideout. Aware of the severity of the situation, the Namekians of the village all fuse into one Super Namek. Whilst not as strong as the one in the Moro Arc due to being made up of mainly farmers and the elderly rather than warriors who have had time to improve from the Freeza conflict, they are still one of the strongest fighters to face Freeza at the moment. The Namekian then decides to do their duty best, they should fuse into Nail as he is the only true warrior and head to Saichoro's to do so. Nail agrees, but makes it apparent they will not move unless to protect the Grand Elder. Super Namekian Nail then waits to make his move.
Once Dende arrives back at the hideout, the group is caught up with all that is going on. Vegeta then brings up the idea of abusing the Zenkai system and has Goku fatally wound he and Raditz until they've gained all they can from this method, with Vegeta doing the same to Gohan due to Goku's unwillingness to injure his son so severely as well as to Goku himself with Raditz's unwillingness. The humans and Saiyans all head to Saichoro's house in groups too. For simplicity, I'll say Vegeta ends up slightly below Goku, with Raditz somewhat below Vegeta and Gohan far above any of the full blooded Saiyans. The humans all surpass the 1mil mark from their potential unlock, high base power and additional training, though that's about it. With everything done and some time left to train, the group feel ready to attack Freeza after almost 5 days. Freeza will be expecting the Taiyoken at this point, so the plan is for one of the group members who knows the Mafuba to use it on Freeza; with it either trapping him and resolving the conflict, or sacrificing themselves as a worthy distraction. After some debate, Yamcha chooses to be the sacrifice, noting that his experience with life draining techniques like the Kikoho is far better than the other humans and would make him the most likely to succeed with a Mafuba, as well as noting that Kuririn is a far more strategic fighter and that he doesn't have much to live for compared to the family man Ten. He also considers it his penance for having scoffed at his master's way of fighting and slain him for it, now knowing that someone so overwhelmingly powerful isn't to be revered when Yamcha had failed to surpass Piccolo in the past and is now far more helpless against Freeza. Bulma is also brought to her ship and told to retreat to Earth if things become hopeless.
They then launch the assault and Yamcha does his work whilst Vegeta and Ten gather the Dragon Balls in Freeza's possession and flee whilst Yamcha dies failing to seal Freeza. As they do so, however, the Ginyus arrive. Though they could easily kill the entire Ginyu Tokusentai, the group chooses not to waste time when even a single moment could make the difference between successfully fleeing and an enraged Freeza killing them all. They then get back to their hideout to summon Porunga, with Ten and Dende going about making the wish whilst the rest prepare for Freeza's assault. Piccolo is revived and chooses to be brought to Namek due to his pride, quickly becoming aware of how out of his league he was
As the group had been fleeing, Ginyu had tried to lock onto them with his scouter only for it to explode. When presenting Freeza with his scouter, he and his men were told to follow him with the rest of the Freeza Force, using his scouter to get a lock-on to the point they were defending and telling his soldiers to comb the area from above whilst he and the Ginyus move forward. He also patched in a communication to his father to tell him to stay directly above Namek in the case that these Saiyans prove too annoying for him to continue to waste time with. In seeing the sky turn dark, he becomes desperate and quickly catches sight of Porunga.
Meanwhile, the group are debating about the third wish. Vegeta wants immortality, but Raditz objects and says Goku's superior strength makes him a far better candidate for it. Kuririn considers reviving Yamcha, though is told by Goku Freeza won't fall for the Mafuba again. As they're discussing all this, Freeza shows up and wastes no time unleashing 50% of his power and revealing how delightful it will be to finish the Saiyan genocide he started, but is confronted by a new fighter wishing to face him - Piccolo.
Going back slightly in time for a moment, Nail was told by Saichoro there was no longer any point defending him when Freeza was close to the Dragon Balls. He reluctantly agreed and moved to assist the Earthlings, but sensed Piccolo along the way. Noting Piccolo's power after Kaio's training being quite high (let's say stronger than Piccolo would normally be, but weaker than 1st form Freeza) and knowing Piccolo is tied to Earth's Dragon Balls, he allows himself to fuse into Piccolo to make him the last, best hope for Namek.
The fight begins and to everyone's surprise, Piccolo is able to not only contend with Freeza, but overpower him. Observing closely, Goku, Vegeta and Raditz note that his power doubles each time he either attacks or defends, believing he must've learned some advanced technique in the afterlife. In actuality, Piccolo's far greater power and role as Kaio's sole student in this timeline lead to him being taught the Kaioken, though his limited time and focus on improving his core strength as well lead to him only mastering x2 and still using that conservatively. Even using 70%, Freeza cannot fight against this foe and shoots a beam into the sky, a signal to his father. As he does so, Ginyu then uses the Body Change to steal Piccolo's body, with Gurd using his time freeze to make sure Ginyu has a clear shot. Even with poor control of the Namekian's body, Ginyu's power is enough to put the Saiyans into submission and he kills Ten mercilessly. Kuririn launches a Renzoku Kienzan and succeeds in cutting off one of Piccolo's arms and Freeza's tail, though the enraged Freeza then kills him. As the two then begin to set their sights on fighting off the enraged Gohan, Kuririn's death causes Goku to transform into the Super Saiyan. With his far greater power, Goku knocks Piccolo-Ginyu away before pummelling Freeza. Piccolo in Ginyu's body is also struggling with the other Ginyu Tokusentai members until Raditz and Vegeta rush in to kill them all with a surprise attack before eradicating all the Freeza Force surrounding them. As Ginyu attempts to change bodies with Goku, Piccolo gets in the way and returns to his body, speedblizting and killing Ginyu before he can change his plans. As Freeza is getting desperate, however, a new figure descends - Cold. Goku wasn't about to let Freeza gain his full power, but with Cold now here, he doesn't know where to turn his attention to. His experience fighting 2nd form Freeza and Cold's similar appearance to him make Goku worry Cold is holding back more power, and even if he isn't Freeza may power up in the time it takes to kill Cold. On top of that, his newfound Saiyan instincts are wanting to test his power against Freeza, knowing he can win if Freeza previous power really was 70%. Piccolo then steps forward to simplify everything, saying it'll be easier for Goku to just fight Freeza and he'll fight Cold. Goku does just that, with him easily overpowering 100% Freeza and beating him into submission whilst Piccolo's use of Kaioken allows him to overcome Cold after risking bringing his body to x3. Both the Saiyan and Namekian raised on Earth have saved Namek and avenged the killer of the Saiyans...or so it seems. Desperate for victory. Freeza shoots a blast straight into the ground below that goes straight to the core. As in the main timeline, he held back out of some fear, though with his far greater power and less distance, the planet is set to explode in one minute. Goku then tells Dende to wish for everyone but himself to be wished off the planet as he wants to make sure Freeza doesn't survive this and has no time to risk everyone else. With everyone gone, Goku completely destroys Freeza with a Super Dodonpa before searching for the ship he arrived on. Seeing it descend into the sea, he's forced to move towards Freeza's ship and sees one of the Ginyu's pods, heading to Yardrat as in the main timeline.
With things at peace on Earth, Kami uses the Dragon Balls to revive Freeza's victims and Muri uses his new Dragon Balls to bring Kuririn and Ten and Yamcha's souls to Earth for him to be revived 130 days later, with this Kuririn choosing to train at Kaio's in the meantime under Yamcha's request. We'll also say for simplicity that Cranberry isn't revived since he wouldn't be transported to Earth and would've died from lack of oxygen, so no Moro Arc in this what-if (thank god). Piccolo chooses not to go back to Namek as not only does he still have his personality, but he wishes to be somewhere where he can continue to grow stronger with rivals and (though he doesn't admit it) have a friend like Yamcha. As a parting gift to the other Namekians from Tsuno's village, however, he creates an egg with a newborn, non-mutated Namekian inside it to hopefully grow strong enough to protect them from any other crises, with him choosing to name it Nail in honour of the Namekian who helped give him the strength to fight back against Freeza and Cold.
All in all, things are quite peaceful and Goku does return 1 year later. As for the Cell Arc, however, we'll have to see how that goes in the future...