What did you think of the Universe 6 Tournament Saga?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Was the first original DragonBall Super Saga. What did you think?

I think I remember thinking at the time that it was kind-of underwhelming, but maybe I should rewatch to see what I think of it now.

Does this saga compare to any of the sagas from the original DragonBall series?

Also which Saga did you like more this one or Future Trunks Saga? Since I know most people hate the ToP. So in other words was this your favourite Saga from DragonBall Super?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I found it to be even worse than the two arcs that preceded it and tying with the ToP as the worst arc of Super. Even though the other arcs' attempts at tension were poor due to the end of the manga/DBZ plot armouring everyone by default, they at least attempt to provide tension in the case of the main cast's defeat whereas all that will happen if they lose here is....they'll switch to another Universe. Even Goku points out how much it doesn't matter and the only attempt at tension is the allusion to Beerus perhaps erasing the cast out of rage should they lose (which holds no weight when he threatens to erase almost anyone who pisses him off and only follows through half the time). Doesn't help that the safe, tournament aspect makes the lack of stakes even more apparent.

That wouldn't be the case if it at least had a strength to combat this weakness. For instance, the 3 Budokais of the original series used it as an attempt to flesh their cast out more and each Budokai had a vastly different tone and structure to their narrative. The U6 tournament has none of that, with it just being a generic tournament structure and none of the new characters being anything special. Champa and Vados are just fat Beerus and female Whis respectively. Botamo was just a one trick pony copying Buyon and had no personality. Frost is the definition of lazy character writing, with what could've been an interesting take on alternate reality characters being ruined with the bait and switch of him not being a good Freeza, but just Freeza 2.0. who only exists so Vegeta could beat "Freeza", which is a completely unjustified reason for his existence when Toei could've just altered the ending to Super's version of FnF. Magetta was pretty funny with his weakness to insults, but didn't have much going for him and we've already seen the same flaw in Janemba. Cabba was just a relevant Tarble and just looks terrible. The only character who was in any way interesting was Hit, and even he didn't have much going for him by being just a stoic fighter with an assortment of broken techniques that make him applicable as a Gary Stu. Hell, the only reason these characters even existed was so we'd have some familiar opponents in the ToP and so they could use Hit in video games (in other words, a cashgrab).
All in all, even by Super standards, this arc had nothing going for it.

Definitely bottom tier 1/10 material. 0/10 if we were to rate it on a scale of 0 to 10.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I thought Hit vs Galu was good from an animation perspective, although complete bullshit in terms of powerscaling because Hit GaryStu'd his way into nearly matching KKx10 Galu. And... I guess it was nice to see Vegeta care about someone other than Galu and his family? That's about it, since Botamo was forgettable, Magetta feels like an OP Robot Oolong from episode 3 and Frost... well, he's basically a Freeza wannabe in quite literal terms after how he was ousted out of the ToP. :troll

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
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Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
I disagree with CC on this one. The U6 Saga is probably my favorite part of the Super series so far. It doesn't hide the fact that it is an excuse for nothing but big battles. The ToP came about for the same reason, perhaps, but it was more of a retread thanks to this one already happening. As far as story goes, the Goku Black arc is probably the best, although that's not saying much.

Still, this one has more of a simplicity to it that I appreciate. It didn't have to recycle old villains, or rely on constant asspull power ups that we elsewhere during Super. The exceptions being maybe Cabba turning SSJ and Goku's Kaioken Blue, but the latter had already been hinted at while the former didn't really amount to anything. The battles were also simple and didn't overstay their welcome. The one's with Frost, Megetta and Hit found ways to be interesting that didn't just involve new transformations and raising battle power. That, and the stakes weren't the end of the world per say, so it was nice to get away from that. Not every story has to be the destruction of Earth. My biggest gripe just as a fan is it's misuse of Majin Boo, who I felt deserved at least one battle, win or loss, to show his character as a threat one more time.

Some of the newer characters it introduces were okay too in my mind, specifically Cabba and Hit. Not counting the first BoG movie, it's my favorite thing put out so far and about the only part I enjoy rewatching to any extent ( I have gone back for Piccolo vs Frost and Vegeta running the gauntlet). And yeah, also as a Vegeta fan I thought it upped his win/loss record considerably, but that's just the greed talking. Brought back the Galic Gun too, although that was overused later on.

Edit: Something else that Kenshi mentioned which I agree with was seeing Vegeta warm up to Cabba. Not for the emotional standpoint but it made sense for Vegeta to finally take on a pupil, especially one that is a Saiyan.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Southern Gothic said:
Still, this one has more of a simplicity to it that I appreciate. It didn't have to recycle old villains, or rely on constant asspull power ups that we elsewhere during Super.
Frost's the definition of recycling an old villain though. :troll2


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Southern Gothic said:
Still, this one has more of a simplicity to it that I appreciate. It didn't have to recycle old villains, or rely on constant asspull power ups that we elsewhere during Super.
Frost's the definition of recycling an old villain though. :troll2

Nah, he didn't whip out his King Cold form so he's original.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
2kewl4u said:
Was the first original DragonBall Super Saga. What did you think?

I think I remember thinking at the time that it was kind-of underwhelming, but maybe I should rewatch to see what I think of it now.

Does this saga compare to any of the sagas from the original DragonBall series?

Also which Saga did you like more this one or Future Trunks Saga? Since I know most people hate the ToP. So in other words was this your favourite Saga from DragonBall Super?

I like The TournamentOfPower & the overall concept & potential SUPER has, but like the rest of the series i do hate the missed opportunities The TournamentOfPower is plagued with.

I don't really care for Piccolo, but he should've continued his match against Frost.
Vegeta bullying Piccolo into stepping down was so Vegeta but it should not've been allowed.

I don't like HIT because he relies on cheap techniques, & those cheap techniques allow him to stand with the likes of SuperSaiyan Blue Vegeta & SuperSaiyan Kaioken Goku.
HIT should've been crippled but that wasn't the point of the match anyway.

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
Staff member
Global Moderator
Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Southern Gothic said:
Still, this one has more of a simplicity to it that I appreciate. It didn't have to recycle old villains, or rely on constant asspull power ups that we elsewhere during Super.
Frost's the definition of recycling an old villain though. :troll2

Well you got me there, but he was thrown aside so fast I hardly considered Frost a character at all.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Southern Gothic said:
Captain Cadaver said:
Southern Gothic said:
Still, this one has more of a simplicity to it that I appreciate. It didn't have to recycle old villains, or rely on constant asspull power ups that we elsewhere during Super.
Frost's the definition of recycling an old villain though. :troll2

Well you got me there, but he was thrown aside so fast I hardly considered Frost a character at all.
He was a character, but he was quickly discarded.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
The entire U6 arc felt like filler to me.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
10 bucks says that pumping ki into the back bullshit makes it to the manga too when Caulifla reveals how she went SSJ

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
SSJ2 said:
The entire U6 arc felt like filler to me.
That's actually true. I wouldn't have really thought it was canon if it wasn't in the manga and didn't introduce Champa's universe.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
2kewl4u said:
Southern Gothic said:
Captain Cadaver said:
Frost's the definition of recycling an old villain though. :troll2

Well you got me there, but he was thrown aside so fast I hardly considered Frost a character at all.
He was a character, but he was quickly discarded.

True but there was no real need for Frieza lite.
Frost revealing he is actually evil & greedy automatically made him unnecessary.

It would've been alot better if SUPER introduced Cooler as the emperor of Universe 6 instead.

I think what would've been so awesome is if SUPER introduced the DragonBall Z movies into the series with each of the movie enemies being from one of the 12 universes.

That way the crazy high scaling from the DragonBall Z movies could've fit into the crazy high scaling of DragonBall SUPER.
And DragonBall SUPER could've had additional sagas like a Universe 5 Saga introducing Broly.
Then a Universe 8 Saga introducing Janemba.

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