I disagree with CC on this one. The U6 Saga is probably my favorite part of the Super series so far. It doesn't hide the fact that it is an excuse for nothing but big battles. The ToP came about for the same reason, perhaps, but it was more of a retread thanks to this one already happening. As far as story goes, the Goku Black arc is probably the best, although that's not saying much.
Still, this one has more of a simplicity to it that I appreciate. It didn't have to recycle old villains, or rely on constant asspull power ups that we elsewhere during Super. The exceptions being maybe Cabba turning SSJ and Goku's Kaioken Blue, but the latter had already been hinted at while the former didn't really amount to anything. The battles were also simple and didn't overstay their welcome. The one's with Frost, Megetta and Hit found ways to be interesting that didn't just involve new transformations and raising battle power. That, and the stakes weren't the end of the world per say, so it was nice to get away from that. Not every story has to be the destruction of Earth. My biggest gripe just as a fan is it's misuse of Majin Boo, who I felt deserved at least one battle, win or loss, to show his character as a threat one more time.
Some of the newer characters it introduces were okay too in my mind, specifically Cabba and Hit. Not counting the first BoG movie, it's my favorite thing put out so far and about the only part I enjoy rewatching to any extent ( I have gone back for Piccolo vs Frost and Vegeta running the gauntlet). And yeah, also as a Vegeta fan I thought it upped his win/loss record considerably, but that's just the greed talking. Brought back the Galic Gun too, although that was overused later on.
Edit: Something else that Kenshi mentioned which I agree with was seeing Vegeta warm up to Cabba. Not for the emotional standpoint but it made sense for Vegeta to finally take on a pupil, especially one that is a Saiyan.