It's a pretty pointless fanfic, considering its purpose is to give Raditz some shine yet all it does is have him job to random aliens to be saved by Nappa and Vegeta and all that's fleshed out is how he got his armband
. I do like how Bardock says he and Raditz will do something next time as a way to perhaps mirror Goku promising to go fishing with Gohan later, though Bardock being unable to fulfil his promise.
The idea of trying to implement Tullece and his backstory as part of the canon is too messy to be relegated to just a one chapter fanfic when it doesn't go into details on whether the author was trying to implement a canon version of DBZ Movie 3 or make a rewritten version of Tullece like DBS did with Broly. In any case, his presence comes off as messy fanservice at best.