What is the criteria for having Conqueror's Haki (CoC)?


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Clearly a strong will alone isn't enough. If it was, then arguably all the Straw Hats should have had it at some point. When Luffy and Ace unlocked it, it was in dire circumstances, but I don't know if that's always needed to unlock it. Zoro seems to have unlocked it without that.

Everyone who has it seems to have a captain quality to them.
-Ace was a captain and even took on Whitebeard (RIP Spade Pirates).
-Zoro was a one-man crew until Luffy recruited him and he expects the captain to be very strong if he's going to follow him (based on his comments at Fishman Island when Luffy used his conqueror's to KO a bunch of Hody's guys).
-Garp and Sengoku. They captained big parts of the marines.
-Doffy basically wants to be a king

But there are loads of pirate captains. And the other admirals captain the marines - Akainu and Aokiji even fought for leadership of the marines. I'd even expect Smoker to have it, since he's likely a future admiral and he follows his own justice, against HQ's wishes sometimes.
I'd also think Usopp could have it, since he wanted to be captain, lied about having 8000 followers (his lies come true) and he fought Luffy for the ship, despite being totally outmatched.

Alternatively, it could be those who want to conquer.
-Luffy wants to conquer the world of pirates and be the #1 pirate.
-Same for Kidd
-Shanks, Kaidou and Big Mom want to be the #1 pirate. They also have a bunch of islands under their watch.
-Same for Whitebeard
-Ace wanted to be pirate king.
-Zoro wants to conquer the world of swordsmen. He'd also conquer the entire world of fighters, if that's what it takes to be the #1 swordsman (hypothetically, if Mihawk was the strongest fighter).
-Garp and Sengoku - want to conquer injustice and conquer control of the marines to a large degree.
-Doffy's a king of an island

But for conquering the world of pirates, lots of pirates want that, so what sets Luffy and the yonkou apart from the rest? Is it how much they're willing to risk for it? Are there not pirates willing to risk it all, but without conqueror's haki? Like Trafalgar Law?

Do Katakuri, Rayleigh and Oden fit any of those criteria?

These criteria don't seem so accurate to me. But what is it then? It doesn't seem to be purely genetic, since Zoro only unlocked it way later, likely due to his years of willpower and training, which started with Kuina. Can you lose conqueror's? I imagine you can, like I doubt Luffy had it post-marineford. Can you gain it after never having any indication of it, if your mindset shifts? Like could you even go from being one of those people who gets KOed by the conqueror's of kid Ace, to having CoC of your own? Or maybe it's only the people who never got KOed by CoC who can develop it with the right mindset?

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