What You Liked About GT


Mid Class Warrior
May 31, 2015
We all know GT is full of fails like Base Goku Dragon Fist>>Super 17>>SSJ4 Goku, but let's not focus on that. What elements and/or moments from GT did you like? Here's mine:

Black Star Dragon Balls: I like the idea of a new set of Dragon Balls with an evil intent in them. Spreading across the galaxy/universe and destroying the earth after use gave the wishes consequences that the original balls didn't have, which makes for interesting storytelling.

How they could have been better: Have Piccolo re-absorb the Black Star Dragon Balls to prevent their use for evil and the destructive side-effects they have. As a bonus for this Piccolo would get an immense power-up and improved magical abilities where he becomes a wizard-warrior combo that does more than just shoot energy blasts and punch things like everyone else. Piccolo would get a lot more evil reintroduced into him and teeter on becoming a bad guy again. Maybe even King Piccolo comes back.

Exploring the Galaxy: Great idea and I liked the premise, but it was a little too hokey in execution for me.

Machine Mutants & General Rildo: Technology being just as capable in battle as gifted mortals was cool. I liked how General Rildo could take any form of technology on M2 and incorporate it into his being.

That's all for now, post yours.


Mid Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
That it ended hahahahahaha
Just kidding.
I liked the ending it let the audience decide what happened to goku.
I liked the universal spirit bomb was beast and it resembled all the friends Goku had made throughout all of his adventure though it was repetitive to kill the last villian with it..OH WELL
I liked the use of Gogeta and making the other fusion look cool aswell.
I liked How SSJ4 was different and unique in design and it should be left that way *ahem* fan artists *ahem*
TBH I don't really hate it I appreciate what toei tried to do for the demanding fans respect for that, jus chill on the Goku wanking :troll2

Event Horizon

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
• SSJ4 design
• Bebi Vegeta
• Concept of the Shadow Dragons

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
- The Designs for SS4 characters and Yi Xing Long.
- The Evil Dragon Arc was the most original DB Material Toei had come up with other than Movies 8 and 13. Unlike those, it also happened to be a fairly good work up until the battle of Yi Xing Long became a Boo Arc rehash.
- Pan, Trunks and Vegeta received fair development.
- Goten had somewhat more personality than his Boo Arc self.
- The universe building was OK in the first arc.
- Bringing back the Tsufurians was a good choice, at least compared to bringing back Freeza.

Southern Gothic

Super Elite
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Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
There is a lot I like about GT.

I like the art direction and redesign of the characters.

Super Saiyan 4 and Golden Oozaru.

The main theme (sub).

I love the Super 17 arc, and am proud to be one of the few who do.

The ending is superior to Z, in my opinion.


Mid Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
I'll just quote my post from Neoseeker.

Some of the Shadow Dragons were kind of cool, along with the concept of overusing the Dragon Balls leading to their creation.
Baby as a villain would have been good too, if the whole it's the revenge of the enemies of Saiyan race thing wasn't done before in the PTES.
Super Saiyan 4 is cool too, but I'd find it even better, if it had golden fur instead of red.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Here's my list.

1. Baby is a great villain. He had a good back story which makes sense that why he want to destroy t it e saiyan race.

2. SSJ4 is truly the legend of saiyans. Its nice to see the combination of Oozaru and SSJ.

3. The story of Shadow Dragons is really great.

Southern Gothic

Super Elite
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Global Moderator
Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
I liked Pan. It was nice to see someone stay relevant without a transformation.

Gohan was good. He may have been used as fodder, but at least it wasn't because he slacked or was hesitant to fight. He always meant business.

Baby was a fitting antagonist who I think could have fit in the Z world.


Staff member
May 31, 2015
Actually, I'm gonna copy-paste something I wrote the day after I joined DBZF, since it still stands as my 100% opinion.

Me said:
Personally, I liked GT for what is was. It didn't exacty ruin the legacy of Dragonball. It had entertainment-value, and some episodes were just... good. None were great, but some of them were actually well-tought out. In fact, I think some of the episodes surpass most of the Buu Arc episode. I'm probably one of the few that think the Buu arc was mediocre.

Anyway, let's start with the Baby arc, my least favorite in the entire series.


Baby Saga:

* I like how they made up the story of the Tuffles. I like how they actually took something King Kai said and made a conflict out of it. However, the character Baby was just awful. Interesting to some extend, but awful none-the-less.

* I liked the arc up until Myuu, but then it just fell apart for me. I didn't mind the fact that Goku was wished back to a kid, because it made for some comic relief; ie the relationship between him and Pan.

* The story after Myuu was just... god awful. I didn't like the design they gave Baby Vegeta, and Baby had no personality. Wheras I liked Frieza and Cell a lot, and to an extend tolerated Buu, I just hated Baby. Myuu was alright, but he was just a waste in the arc.

* The transformations and fusions were fine. The fact that Goku was supposed to be the hero again I don't really mind. However, the Golden Ape transformation was bad. I didn't like it at all. I feel like they just wanted to show of one more transformation for commercial purposes. The SSJ4 design is pretty awesome, and the voice (in english) is pretty cool. The fusion between Buu and Uub didn't really do much, honestly. It was, again, just another transformation just because they could. Yes, he becomes stronger, and possibly a complete character, but he was still no match for Baby.

Super 17 Saga:

* This is probably my favorite arc, it being the shortest. Let's start with the build-up. "Piccolo's Decisions" is my favorite episode, as we see how brilliant Piccolo actually is. "Piccolo's Best Bet" isn't bad either, but not in my top5 GT episodes. The release of several former villains and Goku's encounter with Frieza and Cell are nice throwbacks. Myuu and Gero together was great, seeing their true nature against each-other.

* The fusion between the two 17's was pretty cool, except one thing. I disliked his hair. That's just me though. The inner conflict towards the end also sums up how 17 really wasn't a bad guy. The explanation is pretty far-fetched, but it somehow works.

Shadow Dragons Saga:

* Call me crazy, but I actually liked the entire plot to this arc. Hunting for dragons to get the dragonballs back. It sounds like a promising thing. Execution, however... Not the best. The dragons personalities are half-assed, and except Nuova and Syn Shenron, pointless.

* I do like how the dragons were made from certain wishes the heroes made, and how the wishes reflect who they are. Aside from that, they are just not characters one would bond with.

* There were just so many stupid things in the Saga, which in the end doesn't make sense. The transformations were fine, and I like the fact that all the heroes fight together to help Goku and Vegeta achieve the fusion. To top it all of with the Spirit Bomb suits the series nicely, I think. Unoriginal, but it's nice.

* Vegeta's transformation was... awful. Honestly, a machine makes him a SSJ4? It just doesn't sit right with me.

The best thing about GT? Hercule gets his ***** kicked.

Oh, and Pan. I did enjoy Pan's personality.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
  • Super Saiyan 4 could be cool at times, like when it debuted. It's better than Super Saiyan 3 for sure.
  • The concept of Baby was sweet. If only he hadn't taken over Vegeta, I'd rate him higher.
  • Si Xing Long and Yi Xing Long were cool. Super Yi Xing Long was a bit dull due to being so damn strong/broken.
  • Bulma was the hottest she's ever been under Baby's control.
  • I actually liked Vegeta's haircut and outfit, but I did miss the Saiyan battle armor.
  • Gohan going Super Saiyan. I never liked Ultimate taking over.

Six Trails

May 30, 2015
  • Goku being a kid
  • Pan
  • Gohan using Super Saiyan/2
  • Piccolo's drastic increase in strength
  • The OST
  • Character designs

Mr. Popo Fan

Zeta Elite
Global Moderator
May 30, 2015
- SSJ4 design.

- Omega Shenron was kewl.

- Vegeta's moustache. :troll


High Class Warrior
Retired Staff
Jun 1, 2015
ZBSupport said:
• SSJ4 design
• Bebi Vegeta
• Concept of the Shadow Dragons
Exactly this

Lord Beerus

Low Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
- The idea behind the Shadow Dragons
- The ending
- The tuffles being explored

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Father wrote on 最強のフュージョン's profile.
Bill Cosby will have the prep time that Pm. snake never had baby wooooooooo!!
Never watched that filler lol
INCORRECT, remember Princess Snake tried to sedate Goku and that shit didn't work