Where do you place Movie villains?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015

Vegeta (post-Zenkai) > Lord Slug (Giant) > Freeza (3rd Form) > Lord Slug (Young) > Freeza (2nd Form) > Lord Slug (Old) ~ Freeza (1st Form)


5th Form Cooler ~ Mecha-Freeza > 100% Freeza > Cooler (4th Form)

Six Trails

May 30, 2015
Raditz > Garlic Jr. ~ ?

Dr. Wheelo > Saiyan arc Vegeta?

post-2nd fruit Turles > post-fruit Turles ~ 1st form Freeza > pre-fruit Turles ~ Captain Ginyu ~ Old Slug(?)

Giant Slug > initial true form Freeza >= Prime Slug ~ Base Goku (@ Freeza)

5th form Cooler ~ Mecha Freeza > 100% true form Freeza > true form Cooler

Metal Cooler ~ Android #18??

Android #16 >> Super #13 >> other movie Androids

LSS Broly (Movie 10) ~ Super Perfect Cell > LSS Broly (M8) ~ SS Broly (M10) > Boo arc SS Goku > CG SS Gohan > Dabra ~ Bio Broly ~ Cell @ Goku > RSS Broly (M8)

Evil Boo >>> Janemba > Fat Janemba > initial Evil Boo (on Lookout) > SS Gotenks pre

Hirudegarn ~ Gohan-Boo > 1st form Hirudegarn ~ ???

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Mike said:
Dr. Wheelo > Saiyan arc Vegeta?
do u think dr. wheelo could be stronger than dodoria or on-par or a bit weaker?

Mike said:
post-2nd fruit Turles > post-fruit Turles ~ 1st form Freeza > pre-fruit Turles ~ Captain Ginyu ~ Old Slug(?)
post 2nd fruit turles still weaker than 2nd form freeza???

Mike said:
Giant Slug > initial true form Freeza >= Prime Slug ~ Base Goku (@ Freeza)
wat abt old lord slug?

Mike said:
Metal Cooler ~ Android #18??
pre-repair cooler??? weaker than future androids, i think.

Mike said:
Android #16 >> Super #13 >> other movie Androids
wat do u think abt the other movie androids & future androids (maybe imperfect-cell pre, too)? like #13 on-par with future #17 or cell?

Six Trails

May 30, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
do u think dr. wheelo could be stronger than dodoria or on-par or a bit weaker?
Can you refresh my memory on Wheelo's feats? He was < or > Kaioken x4 Goku?

Fantastische Hure said:
post 2nd fruit turles still weaker than 2nd form freeza???
I never bothered assigning him a level. He could be stronger than Freeza's 2nd form. I do think he's weaker than Prime Slug based on Goku's comment.

Fantastische Hure said:
wat abt old lord slug?
I posted him. I think he's on par with Ginyu and pre-fruit Turles.

Fantastische Hure said:
pre-repair cooler??? weaker than future androids, i think.
Probably. I think SS Goku's on par with Future #17/#18 at this point, so if was >= Cooler, the Androids would be as well.

Fantastische Hure said:
wat do u think abt the other movie androids & future androids (maybe imperfect-cell pre, too)? like #13 on-par with future #17 or cell?
I think #13's superior to Future #17, slighty. He was slightly stronger than Goku correct?

Form 1 Cell is a good deal stronger than Android arc Goku in my opinion.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Mike said:
Fantastische Hure said:
do u think dr. wheelo could be stronger than dodoria or on-par or a bit weaker?
Can you refresh my memory on Wheelo's feats? He was < or > Kaioken x4 Goku?
I can't remember, I haven't seen the movie in sometime, but I think if he's superior to Vegeta, then there's a good chance he is about on-par or even stronger than Dodoria (obviously depending on where you put Dodoria, too).

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Raditz > Garlic Jr.

Dr. Wheelo >> Saiyan Saga Vegeta

Goku needed Kaioken x3 to overpower Vegeta, while he needed Kaioken x4 to overpower Dr. Wheelo.

Turles (Post 2nd Fruit) = Initial 2nd Form Frieza > 1st Form Frieza > Post Fruit Turles > Turles >= Vegeta (Ginyu Force)

Frieza > Giant Slug > Base Slug = 2nd Form Frieza

I don't see a problem with this. I add Piccolo's power and Goku's power and with Kaioken x100 I wind up with 16 million and that was enough to blitz a hole through Slug.

Final Form Cooler > Mecha Frieza
Meta-Cooler (2nd Repair) = Kamiccolo > Meta-Cooler (1st Repair) = Imperfect Cell (Ginger Town) > SSJ Goku (Android Saga) >= Meta-Cooler

Initial Semi-Perfect Cell >= Super Android 13 > Imperfect Cell (Post Humans) > Android 13 = Future Android 17

M8 LSSJ Broly = Perfect Cell (Vs. Goku/Gohan) > RSSJ Broly = 50% MSSJ Goku

FP Perfect Cell = Super Bojack > Base Bojack > Perfect Cell (Vs. Goku/Gohan)

M10 LSSJ Broly = Super Perfect Cell > SSJ Broly = M8 LSSJ Broly OR Super Perfect Cell > M10 LSSJ Broly > M8 LSSJ Broly > SSJ Broly = MSSJ Goku (Cell Games)

Bio Broly = USSJ Trunks

Super Janemba = Super Buu > Fat Janemba > Majin Buu (Vs. Goku) OR Super Buu > Super Janemba > SSJ2 Gotenks > Fat Janemba > Majin Buu (Vs. Goku)

Super Gohan Buu = Evolved Hirudegarn > Super Gotenks Buu = Hirudegarn > Super Buu = Hirudegarn Half Body

Byrrus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Every Villain Before him (Although I don't consider him to be a villain)
Byrrus = SSJ4 Goku (Super 17 Arc.)

Ultimate Form Frieza > Oozaru Baby Vegeta > Final Form Frieza = Super Vegetto > 3rd Form Frieza > SSJ2 Gotenks > 2nd Form Frieza = SSJ3 Goku (Buu Saga) > Fat Janemba > 1st Form Frieza


Super Elite
Jun 10, 2015
<del>Most of them come to earth and some are at Namek. A few are aliens its hard to tell where some of them are actually from...</del>
Turles = Monster Zarbon
5th Form cooler > Mecha Frieza
Super android 13 = IPC Post
Perfect Cell > Broly (8) > MSSJ Gohan
Buff Bojack >= Perfect Cell > Base Bojack > MSSJ Gohan
SSJ2 Goku > m10 Broly >= SSJ2 Gohan Cell Games
SSJ3 Gotenks > Super Buu > Janemba > SSJ Gotenks > SSJ3 Goku >= Kid buu
SSJ3 Goku Ryu Ken > Hirudegarn >= Buuhan
Whis > Beerus > SSJG Goku
Whis > Beerus > Golden Frieza > SSJGSS Goku

I haven't watched some movies in a while thats why I didnt put them

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Garlic Jr. - Far weaker than Raditz. Probably around 600 battle power wise.

Dr. Uiro - At least Monster Zarbon tier. A lot higher if believing the Kamehameha's amp to stack onto Kaioken x3.

Tullece - Comparable to Ginyu initially based on Tullece >> Oozaru Gohan=100k. Scaling from Kaioken x10 Goku and powered up/enraged Base Goku being comparable to initial Tullece would place him stronger than 1st form Freeza at least. Likely comparable to Base Goku (vs. Freeza) at minimum with 2nd fruit if believing the amp to stay consistent.

Slug - Stronger than Tullece as implied by Goku. Stronger than some of Freeza's forms according to Kaio in his Super Namek form. I'd assume at least above True form Freeza.

Cooler - A little below SSJ Trunks (vs. Freeza) in his 5th form. Movie 6 is a clusterfuck due to Piccolo being implied to have fused with Kami, but at the very least Meta Coola is comparable to the Future Artificial Humans, if not their main timeline counterparts.

Artificial Human #13 - Comparable to initial 1st form Cell. A lot weaker than #16 as Super #13 though. I could see him getting killed by Piccolo's Gekiretsu Kodan.

M8 Broly - Slightly above FP Perfect Cell as LSSJ imo.

Bojack - M9 had some implications of Gohan being weaker than his Cell Games self, such as Trunks being implied to be comparable to him, yet still weaker than CG Vegeta. With that, I'd place Base Bojack as comparable to Cell against Goku and his FP form comparable to Cell against Gohan.

M10 Broly - One of the main staff of the Broly movies stated he believed Broly to be set up to be the strongest Saiyan, so likely stronger than Enraged SS2 Gohan at the Cell Games.

Bio-Broly - At most a little above Dabura. If believeing the Toei nerf for the kids to be in account, likely weaker than #16.

Janemba - Close to Pure Boo in base due to M12 Goku >/>> Boo Arc Goku and above Base Gotenks (post) in 2nd form. Depending on how you interpret Goku's statement on him having the strongest Ki he'd sensed, both forms could potentially be above SSJ Gotenks (post).

Hildegarn - 2nd form Hildegarn >> Gohan Boo > Hildegarn > Ultimate Gohan. Alternatively, you could attribute his advantage over Gohan having initially being due to his intangibility, in which case you could place base Hildegarn below Evil Boo.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Cooler - A little below SSJ Trunks (vs. Freeza) in his 5th form. Movie 6 is a clusterfuck due to Piccolo being implied to have fused with Kami, but at the very least Meta Coola is comparable to the Future Artificial Humans, if not their main timeline counterparts.
So about equal to Future Gohan (with 1 arm)? That'd fit, according to what you say.

Disasters GoOn

Low Class Warrior
Jun 7, 2015
Mike said:
Fantastische Hure said:
do u think dr. wheelo could be stronger than dodoria or on-par or a bit weaker?
Can you refresh my memory on Wheelo's feats? He was < or > Kaioken x4 Goku?
I know it's a bit late, but IIRC, Dr. Wheelo lost to Kaioken x 4 Goku. In fact, he was supposedly having problems with a Kaioken x 3 Goku.

Right before he is launched into space, Goku goes Kaioken x 4, helping to amplify his Kamehameha, resulting in Dr. Wheelo getting launched into space.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
More like 24k at bare minimum, as due to Goku needing Kaioken x4, he's likely at least equal to Kaioken x3 Goku. It could also be assumed that Movie 2 Goku > Saiyan Arc Goku, since logically, a year must've passed for the DBs to be used.

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
Staff member
Global Moderator
Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
Leave him alone guyz he's been good