Wild Life Power Levels


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
I guess humans go above "peak human" by doing martial art training? Guys like Pamput, Killa or Colonel Silver.

wb those muscular characters who don't do martial arts training? Like the macho "gay" guy? Are they 8 PL? Why so weak? Krillin got way stronger pre-21st T-Budokai just doing physical conditioning, not martial arts or ki training.
Even pre 21st Goku and Kuririn weren't quite peak human yet according to Roshi who said they were moving close to the human wall but not quite at it. Pamput probably scales around 21st Goku level or atleast above Giran since he broke the stadium wall which was portrayed as a big deal at the 21st and he has the hype to back it up with even Chun praising him as really strong for a normal human and making a point about how Goku and the others have gained strength abnormal to most other humans.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
My only issue is T-Rex vs Roshi. T-Rex head gets chopped off by Chichi, but only pierces part of Roshi's head.

Also while Roshi is running from the T-Rex, my guy has absolutely zero fear. This is not a rival to him.

If Octopus rivaled Goku, the Kamehameha wouldn't have done much damaged to him. The fact it completely obliterated him proves Kamehameha >> Octopus. And the Kamehameha amp at this point is trash tier. 1.2x or so.

That was a gag, so it’s weak evidence for me.

Octopus doesn’t rival Goku though. 140 vs 180, and the Kamehameha is like 220-240.

Yeah, that's definitely difficult.

But think of power scaling more as a ferociousness meter or something. Think about a punch of a gorilla and now compare it to a pounce from a tiger. Different worlds, right?

We have to account for claws and teeth of course as well. Remove those claws from a tiger and the teeth, he's nowhere near as dangerous, but he's still a huge, powerful animal.

Imagine this. You have a fighter with a 10 power level and another one with an 11. But the 11 has a sword.

It's going to be devastation city in that case. I think this could be the case here for the big cats.

Alligator needs to be rated for it explosive strike, his laziness besides then isn't something to rate. That's a stamina issue.

Your ability to unleash hell on another being is what your rating is about.

I’d consider fangs and stuff to be more like weapons. I think of who’d win in grappling instead.

Didn’t even think of alligators. I was just doing the animals we see in the show.


Mid Class Warrior
Oct 24, 2023
I still think putting a PL for wildlife
is still a bit misleading.

They can be low PL but with different stats.
A Gorilla might be 5times(or more) physically stronger than a Human, but we know it’s not even 2-3 times faster than a human.

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
I still think putting a PL for wildlife
is still a bit misleading.

They can be low PL but with different stats.
A Gorilla might be 5times(or more) physically stronger than a Human, but we know it’s not even 2-3 times faster than a human.
well we do rate power, not speed. But yeah in DB that’s happening all over the place.

T-Rex can be 10x stronger than a human yet not much faster if at all.


I like the name! It’s much better haha

If it’s a gag tell me what happens to Roshi then if it’s not a gag.


Mid Class Warrior
May 31, 2015
When I saw Wild Life as two words... never mind.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
We touched this subject lightly on SSJ2’s list and I got interested, so I made this thread for scaling. Hopefully we can get a better grasp of how strong Goku is. I want to see if we can keep him at that goold old 50 (10x farmer), but it might be more.

Here’s the basics. Just remember, power levels don’t scale directly to how many kilograms you can lift/punch. Just think of how the fight would go.

Bulma (Average teen girl): 3
Commander Red (Weak/average adult male): 4
Farmer (Strong adult male): 5
Satan: 6.66
Human peak: 7.5 or maybe 8

Chimp: 10 (roflstomps Satan)
Gorilla: 15? (Should take several chimps)
Bear: 20 (Way heavier/stronger than gorilla)

Bear Bandit: 30 (2-3x the size of a real bear)
BoS Goku: 50?

I can’t scale the pterodactyl. From a quick google search they apparently weren’t that strong. They were big but had fragile bones to fly. So yes, the farmer could at least touch one of these (provided it wouldn’t fly).

I want to scale the Smilodon Kuririn one shot, but scaling felines is hard. They’re just built too different.

@SSJ2 @Power Level Guy @SIAD thoughts?
Average man - 5
Trained fighters - 5.5
Mr Satan - 6
Bob Sapp - 6.5
Brock Lesnar - 7
Heavyweight champions - 7.5
Chimp - 8
Lion - 10
Tiger - 11
Gorilla - 12
Grizzly Bear - 14
Polar Bear - 16
Pterodactyl - 20
Bear Thief - 30
Goku - 50

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
Brock Lesnar - 7
Heavyweight champions - 7.5
Brock is stronger than all HW champions. Are we doing power levels or skill levels or what?

For me, power is the punch Tyson can throw as the highest more or less. The harder you can throw a punch, your power level is defined by that.

Mr Satan - 6
You already know Mr. Satan is 6.66. Fail!

Besides that, it's looking good.

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
I don't even know who Brock is. I just heard he's weaker than HW champions.
Well he was once a HW champion himself. He's much bigger, stronger, faster, more powerful than Hercule for sure.

Skill becomes a factor here too. In Dragonball, skill is secondary. In our world, skill is everything.


May 30, 2015
Ok so I think I got the rest of the animals. Anyone missing?

Big fish: 8
Ptero: 12
Savannah Lion: 17
Bengal Tiger: 18
Smilodon: 20
Kuririm (BoS): 30-35

The Sabertooth Tiger is no joke. That beast was as heavy as a bear, but unlike the bear it was full muscle.

White Shark: 60
Octopapa: 140
Goku (Budokai): 150
T-Rex: 150
Triceratops: 160
@GreatSaiyaman123 What level do you give an African Elephant?


May 30, 2015
Average man - 5
Trained fighters - 5.5
Mr Satan - 6
Bob Sapp - 6.5
Brock Lesnar - 7
Heavyweight champions - 7.5
Chimp - 8
Lion - 10
Tiger - 11
Gorilla - 12
Grizzly Bear - 14
Polar Bear - 16
Pterodactyl - 20
Bear Thief - 30
Goku - 50
What level do you give an African Elephant and T-Rex?