Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
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Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
I don't know how to feel about this Cell, but not-Cell though.
It's a different character, so there's that. But also very much AT using the design he originally liked best and using it as a feature villain against Gohan. Maybe like he had first intended.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
It's a different character, so there's that. But also very much AT using the design he originally liked best and using it as a feature villain against Gohan. Maybe like he had first intended.
If it's the same blue-print, does that mean Cell's personality would have been the same had he not been activated prematurely? If there was a choice (completely on its own/stand-alone) I'd say I'd have preferred the original Cell. The interaction between that Cell and his archenemy'd have been interesting.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Yeah they could've had the cloned Cell retain the original's memories or something, if they aren't fond of just wishing back the OG Cell like w/ Freeza.


May 9, 2022
Let’s say we place Final Gohan in the manga right now. Who could he beat?
Hard to say due to scaling. Gammas = SSB Goku/Vegeta. Orange Piccolo no sold Gamma. Orange Piccolo struggled and was overpowered by Cell Max. Final Gohan no sold Cell Max. So Orange Piccolo is an unknown amount above SSB, Cell Max is above that, and Gohan is a lot more than that. On a low ball, I would say Final Gohan is probably beating SSBKKx20 Goku/SSBE Vegeta with room for a lot more. There just isn't enough info/feats to pinpoint an exact power, imo.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
What about AT saying Cell Max's power would be above Broly if he weren't a berserk monster?


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
The noobs on Neoseeker say that Toriyama stated there that Broli is stronger than Cell Max But is that really what Toriyama said? Not that it matters because if I were to decide the chain, it would be Jiren > Broli > Cell Max based on feats. However, why don't the noobs know how to read? If anything Toriyama implies Cell Max > Broli in terms of power.

Toriyama should not be the one who makes DBS movies. This thing should be given to TOEI since DBS is their shitty anime.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Toriyama's movies all sucked so far imo. BoG had too little explosive sequences and SSJG was underwhelming (didn't even get to use its FP), FnF was just trash and Broly spent too much time on the Bardock flashback sequence rather than on fleshing out Broly's character more, plus the resolution of the conflict was rushed. I hope Super Hero is better but he needs a co-writer like Koyama, badly (if you can control Koyama's raging boner for OG :pakl ).

Son Gokū

May 31, 2015
I got this for you guys.
Cell Max was already complete physically. He just needed to ready his personality/AI. So...
Cell MAX is still stronger than Broly in the movie.
Also keep in mind Broly is MUCH stronger than he was in his own movie too.
AND this is after the Granola Saga, so we'd all be much stronger by then, but I can acknowledge Broly is STILL above me and Vegeta in terms of power alone.
With all this info, I'll give you these 2 things next:
Orange Piccolo is ALMOST as strong as me and Vegeta.
Beast Gohan is WAY stronger than us.

...But, who knows how long that will last.
So... until further notice, Gohan is #1!

The newly revealed name "Beast" is very interesting... I know its based on the original design for Super Saiyan, but its also the color scheme in both hair and eyes for Super Saiyan 5. Toriyama also mentioned Gohan could still get another form yet....
With these 3 factors, AND with the first AF fan manga creator in charge of the official stuff too these days.... maybe, we could see the fill Super Saiyan 5 design used someday! (Under a different name of course)

I can't wait to see the future! Hope Broly can learn Blue as planned. Very happy Piccolo is strong enough to join us in the most serious fights again! And happy for Gohan reaching the top again! I know it'll be short lived, but I hope he at least tries to master this form before getting side tracked too much with work again.

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
Staff member
Global Moderator
Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
I got this for you guys.
Cell Max was already complete physically. He just needed to ready his personality/AI. So...
Cell MAX is still stronger than Broly in the movie.
Also keep in mind Broly is MUCH stronger than he was in his own movie too.
AND this is after the Granola Saga, so we'd all be much stronger by then, but I can acknowledge Broly is STILL above me and Vegeta in terms of power alone.
With all this info, I'll give you these 2 things next:
Orange Piccolo is ALMOST as strong as me and Vegeta.
Beast Gohan is WAY stronger than us.

...But, who knows how long that will last.
So... until further notice, Gohan is #1!

The newly revealed name "Beast" is very interesting... I know its based on the original design for Super Saiyan, but its also the color scheme in both hair and eyes for Super Saiyan 5. Toriyama also mentioned Gohan could still get another form yet....
With these 3 factors, AND with the first AF fan manga creator in charge of the official stuff too these days.... maybe, we could see the fill Super Saiyan 5 design used someday! (Under a different name of course)

I can't wait to see the future! Hope Broly can learn Blue as planned. Very happy Piccolo is strong enough to join us in the most serious fights again! And happy for Gohan reaching the top again! I know it'll be short lived, but I hope he at least tries to master this form before getting side tracked too much with work again.
You weren't even there! :CC

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