Rate the last Anime/Manga you finished out of 10


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Holyland: the first 9/10 I've ever given.

Truly a fantastic story that doesn't dip in quality. The art remains excellent throughout and never wavers. I guess I'd have two main gripes with it. Occasionally the fight scenes got bogged down with explanations from Mori, which some people might not be into. In retrospect the explanations could all be skipped and it would have no impact on the story. My other complaint is that the majority of the villains had little to them. They were stereotypical bad guy gangster types who were evil for the sake of it. Still didn't detract from the story imo.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Basilisk: 6/10

Suffered from one dimensional characters and too many characters. The pacing was fast and overall it was an entertaining read, could have had more of that pacing focused on character development.


Low Class Warrior
Nov 14, 2016
Technically, the last anime that I watched all the way through was Death Note (for the third time?). I love this series. I think it's brilliantly written. It is by far one of my favorite animes and one day, I'll get around to reading the manga. The anime does take a dip in the middle a bit and seems to drag on just a bit. So, for that I'd give it an 8/10. But otherwise, I think this is just top shelf stuff.

I'm not really an anime guy--I am very selective. So, picking a manga or anime to consume and then repeating it is a huge deal for me.

Otherwise, I tried rewatching Sword Art Online. I used to have it on in the background while studying and it seemed cool from the bits and pieces that I remember. Honestly, wasn't feeling it when I tried rewatching. The wife and I watched Rin - The Daughter of Mnemosyne. The pro was that it was short. The con is that it was too gratuitous with everything and I think we both checked out after episode 2. It was recommended and I just couldn't make it through.

Right now, started watching Hajime no Ippo--hope to finish that up soon. I like it a lot. An anime about a combat sport--right up my alley.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
The Fable 9/10. It was already funny and realistic and the endearing characters and unpredictability made me give it a 9. The art is actually very good too. I noticed the shading of some of the facial expressions the yakuza vice-head makes, the indoor lighting at times, one time the water looked really real and the city environments and cast of characters who look quite similar to each other can't be easy to draw. I wonder if the ending is realistic, but I can't really put myself in her shoes. The fighting was kinda lacking in detail sometimes, but the action is still very good a lot of the time.

Hana Wants This Flower to Bloom! - 6/10 -enjoyed it, but it rushed the ending and had a character who just felt like a footnote to add drama and then they disappeared once it was convenient for the MCs' relationship. Could have had more chapters at the end to show the male MC's development, since there was obvious room for growth.
Right now, started watching Hajime no Ippo--hope to finish that up soon. I like it a lot. An anime about a combat sport--right up my alley.
Holyland isn't a combat sports manga exactly, but it's close.
All Rounder Meguru is easily the most technical combat sports manga I've read. RRR was a nice boxing manga too (first manga I ever finished), but it does have the usual trope of the guy having natural power and relying on his toughness. Actually drilled things from both of these. There's a couple of other MMA ones out there too (Tough, Tepuu, Hanakaku) and there's Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru about karate/K-1, which I dropped but can't remember if that's cuz I disliked it or what.
I was surprised there's no judo manga out there, considering it's popularity in Japan, but there is Ippon Again, which started a couple years ago and now has an anime that just started this month. There was Yawara! too, but it seemed to be more about the girl's personal life than about the sport.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
The Fable: 8/10

I agree with wolf about the ending. It was still good enough, but it did feel fairly rushed from the MC's perspective. Still, the story as a whole is one of the few that I've blitzed through in such a short amount of time. The plot always had something going on, whether it be slice of life or action. It had a perfect mix of both and was pretty funny at times.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
I'd have the best of Kingdom above the best of OP probably.


Super Elite
Aug 13, 2016
Don't expect me in this thread too often:

Neon Genesis Evangelion 7/10

What starts as a Bio-'mecha' anime becomes strictly a psychological thriller at its end. Think of something derivative with coming of age sexual tension and an ending like Inception.

The first half is good mindless entertainment. Protagonistus Genericus (or Shinji) has his Tenchi Muyo moments, having an older hot chick, the sassy firecracker from Germany, and the mysterious silent chick (who ends up being his mom) all vying for his four inches.

The second half delves into the characters pasts, (which were pretty well developed, making the deep dive in the later episodes worth the payoff) their psychology, and their motives. According to the internet most people hated the ending, which I enjoyed because it is definitely enjoyable in an artistic way, open to interpretation, rather than some normie definitive shit.

Pretty much Hero McInsecureteenager figures out the events of the show were all products of the war in his own mind. That his heroic aspects, depression, anger, etc are all separate realities within himself that he is living simultaneously. The protagonist gains the will to live by determining that he can determine the course of events in each of his realities that conjoin into his life. His life, and his interactions with others forming an even greater reality in which we all living in. Then all the characters give him a standing ovation like he's an idiot.


Super Elite
Aug 13, 2016
End of Evangelion 4/10

Tries to do over the ending, and after a normie beginning the full credits roll after 30 minutes, and the remainder of the film is like the trippy sequence in 2001 a space Odyssey. Can't say it was extremely thought provoking in any way.


May 30, 2015
Bleach (rewatch with my brother) - 7/10

Bleach was better than I remember it to be, especially during the Shinigami and Soul Society Arcs, and I would say Bleach has a stronger start than Yu Yu Hakusho. The Arrancar Saga actually reminds me of Jojo Part 3 because of all of the repetitive fights and slow pacing, and Aizen reminds me of Dio, especially since he gives me the ultimate evil vibe. My brother liked watching it with me as well.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
I watched Nadia (kind-of) & I liked that series. Better than Hideaki Anno's Evangelion ( :troll:troll:troll)

Hideaki Anno: “I was really impressed… The young me was really enjoyable!” (apparently from what I read)

But I must say the "fan-service". WTF?!?!?!

The series other than that was good though or seemed so I think I think I think I think.

Nadia's personality is kind-of un-like-able. Kind-of egotistical/selfish. She admits so herself later-on & even the narrator says it lol. Jean seems more like the protagonist & much more like-able through-out the series. His personality kind-of feels like people I know & looked-up-to when I was younger I think I think I think, some-one who can't be bothered to get caught-up in pety arguments & if some-one tries to prove they are right or some-thing in an argument (Nadia) he doesn't really care because it doesn't matter to him/he's above that kind-of thing. Early-on in the series any-way.

His voice in the dub is also really good. Sanji had the same voice-actor but this dub was obviously long before One-Piece even came-out (like a year before the series came-out at-all originally). His voice is really like-able & fits even-though that's very different (kind-of) from the original seiyuu. Interesting he voiced a french character here & Sanji who'd also supposedly be french (IIRC).
I heard that some-of the middle-episode, an entire arc is filler though because Hideaki Anno didn't direct them & then he came-back later-on, so you can skip-those out-side of some character development if I remember right. Those episodes are cartoonic compared to the ones before as I heard before & they were right I think. Can't remember specific episode numbers to show any examples right-now.

The ED is good & the OST is kind-of good too. The only series that I've seen which Shirou Sagisu composed.
kind-of I think I think I think I think I think maybe:
The ending though. What is with the ending?!?!?! some-thing that happens in the ending is just WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIRD!!!


May 30, 2015
Vinland Saga Season 2 - 9/10

In some ways it was better than Season 1 like the character development of Thorfinn, but the slower pacing and it focusing on farming more than fighting made this weaker overall.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Armitage III

Mainly watched this because I wanted to watch cyber-punk & Chiaki Konaka was attached to this before he went off the deep-end, so yeah. On-to the series:

Weird. Unnecessary at times. Really why even?!?!?! Where they that desperate & didn’t believe in the work?

…how-ever very interesting in-other ways. I was confused a-lot of times & might need to re-watch again in-order to understand every-thing. Being tired & sleepy when watching doesn’t help either. The subs being sheeeeeeet neither (& it distracts). The terms thrown-around too. A-lot of social-commentary about rights and things, so interesting in that area too. I say watch it for your-self if you are interested.

…& Freeza playing a I’m the superior life-form “villain” was also veeeeeeery kewl.

@Warmmedown now your turn (plz)


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015

Doesn't even have 7 on MAL and the woman's character design looks. Is that hairstyle a wolf cut? Not sure, but if it is it's not a good one. weird. Tbf the back isn't really that long compared to the hair on the side...idk what you'd call it, but it looks bad. https://myanimelist.net/anime/1079/Armitage_III

edit: idk why I posted the link twice

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