Recent content by Animelover5487

  1. Animelover5487

    Cell (powered up vs Goku) vs Super Vegeta's Final Flash

    Cell swats it away effortlessly. I have Final Flash at 45k, and Cell (@Goku) at 66k. That is nearly a 1.5x gap.
  2. Animelover5487

    Raditz's Durability Feat

    So you are saying Raditz scales above moon level? Well no shit, sherlock.
  3. Animelover5487

    Estimated gap to desintegrate Majin Buu

    SSJ3 Goku > Final Atonement. SSJ3 was felt from the Kai's world, Vegeta's suicide blast wasnt.
  4. Animelover5487

    My new Saiyans Saga PL list. Is it good?

    I would move Tenshithans down to 1500 if Piccolo is at 2000. He is definitely much closer to Yamcha then he is to the Namek. Chaozu's self Destruct > Kuririn's blast since he thought he could kill Nappa after seeing him tank it.
  5. Animelover5487

    Gohan (post Recoome zenkai) vs Vegeta (post Zarbon zenkai)

    He still should have been able to beat his father easily at that power gap even while holding back. Vegeta was able to effortlessly restrain Dodoria at no more than a 1.2x gap at the absolute most. Possibly even less since Dodoria and Zarbon were only mildly skeptical by the initial 22k reading...
  6. Animelover5487

    Gohan (post Recoome zenkai) vs Vegeta (post Zarbon zenkai)

    Vegeta wins. A 1.3x gap was massive during the Namek arc. Vegeta killed Cui with a flick of his finger at that range. Ginyu-Goku would have been negged fast if Gohan was at 30k, no Kuririn needed.
  7. Animelover5487

    You vs Farmer

    Restrictions: The Farmer can't use his shotgun, you can't use any weapons as well Can you beat this old fatass?
  8. Animelover5487

    Rank All the Story Arcs

    If hybrids have so much potential then why are Goten and Trumks so fucking useless in Super?
  9. Animelover5487

    Rank All the Story Arcs

    How exactly did Gohan get his beast form? I forgot. Are these Saiyan hybrid exclusive firms? Why are they so powerful? I maybe can get behind Beast Gohan being that strong since he was already above Blue level in Ultimate form but Trunks going from being 1shot by SSJ3 Goku to knocking Rose...
  10. Animelover5487

    Rank All the Story Arcs

    Still better than the asspulls they did with him in the anime. He has learns every Vegeta technique (Galick Gun, Final Flash, BBA) offscreen, he can somewhat fight Rose Black in regular SSJ2, he gets an unexplained barely reacted to form that makes him Buff and gives him blue aura that makes him...
  11. Animelover5487

    Teen Gohan = Kid Gohan Theory

    Demons live millions of years. Ten years is nothing to them and Dabura doesn't strike me as the type as someone who has ever really struggled during a fight that would make him much stronger.
  12. Animelover5487

    Teen Gohan = Kid Gohan Theory

    Shin's later comment to Kibito implies the opposite though.
  13. Animelover5487

    Gohan vs Dodoria

    The Enraged Gohan that kicked Dodoria. Probably moderately above when he kicked Nappa since while he has gotten stronger it's not by much.
  14. Animelover5487

    The Scientifically Perfect Power Level List (Including Daima but not Super and GT)

    The main issue I have with Grade 2 and Grade 3 being such large boosts is that Base Goten/Trunks are roughly equal to 18 at the tournament meaning they are only 50x stronger than her as Super Saiyans, abd they aren't toooo far from the Adult Saiyans. After their time Chamber training which was...
  15. Animelover5487

    Why didn’t Kaio-sama teach the people of earth the Genki-Dama?

    Wasn't it stated you have to have a pure heart to use Genkidama?

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.