Ask ahill


May 30, 2015
Lemonade is great. I used to like Strawberry Lemonade more as a child, but I prefer original Lemonade more as an adult. I love Orange Juice, and Grape Juice is bitter, but still good. I don't like soft drinks, tea, or alcohol.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
I don't like hot drinks in general. But I still drink coffee sometimes. If cold brew were easier to prepare, I'd have it often.

I like energy drinks too, drinking it moreso nowadays. Some nights I need to spend awake to study so they come in handy too. They also don't aggravate my anxiety so that's good.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Music for whenever - some I like(d), some not. See if you find anything. In order of agitation:

Keane - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
The Pixies - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
Mogwai (post-rock) - Album
Shoegaze music genre - Song 1 - Song 2 - Compilation
Belle and Sebastian - Song 1 - Song 2
Roosevelt - Song 1 - Song 2
The Verve - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
Pulp - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
DYGL - Song 1 - Song 2
Razorlight - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
The Kooks - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
Catfish and The Bottlemen - Song 1 - Song 2
Primal Scream - Song 1 - Song 2
Blur - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
Supergrass - Song 1 - Album
Arcade Fire - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
Cage The Elephant - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
Kaiserchiefs - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
The Libertines - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
The Fratellis - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
Mega Shinnosuke (JP) - Song 1
Cody Lee (JP) - Song 1
The Coral - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
Placebo - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
Math Rock (genre) - Song 1 - Song 2 - Song 3
Black Keys - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
Tendouji - Song 1 - Song 2
Bloc Party - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
Dream Theatre - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album (imo this band sounds better listening to their albums)
Ling Tosite Sigure (JP) - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album (soft album)
X Japan (JP) - Song 1 - Song 2 - Album
Versailles (JP) - Album
Power Quest - Song 1 - Album
Stratovarius - Song 1 - Album
Last edited:


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
The above isn't to answer btw.

Quando cê começará a faculdade? Vai estudar muito longe da casa dos seus pais, vai precisar te deslocar?

Por algum tempo tenho perdido interesse na aprendizagem de português, especialmente neste ano. Acho que não estudei nem uma vez neste ano. Não tenho uso obvio para o idioma. Sei que é diferente, mas você perdeu interesse em inglês, na época enquanto não sabia inglês tão bem? E se sim, como vc manteve? E outra coisa, como vc te treinava entender fala mais bem? Tem algumas etapas?

Cê disse que assistiu alguma canal analítica sobre UFC, com o seu irmão. Você tem?
Cê conhece quaisquer recursos educacionais em português? Não vídeos, mas algum site? Só conheço em inglês.

Google translation
When will you start college? Are you going to study far away from your parents' house, will you need to move?

For some time now I have lost interest in learning Portuguese, especially this year. I don't think I've studied once this year. I have no obvious use for the language. I know it's different, but did you lose interest in English at the time when you didn't know English that well? And if so, how did you maintain it? And another thing, how did you train yourself to understand speak better? Are there any steps?

You said you watched an analytical channel about UFC with your brother. You have?

Do you know any educational resources in Portuguese? Not videos, but some website? I only know in English.

Ever heard of Lethwei? Basically muay thai with headbutts. I just learnt from watching a couple min of this video that if they get KOed but it's not the final round yet, they have two minutes to wake up and start the next round. Crazy.
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May 30, 2015
A drive thru only fast food restaurant that specializes in drinks.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
I didn't know that. Idk if I've ever seen one here in Brazil (more like, my State). What kind of drinks do they sell that you can remember of?


May 30, 2015
Soft drinks, juices, etc, and you can even mix them up.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
I'd go with soft drinks maybe. Pretty much, nowadays I rarely drink anything other than water and coffee lol


May 30, 2015
Do you like to put lemon juice or lime juice in your water? Do you like it better with or without ice?

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
Why do you log into DBZeta in 2025?
What's your favorite aspect of this forum?
What's your least favorite aspect of this forum?
What're your current hobbies and passions?
How old are you?
How tall are you?
Which DBZ character is your favorite?
What does your username mean?
How many languages do you speak?
How come you don't like to spam?


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Why do you log into DBZeta in 2025?
What's your favorite aspect of this forum?
What's your least favorite aspect of this forum?
What're your current hobbies and passions?
How old are you?
How tall are you?
Which DBZ character is your favorite?
What does your username mean?
How many languages do you speak?
How come you don't like to spam?
Pass time (generally at 3 am or so, generally the time I wake up so I spend some time at the late night here and with other things when I don't have college work to do, just like now, until my college classes at 7 am... For example, I had studied and all, went to sleep 6pm and woke up 2 am now... And here I am)

I think the members, the fact there's been a bond ever since many years ago, so it feels more familiar than any other forum. It also managed to preserve some old forums traits that imo are lost in the few pretty active forums that are still going on these days

Idk... Maybe the fact we have all grown up, so there isn't that immaturity when debating things, which is true to our feelings as shit changes but that "try hard to prove wrong" was also cool tbh, but that's also when putting myself in my younger self shoes

Nowadays, mostly studying, reading interesting subjects, hanging out with my family, my friends, studying together with my friends, watching MMA, practicing boxing. Not that I find everything THAT fun, but it's enough to keep me going

26 yo



a hill

2 languages (I'd count Spanish in the past making it 3, but I've become so rusty that I no longer count it)

I do spam though, a lot. Why do you think I don't? Lulz

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
If you spam a lot, then what is my spamming considered?
How many hours on average do you sleep a night?
How many steps do you walk on a daily basis?
What's the last meal that you ate?
Do you currently resistance train?
What's your favorite food?
How many meals do you eat a day?
Which language dub do you like the most, in regards to DBZ?
What do you never leave home without?
What was your largest purchase of 2024, in regards to size?
What was your largest purchase of 2024, in regards to price?
What would you tell your 20 year old self
Why did you join this forum?
Do you drive?
When was the last fight that you were involved in?
What would you like to see more of on DBZeta?


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Didn't understand the question. Your the best spammer though, you're a legit spam whose spam are legit threads. No one can compete. I likely missed if it was intended as a joke or a pun lol

About 6 hours (when lucky, 8 hours). I wish I could plug some device in my head that'd give it a brain massage for 1 hour, at which time I'd just need to lay down, not sleeping necessarily, and that'd be an 8 hours sleep worthy already. I don't like sleeping, it takes time away in which I could be studying, exercising, wtv... And some other issues too that make me dislike sleep time. But this CBN oil that I bought is helping me considerably with easing the feeling of needing to go to bed.


Eggs. Breakfast. It wouldn't be a meal, would it? But I've eaten bread with cheese, a toast with butter, a small piece of chocolate and then an egg, so it was a strong breakfast. Ready to study all day now lulz. Thankfully classes start a little later today, at 11 pm.

Yes, mostly kettlebell hallo, jumping ropes and running (sometimes slowly to heat up, sometimes in a few bursts, focusing on building up a little bit of explosiveness).

Idk, I think rn hamburger

About 3 meals, but 2 or 3 snacks in-between. I try to eat something, whether it's a fruit, a cereal bar, every 3 hours, but I'm not so consistent with it.

The Brazillian one. It's the one I listened to firstly and it is very good too, both accuracy wise and the voices, that fit really well. Honestly imo they fit better than the JP voices.

My cigarettes haha

Tough to say, lately I've been buying few things outside of needed stuff.

Same. I've been buying mostly essential stuff.

I'd tell to be happy to be 20 because in 5 or 6 years later I'd want to be 20 again. I'd also tell myself to get checked for ADHD in an appointment with a neurologist, so I could get a prescription to ADHD medicine and get into studying again ASAP... So I could get into college earlier. But also, that was 2018, so if I got into college let's say in 2019, I'd have done a good chunk of it in the pandemic with online classes, which would really suck....

Because I like talking DB. I had joined neoseeker firstly, but I had been on neoseeker just for a few months (4 months to be specific) until I joined here. People would talk about Kenshi being the best DB debater sometimes on neo (back then there were lots of "best debaters " threads), tho I thought he was a long inactive member. Someone mentioned he was posting in Zeta and I think I thought wow I'd like to have DBZ discussions with the so called God of DB lol. But yeah I was at that moment like really enjoying having discussions about DB, it was still to me, an unmapped stuff that I wanted to dive deeper.

No, but I should. I've never had that big willingness to take a driver's license like many did at my age. I was never into cars that much either, and I generally can pay to get an Uber wherever I go, so I think I'll drag some more until getting one.

I've never gotten into a street fight. Hopefully I never need to. I just do boxing sparring sessions and even then, most times are light to moderate sparring. I like it as a way to be in shape, the technique involved, as well as the thrill of all the coordination stuff, to the point it gets automatic (not there tho), but I won't ever get into competing or anything like this. Not my thing.

Idk honestly... I just want for this place to keep having this nice atmosphere, being active as it's the best forum ever imo.

Latest profile posts

Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.