That's very interesting. Ancient philosophy interests me a lot as well. Being ancient already warrants my interest in many cases. What do you think about the pre-socratics philosophy? What about Socrates? It's really nice to think that a man from that age had the clarity of mind and comprehension of things that he had. One thing that attracts me too is that these Greeks ancient phylosophers believed in building knowledge basically by approaching ppl and having a conversation, seeing different approaches to life. I think that's been kinda lost nowadays. Stoic believe in nature, simplifying a lot ofc, right?
Have you heard about Diogenes?
I don't think I've heard about it, the Meditations. Will search for it.
Yeah agreed about anything ancient being interesting. It's hard to fathom what society was like back then and to compare humanity then versus now.
I don't know much about pre-socratic philosophy. I've only heard of vague mentions of Pythagoras, Xenophanes and Heraclitus but that's about it. I've read more about Socrates but specifically through learning about Plato. Socrates is definitely on my list to analyze further.
Stoics believe in living in accordance with nature, though it has nothing to do with what we think of nature. It's more about being in tune with yourself and living logically/ethically in accordance with your values while building character. What I like about Stoicism is that it isn't about being perfect. They recognize that everyone has vices and it's natural to give in to them, but it's about training yourself to act more logically and not give into them at a destructive rate. It's been very interesting so far.
I've heard of Diogenes. He was the chad who basically told Alexander The Great to get the fuck out of his way, right? What a boss