We can see for ourselves that Boo was surprised by how strong SS3 Gotenks was. He started getting pissed after getting headbutted because he realized how close Gotenks was to his level. After getting hit by the Galactic Donut chain, Boo fired a gigantic blast that was clearly meant to kill...
Gokuu never sensed Vegett's Ki so he wasn't counted when Gokuu said Super Baby 1 was the strongest Ki he ever felt
Perfect Files says Vegett was perhaps stronger than SS4 Gokuu meaning he's at least just as strong. Since we never saw SS2 or SS3 Vegett, they were only talking about SS1 Vegett
Probably the biggest argument about the OG manga.
I think it's logical to conclude Buff Boo is stronger than Pure Boo. The increased muscle mass would suggest a power-up and every other person Boo absorbed made him stronger with the exception of Grand Kaioh-shin; it was never said South...
The Son family:
1. Son Gokuu: Japanese reading of the corresponding kanji. The same kanji as the Journey to the West character known as Sun Wukong, the Chinese reading of the kanji. Could be interpreted as "understanding emptiness" or "understanding the sky".
2. Son Gohan: Japanese reading of...
I solved the mystery of Spopovich's name earlier this year. It's obviously a pun on Popovich, alternatively spelled Popović, Popovytch, and Popovitch. In katakana, it's spelled as ポポビッチ (Popobitchi). Spopovich's name in katakana is スポポビッチ (Supopobitchi). We can see for ourselves that Spopovich...
Not exactly a mystery; although Toriyama had forgotten about the character when he was asked back in 2004's Dragon Ball Forever guidebook, he could tell that the name was Thai-esque. We can see for ourselves that he's based on a Muay Thai fighter, so it makes sense that his name would be...
Bora and Upa, Gokuu's two Native American stereotype friends. What do their names mean? Here's what Toriyama had to say on the matter. I believe this is from the Dragon Ball Forever (2004) guidebook. On Bora:
“I don’t think there’s any particular meaning.”
As for Upa, he said:
“If I’m...
We know that when Goku swallowed the Four Star Ball, he purified it so that the Four Star Dragon wouldn't be corrupted by the One Star Dragon's evil energy. My theory is while it was inside Goku's body, some of Shenlong's essence that was inside the ball was transferred to Goku. Once the ball...
I believe the repeating kanji indicates that Kaioshin is talking about more than world. Context being that he's moving from one world (or area, realm, boundary, etc) to another. Wiki says "world to world" but what do the native Japanese speakers think
Instead of making a new thread every time I discuss a character's name, I'll keep it all in one thread from now on.
Who am I discussing this time? The purple pussy.
Katakana: ビルス
Hepburn: Birusu
Toei: Beerus (at one point Beers and Bills)
Bandai: Beerus
Shuiesha: Beerus
Viz: Beerus
Katakana: ターレス
Hepburn: Tāresu
Toei/Bandai: Tulece (once Turlece)
Funimation: Turles
In katakana, his name is ターレス (tāresu). His name is a pun on the English word "lettuce", which is レタス (retasu) in katakana. Swap the katakana around, add the long sound symbol ー (chōonpu), and you get ターレス...
As we all know, he wanted to save ink on the B&W pages, but he never said why of all colors he decided on yellow. Or so I thought. From the French edition of The Legendary Manga guide:
Si en Super Saïyen, il a les cheveux hérissés sur la tête, c'est parce qu'au Japon il y a une expression qui...
Katakana: プンター
Hepburn: Puntā
Bandai: Punta
Funimation: Pintar
Viz: Punta
His Japanese name プンター (Puntā) can also translate to "P'ntar", which would be pronounced like "Pintar". That may be why Funimation spelled his name as such.
It's possible that his name is an anagram of sorts.
Clues and...
Any counterarguments you may have, this list shuts them all down
1) She didn't invent the Dragon Radar. Pilaf did as he made his first. And he later perfected it to a satellite radar that could pull up the precise location of Dragon Balls on live video, surpassing Bulma's portable radar.
1) Violated the laws of nature and gods.
2) Fucked up the spacetime continuum by creating three different timelines.
3) Led to Zamas killing everyone on Earth and Zeno erasing the entire multiverse in Future Trunks's timeline
All to save one measly planet in the entire multiverse.
Panel Three:
しかし われわれには 人工衛星の ドラゴンボールレーダーで あのガキが苦労して あつめた6つの位置が 手にとるようにわかる!
Shikashi wareware ni wa jinkō eisei no Doragon Bōru rēdā de ano gaki ga kurō shite atsumeta muttsu no ichi ga te ni toru yō ni wakaru!
However, with our artificial satellite's Dragon Ball radar, we can easily see the...
"Was Gohan SS1 or SS2 against Dabra and/or Fat Boo"
"Who is stronger between SS3 Goku and Mystic Gohan in the Boo arc"
"Who is stronger between Super Boo and Pure Boo"
"Was Gohan Mystic in GT"