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  1. Jeff Styles

    Kaioken x20 Goku vs Oozaru Vegeta

    Vegeta uses the artificial moon to transform so he lose some power. Bust out your numbers. Rules: Goku doesn't have strain, can't cut Vegeta's tail and can't destroy the artificial moon. Vegeta can't regain the power he lost before transforming and can't blow up the planet. Who wins?
  2. Jeff Styles

    Why doesn't Goku respect North Kaio?

    Take Goku's first time, he ask for food despite the fact he is dead. He said the food is not very tasty. Goku ignore Kaio's warning of not fighting Freeza and killing Freeza before he power up to 100%. The next time he visted him, he wake him up. The next time, he bring a self destruction...
  3. Jeff Styles

    Why didn't Kami stop Piccolo Daimao?

    I can understand when Piccolo took over the earth before being seal away since Kami might not have been strong enough to beat Piccolo. Not the second time as Kami flick away Goku who ate a Senzu after defeating Piccolo. With that in mind, why didn't Kami take responsibility for his evil side...
  4. Jeff Styles


    I'm Jeff. I'm somewhat new. Big Dragon Ball fan and big Dragon Ball Super hater.
  5. Jeff Styles

    SSJ3 Goku (CG) vs Pure Evil Boo

    Scenario 1: Goku does have strain. Scenario 2: Goku doesn't have strain.
  6. Jeff Styles

    Styles reads Pokemon Adventures

    Got challenge by Captian Cadaver. Watch my thread as I read Pokemon Adventures.
  7. Jeff Styles

    How did Evil Boo know about sensing ki?

    After he kill those two guys and spare Hercules's life, he went directly after the Z Warriors. Fat Boo couldn't sense ki.
  8. Jeff Styles

    Zamasu messed up from the start

    Zamasu has the Super DBs not once, but twice. He have the whole world, well universes in his hands yet he messed up from the start. He could have wish to kill Zeno, the angles, or the Hakashins, but instead chose to switch bodies with Goku. Why didn't he wish to switch bodies with Zeno, one of...
  9. Jeff Styles

    Why didn't Mecha Freeza and King Cold went after Goku?

    Anyone found it weird Freeza and Cold didn't go directly to Goku after the state Goku put Freeza in? After all, Freeza and Cold know where Goku is because of their radar. Also, didn't Freeza LEARN you don't piss off Goku? The same guy who transform into the legendary SSJ after he tried to kill...
  10. Jeff Styles

    Super Perfect Cell vs Good Boo

    Rules: Boo can't regenerate. Cell can regenerate without losing power. Who wins?
  11. Jeff Styles

    Goku and Piccolo vs Saibamen

    Beginning of Z. Can the rivals win without Gohan's help?
  12. Jeff Styles

    KKx10 Vegetto vs Super Bebi Vegeta 2

    Who wins? The battle take place at Planet Vegeta. Scenario 1: Vegetto has strain like KKx4 Goku did. Scenario 2: Vegetto has no strain. Rules: Vegetto can't transform. Bebi can't infect Vegetto. Neither can't destroy the planet.
  13. Jeff Styles

    Nail join Vegeta and co. against the Ginyu Force?

    What if Nail obey Guru's order and fought alongside Vegeta and the others against the Ginyu Force?
  14. Jeff Styles

    Hirudegarn runs the Boo Arc gauntlet

    How far does he get? 1. SSJ3 Gotenks 2. Ultimate Gohan 3. Bootenks 4. Boohan 5. SSJ Vegetto 6. SSJ2 Vegetto 7. SSJ3 Vegetto
  15. Jeff Styles

    SSJ3 Goku (BoGT) vs the Sigma Force

    After Goku recover from his fight with Oob. Scenario 1: Goku is in his adult body, but have strain. Scenario 2: Same as scenario 1 except Goku doesn't have strain.
  16. Jeff Styles

    Why did Burter think he was the fastest in the universe?

    I mean, Ginyu's power level is about 3x more than him and Freeza's is about 13x. Usually a higher power level mean the individual is faster than one with a lower power level. If you think about it, Guldo can stop time, so technically that make him faster than him.
  17. Jeff Styles

    Goku got the heart virus in the hospital?

    Goku was at a hospital for 44 days. It's possible he contain the heart virus there due to sick people around him. Also, due to being raise in the wild, away from civilization and Gohan only being with him for a few years, Goku probably never heard of being sick, so he wasn't careful while in the...
  18. Jeff Styles

    Super Jamemba runs the Boo Arc gauntlet

    How far does he get? 1) Pure Evil Boo 2) Fat Boo 3) SSJ3 Goku (dead) 4) SSJ Gotenks (post) 5) SSJ3 Gotenks (no time limit) 6) Ultimate Gohan (serious) 7) Bootenks 8. Boohan

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