Search results

  1. Jeff Styles

    Goten's and Trunks's tails

    A in-universe explanation of why Goten's and Trunks's tails are missing is their tails were cut off at birth. However, shouldn't their tails grow back until they're grow up like Vegeta was? After all, Goku's and Gohan's tails came back during their childhoods, but Vegeta's didn't in his...
  2. Jeff Styles

    Vegeta (post Senzu bean) vs 50% 1st form Freeza

    Vegeta in the Namek Arc after he ate the Senzu bean Goku gave him. Scenario 1: Freeza can't transform or power up or down. Scenario 2: If Freeza's power is too much for Vegeta, Vegeta can uses Kaioken up to x2, but have the same strain as Goku (Saiyan Arc). Scenario 3: Same as scenario 2, but...
  3. Jeff Styles

    The forms of Boo

    So I decided to reread the Boo Arc to try to understand the forms of Boo. Pure Boo - The original Boo Buff Boo = Pure Boo + South Kaioshin Fat Boo = Pure Boo + South Kaioshin + Daio Kaioshin Good/Mr. Boo = South Kaioshin + Daio Kaioshin with no Pure Boo, but remain the color pink. Pure Evil...
  4. Jeff Styles

    Why didn't Vegeta's tail grow back?

    I mean, Vegeta himself says it'll grow back again...
  5. Jeff Styles

    How did Emma deal with the villains past Raditz?

    Considering Kami tells Goku that North Kaio is stronger than Emma and Kaio tells Goku that Nappa and Vegeta are stronger than him.
  6. Jeff Styles

    Why didn't Piccolo make sure he did kill Babidi?

    After Piccolo encounter Babidi, he listen to him then slice him in half and let him fall, but why didn't he blast him into oblivion just to be sure?
  7. Jeff Styles

    SSJ Goten and Trunks vs Bojack's minions

    2 vs 4. Scenario 1: Goten and Trunks are at their pre ROSAT selves. Scenario 2: Goten and Trunks are at their post ROSAT selves.
  8. Jeff Styles

    What if Kamiolo killed Imperfect Cell (Ginger Town)?

    After Cell tell Piccolo who he is, what he's doing in the main timeline, etc. Would Piccolo still go to Kame's house and be founded by the Androids? Would Goku still choose to train in the ROSAT?
  9. Jeff Styles

    What if Fat Boo absorbed SSJ3 Goku?

    Similar to how Pure Boo absorb South Kaioshin. Fat Boo absorbs Goku because he was a threat to him. Keep in mind, at the time Goku have 24 hours on earth. When the 24 hours are up, would Goku disappeared from Boo's body and go back to the other world? Would Boo be in the other world? Or would...
  10. Jeff Styles

    Kaioken x6 Goku (post 100x gravity training) vs 1st form Freeza

    Who wins? - Goku does have strain - Freeza can't blow up Namek - Goku can't go past Kaioken x6 - Freeza can't transform
  11. Jeff Styles

    Why are Veku and Gogeta dead in Fusion Reborn?

    According to Goku, when two people fuse, they become a a separate entity. So why are Veku and Gogeta dead when they are supposed to be new people? Because Goku and Vegeta are dead? Because Gogeta look cool with a halo?
  12. Jeff Styles

    What was your toughest Pokémon battle?

    Mine was in Soul Silver when it first release (2009) and it was Whitney and her Milktank. Given the fact most, if not all of my Pokemon were male, Milktank using attract was a living nightmare. My Pokemon couldn't attack for half of the battle My strongest Pokemon was my starter, Quilava and...
  13. Jeff Styles

    Style's Boo Arc power level list

    Starting from 1 because too many damn zeros to keep track of. 25th Budokai - Ship Nonsense Android 18 - 1.7 Dabura - 180 Gohan ~ Base - 2 ~ SSJ - 100 ~ SSJ2 - 200 Goku ~ Base - 3 ~ SSJ - 150 ~ SSJ2 (burst) - 270 Goten ~ Base - 1.5 ~ SSJ - 75 Kibito - 2.1 Piccolo - 1.9 Pui Pui - 0.5...
  14. Jeff Styles

    Ask Styles

    Just about every main member had their own ask thread, so the wait is over! Ask me anything!!! Besides the obviously no questions.
  15. Jeff Styles

    Styles's Android Arc power level list

    Nothing set in stone yet. Key points ASSJ - 100x multiplier USSJ - 250x multiplier SSJ2 - 250x multiplier Arrival of Mecha Freeza and King Cold Future Trunks ~ Base - 4,000,000 ~ SSJ - 200,000,000 King Cold - 108,000,000 Piccolo - 3,400,000 Mecha Freeza ~ Initial - 62,000,000 ~ Full power...

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