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  1. Warmmedown

    Do you think General Blue's shotgun would have killed Son-kun?

    Blue used his telekinesis to trap Son-kun on the ground and then was about to shoot him from point blank range, before he was distracted by an underwater mouse (can they even live in underwater caves?). Do you reckon he'd have been killed? How many years would Blue have got?
  2. Warmmedown

    When do you think Koby will overtake Garp? How long until he reaches Admiral level?

    If he has one attack that's Garp-level (though I didn't find Garp stating this in the manga, chaps 1088-1089, so idk if he did say it), when do you think his overall fighting strength will overtake Garp's? Do you think it'll happen while preparing to rescue Garp from Blackbeard? I understand...
  3. Warmmedown

    Garp, Helmeppo, Koby (and Aokiji if needed) (and then Zoro if needed) vs Kaidou

    Do they take him out? Marines/Aokiji from Hachinosu, Zoro from Egghead Arc.
  4. Warmmedown

    Why the f does Helmeppo have CoC haki?

    Not hating on my guy, but Conqueror's/Haoshoku is supposed to be quite exclusive, right? Or is unlocking it naturally exclusive, but it's not that exclusive with training? What's his conqueror goal? Getting away from Morgan's shadow? If Helmeppo has it every Strawhat could end up having it -...
  5. Warmmedown

    Did anyone else not know what the 30 MDs were in Chopper's backstory?

    Big up Hiluluk. I cried. Chopper>Robin. Fuck off Robin, get rejected again for not having an X Factor-tier backstory (where they have sob stories before singing. They just give em a fake one if they don't tell the producers one they think is good enough). Yeh just wondering. I remember watching...
  6. Warmmedown

    Will Garp rescue Luffy from the marines or World Government?

    He didn't do it for Ace and might regret it. For sure he would have liked to rescue Ace, but Ace was a pirate and he's a marine. Well what if the gorosei or Akainu get Luffy? Maybe Luffy is incapacitated. And then Garp decides to save Luffy, against orders. He says "Koby, I'm leaving the marines...
  7. Warmmedown

    How do you feel about Luffy gear 5, narratively?

    Feels like baloney, but even worse - overcooked rubbery baloney. Look at Garp. He's just strong with no externally-sourced devil fruit powers. Ok, luffy can't swim and he had to train and come up with 2nd, 3rd, 4th gear. But 5th gear is just his fruit making him top tier. Oh wow I'm so proud of...
  8. Warmmedown

    How are Blackbeard's crew keeping Garp prisoner/hostage?

    Is he in seastone handcuffs? All of BB's crew have a DF, but DF users can handle seastone handcuffs with training. If he's not in seastone handcuffs, how can they keep him there? Did Doc Q poison him? Or is it just cuz he's too hurt already? Look how fast Koby can swim...Garp can swim to a navy...
  9. Warmmedown

    Prediction: we'll see the monkey trio - yes or no?

    Luffy, Garp and Dragon fighting on the same side, at the same time. Maybe literally alongside each other.
  10. Warmmedown

    Koby's haki - haki no Koby

    At Marineford he showed exceptionally strong observation haki. Not the type where you predict the future, but where you can hear people's thoughts. Have they developed this further? Is it only when ppl are very emotional? Could he read Kuzan's true intentions? Seems like he can't. So where's he...
  11. Warmmedown

    Koby is the Zoro of the marines

    Trains all day, then extra at night. He's just missing the tough fights and always being injured. If Koby starts using a sword Zoro's gonna cry. Candy floss/pink coral>marimo.
  12. Warmmedown

    Smoker not at Hachinosu

    Tashigi is there, so why not Smoker? She's in his division, right? Or is she in Garp's division now? Is Oda separating him from Koby so we can wonder how Koby and Smoker compare to each other? Is Smoker training? He got smoked at Punk Hazard, right? Maybe he's training his haki somewhere. Or is...
  13. Warmmedown

    Helmeppo vs Morgan

    When did Helmeppo overtake Morgan? Did he ever overtake Arabasta Sanji? Skypeia Wiper? Overtake Enies Lobby Blueno?
  14. Warmmedown

    Why is Ivankov's bounty so low?

    It's like 100M. One of the Rev Army's top members, strong enough to hold their own at Marineford, escaped Impel Down. Zoro had a higher bounty when he was around Pacifista-level, had only beaten CP9, declared war on the WG and helped bring down one shichibukai (Crocodile). He'd been known to...
  15. Warmmedown

    What's Zoro's greatest strength feat so far?

    Cutting his way out of a chimney while barely able to move was pretty big. His jump vs Pica too. Maybe it's strengthened by Toei making things last longer to fill the episode:
  16. Warmmedown

    Gutts (Berserk) vs Edward Elric (FMAB)

    prime vs prime
  17. Warmmedown

    Sanosuke (Kenshin) vs Casca (Berserk)

    prime vs prime
  18. Warmmedown

    Anime English/Engrish

    Azumanga foreigner Jojo speedwagon
  19. Warmmedown

    Dumbest anime laugh?

    I think Caesar from OP Also Treybol from OP (RIP voice actor. Also Lafitte from BB's crew's voice actor) Caribou from OP's laugh is pretty silly Hammond from OP: Kaidou: Killer:
  20. Warmmedown

    Who is the swordsman shown here? (chapter 1121)

    Doesn't look like Mihawk's sword.

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