Who’s the strongest out of all these? We asked producer, Atsushi Kido.
The God of Destruction Beerus is overwhelmingly strong, but if we leave him out, then I think the strongest fighter is Goku Black. I’d say he’s used Son Goku’s power as a base and evolved in his own, unique way.
Ch. 1, pg. 8.2
Context: Goku complains about Chi-Chi forcing him to get a real job
Goten: “I guess the strongest person in the world really is mommy!”
Thoughts? This would also mean Goku didn’t even need SSJ on Boo and co. in his head…
Well I'm watching the movies so why not?
Dead Zone
Kuririn and co. know who Gohan is, but Goku and Piccolo have the same talk about weighted clothing they had vs Raditz. It seems like Raditz arrived late or never at all in this timeline. The anime fits this before the Saiyan Saga even starts...
Been a while since I've done one of those that didn't suck, so here we go. Tried using some fancy colours to differentiate transformations and techniques, do you think it's hard to hard? It kinda is for me with the dark layout, but looks cooler this way.
Pre Z (No scouters)
How strong are those two? Do we even have any clear indication they're above regular martial artists level? Yamcha calls Bacterian's strength "fearsome" but his presence doesn't make Yamcha doubt his chances like Kuririn did. Ranfan has some feats on Namu but they aren't anything special...
Goku says Broly is the strongest guy he faced in the movie, meaning he's stronger than BL Jiren who rivaled UI Goku. Yet Current UI Goku is stronger than anyone else in the universe, besides maybe Granola? He can't possibly be getting stronger with the form since he's still learning how to use...
Have these guys gotten considerably stronger compared to their Z selves? We know #18 apparently closed the gap between herself and #17 in the Moro Arc, but what about ToP #18? She doesn't have any special feats, does she?
And what about the humans? I'd think training with #18 would make Kuririn...
How would rank the 12 in the manga? I’ve seen a lot of people suggest Belmond is among the weakest, but I don’t see why. He was unscathed by Liquiir’s Ki barrage.
Also where does :rumoosh: fit in? :rumoosh: