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  1. GSM123

    How strong were Pan and Trunks in M2?

    And did they get stronger for the Baby Saga? How much?
  2. GSM123

    Dragon Ball Multiverse

    Was thinking about keeping up with it again since it’s the closest thing to a DBZ sequel we have. Is anyone else reading it? Thoughts?
  3. GSM123

    Tao Pai Pai vs Grandpa Gohan

    Who wins?
  4. GSM123

    How much stronger did Goku get between EoZ and the start of GT?

    In EoZ, he matches Oob’s hidden power, suggesting he’s around Pure Boo’s power in base. In Episode 1 of GT, Goku finally has his much dreamed rematch with Pure Boo in the form of a fight with Boo. Again suggesting they’re both in Pure Boo’s level. Does this mean Goku has had little to no gains...
  5. GSM123

    Gap between Trunks and 100% Mecha Freeza

    Between the inconsistency of one shot gaps, Trunks being compared to Namek Goku and the fact Trunks nor Freeza were at 100%, I find it a bit hard to tell how strong Trunks is.
  6. GSM123

    How strong was Super Perfect Cell?

    Cell comes back fully confident he could beat Gohan and sources like Daizenshuu 2 and the Dragon Books say he’s the strongest guy at that point. Gohan also whines about underestimating him after losing his arm, so apparently being off guard wasn’t that big a factor. Yet Gohan easily blows Cell...
  7. GSM123

    Piccolo (Post Roast)

  8. GSM123

    DBS Anime Power Levels

    1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (1 Quintillion) = 1 God Power (GP) Battle of Gods Goku: 100,000,000,000 ~ SSJ: 5,000,000,000,000 ~ SSJ2: 10,000,000,000,000 ~ SSJ3: 40,000,000,000,000 ~ SSJ (Post Failed Ritual): 3,000,000,000,000,000 ~ SSJG: 120,000,000,000,000,000 and increasing ~ Adapted...
  9. GSM123

    7-3 Moro > UI Sign Gogeta?

    According to Piccolo, Moro learning Vegeta’s Spirit Fission makes fusion pointless. But how could Moro even touch someone much faster than him?
  10. GSM123

    Piccolo (Pre 2 months) vs Yunba and Shimorekka

    Round 1: Only Shimorekka Round 2: Only Yunba Round 3: Both at once Everyone’s healed after every round. Who wins?
  11. GSM123

    Enraged SSJ2 Vegeta (BoGs) vs Base Vegeta (U6)

    Manga versions. Who wins?
  12. GSM123

    SSJ2 Vegeta

    Why do most people think Vegeta has a super strong SSJ2 power instead of just being stronger by training? It seems pretty straightforward to me.
  13. GSM123

    How much weaker did Gohan get in the 7 years?

    Currently I have Gohan only getting a bit weaker in base and SSJ1, but massively so as a SSJ2 because of the lack of anger and all. Thoughts?
  14. GSM123

    Tenshinhan vs Kuririn (Battle against Freeza)

    This is Tenshinhan by the time Piccolo left Kaio, and Kuririn from when he fought 1st form Freeza. Has Kuririn become the strongest earthling already?
  15. GSM123

    Gohan vs Dabra

    This is a power comparison, not a versus. Magic shenanigans aside, who was stronger? And as a bonus for those who know think Gohan was a SSJ2… how does Cell (FP and SPC) compare to the two? I’ve been a bit confused about the power chain… - Daizenshuu 2 says Cell was the strongest being on...
  16. GSM123

    Was Vegeta bluffing about destroying the Earth?

    Vegeta had simply lost his shit and was goading Goku into taking the blast. Even if he could blow up the planet, I’m not sure if he was being entirely honest. Earth’s Genki/energy being capable of killing even Oozaru Vegeta doesn’t help Vegeta’s point either.
  17. GSM123

    Post Karin Goku >= Buff Roshi?

    Goku was already outmuscling Roshi in the Budokai, yet even after getting many times stronger it’s still not known for sure if Goku has surpassed him. This could only be a reference to Roshi’s buff full power, isn’t it? This would also mean Goku (Post Karin) > Oozaru Goku (21TB), unless Yamcha...
  18. GSM123

    Galactic Brigade Scaling

    1. Saganbo (The leader) 2. Zayuogi (“A cut above the others”) 3. Yuzun (“Unbeatable”) 4. Quoitur (Metal Man, fairly powerful race) 5. Yunba (Part of Saganbo’s main crew) 6. Shimorekka (Same as Yunba) 7. Yuzun’s goons (Fought SSJ Goku and Vegeta) Thoughts?
  19. GSM123

    Are Senzus no longer effective?

    Vegeta took a senzu on his first fight with Goku Black and still got his shit kicked, despite being capable of beating Black after solving Blue’s stamina issues in the Rosat. Are the fighters now so strong the senzu beans can no longer heal them fully?
  20. GSM123

    What’s the biggest possible gap between SSJ and SSJB?

    So SSJB at less than 10% rivals SSJ… but how much lower than 10% can it be? 8%? 5? 2?

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Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.
My friend has incessant suicidal thoughts and he wants them to stop.
Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this