Tried to keep everything very tight to work with the scouter numbers.
Dragon Ball Hunt/Master Roshi's training
Goku: 50
~ Hungry: 45
~ Untrained Kamehameha: 55
~ Oozaru: 500
~ Tailess: 40
Bulma: 4
Bear Bandit: 25
Umigame: 1
Master Roshi: 240
~ Full power: 1,200
~ Full power Kamehameha...
- The first pages are those that have been seen in the preview.
- Granolah constantly attacks Vegeta until he loses his "Ultra Ego" form.
- When Granolah is about to finish him off, Goku appears using the SSJ Blue and hits Granolah in the face, sending him away from Vegeta.
- Goku tells Vegeta...
Did Freeza need Frost to get tired in order to knock him out?
And as a bonus, how would ToP Piccolo vs Frost go? Has Piccolo closed the gap between them?
In the manga, Goku does nothing but fight Jiren the whole tournament. The manga also established Jiren as a serious player fighting from the start instead of the lazy fuck who only sleeps around from the anime. So how?
I'm skimming through the chapters, and Goku vs Jiren starts on Chapter 36...
Chapter: 347 (DBZ 153), P3.2-3
Piccolo: “It seems that in the original history, we were supposed to be wiped out by you two androids…But it looks like the future has changed somehow…Was it that you weren’t as strong as we thought?...Or have we grown too strong?...
I’m not sure what to make of...
Does it even have one? UI looked quite impressive at the ToP, but no so much in the Moro Saga. Unless SSJBE Vegeta was piss weak, or Vegeta was >>> SSJB Goku or something.
What SSJ multipliers do you use for the manga?
Here's mine:
SSJ: 2.5x base
SSJ2: 3.125x base
SSJ3: 6.25x base
FPSSJ2: 10x base
SSJG: 25x base
SSJB: 37.5x base
PSSJB: 62.5x base
SSJBE: 250x base
LSSJ: 10x base (Initially)
No idea for UI though. It looked massive in the ToP, but in the Moro...
I'm having some trouble filling those gaps. How big are the power ups supposed to be?
Goku (Baba Saga):
King Chappa:
Master Tsuru:
Master Roshi
~ Initial:
~ Shirtless:
~ Unseen FP:
~ Initial:
~ Serious vs Roshi:
~ Full power:
~ Initial:
~ Full...