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  1. GSM123

    Was Hakai ever used in the manga before Merged Zamasu?

    Even in the anime I can only remember a couple situations when Beerus used Hakai (To kill Present Zamasu and to destroy some planet in the first episodes), and it’s even more scarce in the manga.
  2. GSM123

    General Blue vs Jackie Chun

    Bankoku Bikkuri Sho is forbidden. Who wins?
  3. GSM123

    If Majin Vegeta = 1…

    Majin Boo: SSJ3 Goku (Vs Fat Boo): ~ Full power vs Kid Boo: Gotenks (Pre Rosat): ~ SSJ: Sweet Boo: Wrath Boo: Super Boo: ~ Vs SSJ Gotenks: ~ Full power: Gotenks (Post Rosat): ~ SSJ: ~ SSJ3: Fantastic Gohan: Gotenks-Boo: Gohan-Boo: Vegetto: ~ SSJ: Kid Boo: Mr. Boo (Good Boo with all the...
  4. GSM123

    OT Darth Vader vs DCEU Steppenwolf

    Just noticed I had this one missing from an old @Super Saiyan challenge. Who wins?
  5. GSM123

    Something else is coming this year?

    The anime is coming back?👀
  6. GSM123

    Super 73 Moro vs UI Goku

    Through the magical powers of the plot, Moro learns Vegeta has learned Spirit Fission, so he one shots him on sight and goes to the Lookout to absorb OG73i. So basically, Seven-Three Moro but Moro was never weakened before eating 73. Can UI Goku pull this off?
  7. GSM123

    Gohan used Ultra Ego vs Kefla

    That’s why he wore the purple Gi in the Manga. It all makes sense now.
  8. GSM123

    What should Elec have wished for?

    Making Gas the strongest was boringly predictable. What do you think he should’ve wished for?
  9. GSM123

    Kikoho vs Kamehameha

    Chapter: 133, P8.2 Context: after the Kikoho blows up the ring Kame-sennin: “Ju-just as I’d expect, this is stupendous destructive power…There’s no comparison between it and the Kamehameha…!” What? All Tenshinhan did was blow up the arena. Roshi blew up a mountain and the moon.
  10. GSM123

    GreatSaiyaman123's Ultimate Battle Power List

    There's this guy on Neo who has this really fancy Google Docs with power levels with pictures quotes and everything. A while ago I decided to do it like him, but I've only done the Saiyan Saga so far since it's so extensive. I'll include the entirety of DB here eventually outside of Heroes and...
  11. GSM123

    Rebels Ahsoka vs Asajj Ventress

    @SSJ2 2/3
  12. GSM123

    Kit Fisto vs Savage Opress

    Both from TCW. Who wins? @SSJ2 1/3
  13. GSM123

    Classic Dragon Ball Decimals Power Levels

    I've seen P and Withheld doing this before and decided to try my hand at it. Basically, I'm scaling everything backwards from BoZ and assuming the Farmer is just crazy strong instead of a reliable measure stick of the average human. Pilaf Saga Goku: 0.050 ~ Hungry: 0.040 ~ Oozaru: 0.500...
  14. GSM123

    Saiyan/Namek Saga Gohan

    Rage boosts aside, how strong is he? Does he even have a calm, non enraged full power?
  15. GSM123

    Cell Saga

    Gohan: 1,200,000 Kuririn: 600,000 Tenshinhan: 400,000 Yamcha: 300,000 Chaozu: 200,000 Piccolo (Weighted): 2,400,000 ~ Unweighted: 3,000,000 Vegeta: 3,200,000 Cyborg Freeza: 180,000,000 King Cold: 120,000,000 Trunks: 5 ~ Full power: 5,400,000 ~ SSJ: 270,000,000 Goku: 6,000,000 ~ SSJ...
  16. GSM123

    EoZ Goku

    Is it possible to have EoZ Goku > Gohan and Gotenks as a SSJ3? I mean, he wasn’t seriously phased by Boo’s enraged Kiai at all. This is the end of the series, Goku should be the strongest by this point. I think Toriyama has called Goku the strongest hero in pre BoGs interviews as well, meaning...
  17. GSM123

    Freeza Saga

    The Saiyan Saga list I posted was just supposed to be a one off thing to test Kamehameha = 2.22x, but I'm also feeling like doing a Cell Saga one so why not make a Freeza Saga one in the middle? Banan and Sui: 1,000 each Kuririn (Weighted): 1,500 ~ Unweighted: 1,875 Gohan: 1,500 ~ Enraged...
  18. GSM123

    Dai Kaioshin

    When Dai Kaioshin emerged from Boo to fight Moro. Was that Dai Kaioshin’s normal power or did Boo make him stronger somehow?
  19. GSM123

    Android 19 vs Android 20

    Both are post absorptions. Who wins?
  20. GSM123

    Saiyan Saga

    Raditz: 1,250 Farmer: 5 Goku (Weighted): 334 ~ Unweighted: 416 ~ Kamehameha: 924 Piccolo (Weighted): 322 ~ Unweighted: 408 ~ Makkankosappo: 1,330 Gohan: 1 ~ Nervous: 710 ~ Enraged: 1,307 Master Roshi: 139 Kuririn: 206 Yamcha: 177 Tenshinhan: 250 Chaozu: 148 Yajirobe: 153 Piccolo (Weighted...

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