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  1. GSM123

    DBS Movies Tier List

    As the title says, this is my attempting to scale DBS based solely on the movies, which are the only true canon. On the manga/anime sagas, I try to guess what Toriyama intended on his notes and fill the gaps with whatever he's most likely to remember/approve (Such as Vegetto >>> Zamasu, for...
  2. GSM123

    Gap between Vegeta and Dabra

    How big is it? Vegeta thinks Dabra is complete trash, but Gohan is often considered close enough to try fusion with Goku.
  3. GSM123

    Super happened after EoZ?

    How much would things change?
  4. GSM123

    Goku not absorbing SSJG in the Manga

    How much of a difference does it make? Does this mean SSJG’s multiplier never changed? Goku going from SSJ3 to SSJG is still the biggest deal when he’s going through all forms.
  5. GSM123

    GreatSaiyaman123’s 2023 Power Level List

    Story of Trunks Future Gohan: 3,300,000 ~ SSJ: 165,000,000 Future Trunks: 1,900,000 ~ SSJ: 95,000,000 Future Android 17 (<50%): 150,000,000 ~ 100%: 375,000,000 Future Android 18: 350,000,000 Another Super Saiyan Gohan: 800,000 Kuririn: 100,000 Tenshinhan: 60,000 Yamcha: 40,000 Chaozu...
  6. GSM123

    DBS Manga Power Scale (ToP - Super Hero)

    ToP SSJB Goku: 1 ~ Pseudo Kaio-Ken: 10 ~ UI Sign: 50 ~ UI: 125 SSJB Vegeta: 1 ~ SSJBE: 20 Toppo: 1 Golden Freeza: 1 Ultimate Gohan/SSJ Kefla: 0.96 Android 17: 0.9 Jiren (Suppressed): 1 ~ Serious: 50 ~ Full power: 100 ~ Beyond limits: 125 Broly SSJB Goku: 1 SSJB Vegeta: 1 Ikari Broly: 0.9...
  7. GSM123

    SSJ Grade 3 = 10x?

    This comes up on Neo every once in a while, but what are Zeta’s thoughts on this? (Below Trunks’s picture: “Trunks obtains power 10x superior, but his movement capacity are more limited)
  8. GSM123

    Freeza: The real MVP of the ToP (Manga)

    Most people woudl say the title goes to 17... He had plenty of tricks up his sleeve (Specially against Damon and Anime Anilaza) and was there right up until the end. But just take a look at how OP Freeza was in the manga: ~ On his own, Freeza had 7 eliminations: Frost, the whole Trio De Dangers...
  9. GSM123

    How close was SSJ Goku vs Freeza?

    This fight is kinda weird since it was pretty short and happens mostly off screen. Do you think it was a close one? Or was it one sided?
  10. GSM123

    Tier List for stronger Anime Zamasu/ToP characters

    Tier 1 UI Goku ~ Jiren (Beyond limits) Jiren (FP) Tier 2 Jiren (Ep 129) ~ UI Sign Goku Tier 3 Jiren (Ep 127) KKx20 SSJB Goku (Ep 127) Tier 4 Jiren (Ep 123) SSJBE Vegeta (Enraged) ~ SSJB Goku (Ep 127) ~ Android 17 (Ep 127) Hakaishin Toppo KKx20 SSJB Goku (Ep 123) ~ SSJBE Vegeta Tier 5 Jiren...
  11. GSM123

    Jiren being a pathetic buffoon AGAIN

    They were RIGHT ON THE BORDER! And did he knock them? Why did you knock them SIDEWAYS?
  12. GSM123

    Who are "Vegeta and the others"?

    Validity of that statement aside, what does it even mean?
  13. GSM123

    DB Levels

    Had to stay sick in the hotel so I came up with these. I wouldn’t call them “minimalistic” but I tried to stay away from the millions this time. Pilaf Saga Bulma: 4 Goku: 50 ~ Hungry: 45 ~ Oozaru: 500 Pterodactyl: 20 Bear Bandit: 25 Umigame: 1 Master Roshi: 150 ~ MAX Power: 1,500 ~ MAX...
  14. GSM123

    How much stronger did Goku get between the U6 tournament and the ToP?

    In the Copy Vegeta Saga he and Vegeta already talk about getting stronger since the tournament. After several tough battles with Zamasu it's natural he'd grow stronger than ever, but in the filler episodes he shown to not be training as much, and claims to be rusty before the ToP. I think the...
  15. GSM123

    Cell Saga

    Cyborg Freeza: 160 SSJ Future Trunks: 225 SSJ Goku: 250 SSJ Future Gohan: 200 Future Android 17 (<50%): 180 ~ 100%: 450 Future Android 18: 420 3 years later… SSJ Goku: 390 ~ Sick: 300 Android 19: 200 ~ Post absorptions: 270 SSJ Vegeta: 400 Android 20: 225 ~ Post absorptions: 250...
  16. GSM123

    Piccolo vs Sick Goku

    It’s been a while since we last discussed this. Piccolo takes it right? Both stomped the androids, but Piccolo handled a stronger android with less effort, although the virus was affecting Goku’s stamina… Piccolo also says Sick Goku is “weak”, but that might have been in comparison to his full...
  17. GSM123

    Broly & Super Hero’s continuity

    How does this movie even fit in the timeline? It obviously doesn’t fit in the manga since the Moro and Granola Sagas were skipped, but the anime also doesn’t work: No KKx20/SSJBE, Pan can’t fly despite consistently doing so in the anime, etc. So how is this supposed to work?
  18. GSM123

    Vegeta has never beaten Goku

    In Vegeta’s mind at least, and it’s not because Vegeta has an inferiority complex. No spoilers, but that part in Super Hero has got me thinking about this a bit. In the Boo Saga Goku and Vegeta called a truce, only for Vegeta to punch Goku from behind. Technically he did win, but it wasn’t a...
  19. GSM123

    Toyotaro on how strong Pre Wish Gas and Granolah are

    Around the 4:15 mark Uchida asks if they’re above Nappa, Toyotaro agrees and says they’re probably above the Ginyu Force too. Uchida then says they don’t look stronger than Namek Freeza, Toyotaro agrees and says they’re Abo and Cado level, on pair with Freeza’s best soldiers. Abo and Cado’s...

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.