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  1. GSM123

    Android Saga Base Goku vs Weighted Piccolo

    This is suppressed Piccolo who got attacked by Gero. He can't go full power and Goku can't use SSJ. Who wins?
  2. GSM123

    God Ki sensing

    I want to figure out how this works exactly. Apparently you have to be at a certain level to sense God Ki: Goku and Vegeta can sense God Ki in base, but I think that was a minor question. The thing is, who else can? Hit does comment on how much SSJB Goku's Ki is rising with Kaio-Ken, and...
  3. GSM123

    FT Saga Vegetto vs U7 Genki-Dama

    Vegetto tries to deflect it, if he can’t then can he at least survive? Round 1: Base Vegetto Round 2: SSJ Vegetto Round 3: SSJ2 Vegetto Round 4: SSJ3 Vegetto Round 5: SSJG Vegetto Round 6: SSJB Vegetto
  4. GSM123

    Gap between Sick Goku and Yardrat Goku

    How big is it?
  5. GSM123

    What level of Kaio-Ken did Goku use vs Toppo?

    The natural assumption would be 2x, but I think the context suggests he used way more. Zeno requested for Goku to go all out against Bergamo, so when we see Goku use Kaio-Ken it was probably x10 already. He then tells Toppo he’s going to show him what it looks like when he surpasses his limits...
  6. GSM123

    Hit vs Freeza

    This is Hit from episode 104, he can’t adapt or use any assassin techniques vs ToP Freeza, restricted to his final form. Who wins? Keep in mind Freeza did infinitely better against Dyspo.
  7. GSM123

    Was Tao past his peak?

    When he fought Goku. He’d only been an assassin for 20 years, and although he’s got some wrinkles he looks fairly in shape. Nowhere as aged as old ballsacks like Roshi, Tsuru or Kami. Does anything suggest Tao used to be stronger?
  8. GSM123

    Boo Saga Hax Experiment

    Cell Games SSJ Goku: 45 SSJ Gohan: 60 ~ SSJ2 (Enraged, holding back): 1,000 ~ Serious: 20,000 ~ Weakened: 8,000 ~ Final burst: 40,000 Cell (Vs Gohan): 67.5 ~ Full power: 675 ~ Giant: 13,500 ~ Post self destruction: 27,000 Anoyo-Ichi Budokai Super Perfect Cell: 27,000 Paikuhan (Weighted)...
  9. GSM123

    Future Trunks Saga (Anime)

    Future Trunks: 1 ~ SSJ2: 100 Goku (Suppressed vs Trunks): 1 ~ SSJ2: 100 ~ SSJ3: 400 Goku Black: 200+ SSJ2 Goku (Vs Black): 200 ~ Full power: 400 Goku Black (Peak vs Goku): 400 ~ Unseen FP: 450 Zamasu: 400 Vegeta: 3.75 ~ SSJB (Suppressed vs Goku Black): 15,000 ~ Full power: 750,000 Goku...
  10. GSM123

    Goku vs Vegeta (Future Trunks Saga, Anime)

    Equal forms. Who wins? Vegeta got tossed aside pretty easily by Black while Goku held his own pretty well and was even regarded as the only person who could push Black further. Does that mean Goku > Vegeta at this point?
  11. GSM123

    Base Caulifla (Start of ToP) vs Base Gohan

    Both were below Base Goku, so who wins? No SSJ or Ultimate allowed.
  12. GSM123

    Suppressed Jiren vs Vegetto Blue (FT Saga)

    Both from the anime. This is Jiren when he deflected the Genki-Dama and everybody was hyping him. Who wins? If Jiren wins, add Mutated Zamasu (Stable but without immortality) to help Vegetto.
  13. GSM123

    Viz Goofs

    Someone in Kanzenshuu made a thread the other day comparing the manga's japanese dialogue to the Viz translations, and as expected there seems to be plenty of gaps, both in terms of normal dialogue. Here's a link to the thread. So basically: - Vados' line about Kefla is a bit more vague. She...
  14. GSM123

    RoF Gohan vs Boo Saga Gohan

    Both are restricted. If RoF wins, have him fight Z Sword Gohan, also restricted to base and without the sword of course.
  15. GSM123

    SSJBE Vegeta (End of ToP) vs UI Sign Goku (Vs Kefla)

    Anime versions of both. Who wins? If Vegeta loses, have KKx20 SSJB Goku from the same episode help him.
  16. GSM123

    CG Goku and Gohan vs Boo Saga Gohan and Vegeta

    SSJ2 is forbidden. Who wins?
  17. GSM123

    Gohan (Enraged vs 2nd form Freeza) vs Gohan (Healed by Dende)

    Who wins?
  18. GSM123

    Trio De Danger

    How strong are they, anime-wise?
  19. GSM123

    Kids vs Adults

    How big is the gap between the boys and the adults in the Boo Saga? Equal forms only ofc.

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Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.
My friend has incessant suicidal thoughts and he wants them to stop.
Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this