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  1. GSM123

    Akira Toriyama has passed away

    RIP. Dragon Ball is truly dead.
  2. GSM123

    GSM’s Anime/Manga Thread

    Couldn’t find my old Berserk thread, and since I watch/read so very few animanga I decided to make a thread to talk about everything. Currently got up to finishing the Golden Age Saga in Berserk. Some peak tier shit. Star Wars Prequels level. Took a mini break after because I can’t binge...
  3. GSM123


    I'm only including Ki blasts I consider important bc they're mostly inconsistent af Ready? Part 1 (No Scouters) Saiyan Saga Freeza Saga Cell Saga Boo Saga
  4. GSM123

    Hybrid Anime/Manga/Movies DBS scaling

    There's this really big debate on what's really canon about DBS and the simple answer is "everything", but it's a little bit more complicated than that. Toriyama isn't directly involved with either series beyond basic directions, and only writes the full script for movies. So in a way, this...
  5. GSM123

    DBZ Attack Multipliers

    Saiyan Saga Kaio-Ken Kamehameha = No amp Greatest Technique = 1.1x Untrained Masenko = 1.1x Uncharged Makkankosappo = 1.2x Kakusandan = 1.25x each blast Kamehameha = 1.33x Garlic Gun = 1.33x Sayonara Ten-San: 2x Kikoho = 2x Freeza Saga Bakuretsu Ranma = 1.1x Finish Blaster = 1.1x Elegant...
  6. GSM123

    Blast countering guideline & comparisons

    Countering methods: OBS: Doing one doesn't mean you can't do another. Raditz runs away from the Kamehameha, but he can still block it. Trunks deflects Future 18's blast, even though there's a series of tanking gaps between them. Context matters. Dodging: The lowest method. You want nothing with...
  7. GSM123

    Did the SSJG multiplier really change?

    The biggest argument for that is Base Kefla, but isn’t that because of fusion multiplier being variable/inconsistent? SSJG is still worlds above SSJ3.
  8. GSM123

    No guide no bullshit list

    Now that I'm free of the guidebook chains, I think it's time to remake my whole list. Saiyan and Namek Sagas don't really matter since the main stuff is pretty much stated so I'll start with Freeza, but I might come back to fill in those gaps later. Battle against Freeza Kuririn: 250,000...
  9. GSM123

    Uranai Baba ~ 22TB levels

    Tao has to be relevant in the 22nd Budokai. There's no way around it. Tenshinhan says no one could've taken Tao right after he beats Yamcha. Goku vs Pamputto is proof he's not some kid off the street, but it's Goku vs Kuririn that proves for good he's strong enough to beat Tao. Here's the idea...
  10. GSM123

    BoG Piccolo > SSJ Boys?

    When they're recruiting for the U6 tournament, Vegeta passes on the boys. But Vegeta hasn't seen Piccolo since BoG, does this mean BoG Piccolo > Boys?
  11. GSM123

    Cell Saga - Early Boo Saga

    Since I’m officially out the Freeza>Base team this list is sort of both me testing the waters for a new list and trying to work the Base > Piccolo issue. Trunks Saga Mecha Freeza: 160 King Cold: 100 SSJ Trunks: 250 SSJ Goku: 300 Androids Saga SSJ Goku: 480 ~ Sick: 360 SSJ Vegeta: 500 SSJ...
  12. GSM123

    What if the humans weren't in the ToP?

    Let's say it was Future Trunks, Majin Boo and Trunkten (Potara Gotenks so he can last the hour) instead. How would they fare instead of the baldies? Are they too OP?
  13. GSM123

    Colonel Silver vs Ninja Murasaki

    Who wins? Murasaki has the better ranking, but Silver has the better feats.
  14. GSM123

    If this joke was in Super, people would hate it

    "Noooooo they're ruining Piccolo they're making him silly"
  15. GSM123

    Why didn’t Gohan turn SSJ2 seeing Spopovich vs Videl?

    He clearly didn’t need to transform against suppressed Spopovich, so he’s transforming because he’s going berserk. If he’s so mad then why no SSJ2? Some even theorize he had “residual anger” to use SSJ2 vs Kibito, yet it wasn’t enough for him to transform at the peak of his rage?
  16. GSM123

    BoGT SSJ3 Goku vs SSJ Gohan

    Goku should win, right?
  17. GSM123

    GT Levels Updated

    Boo Saga SSJ3 Goku: 40 SSJ3 Gotenks/Super Boo: 80 Ultimate Gohan: 120 Gotenks-Boo: 160 Gohan-Boo: 200 Vegetto: 200 ~ SSJ: 500 Kid Boo (Anime Hax): 250 BoGT Goku/Oob: 400 Vegeta: 150 Gohan: 120 (Hasn't neglected his training + Always has his "Ultimate eyes") Goten/Trunks: 4 (With SSJ...
  18. GSM123

    Mutchi vs Redjic

    Who wins?
  19. GSM123

    GT as a series of movies

    Just something that came to mind. GT feels much like the old DBZ movies, Super 17 even follows the formula perfectly, so what if they were a series of movies? Could it work? Would be pretty cool if a fan with editing skills and patience ever tried that. Take the episodes, cut down the fat and...
  20. GSM123

    Manga fixed the worst scene of DBS: Super Hero

    Goku knows what meditation is :alex

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.