When Freeza shot that blast behind his back and Galu flipped out and angrily shot that "You fool!" beam at Furiza, assume DBS logic was in place. What form does he reach as he does this? :troll :troll :troll
Whether it be from the anime, main series games or in the spin-offs
As for mine...
There are a few more but can't be assed to dig em all :mikey
While this will be a bit of a biased review because I found most of the Hunter Exams to be worthless fluff in both series and the manga and therefore never really watched much of it in either edition, I feel I've watched and discussed enough of both series that I can accurately judge the rest of...
As per CC's challenge in this thread from a month back :mikey :mikey
The Tsunade Retrieval arc is honestly the only arc I liked in the entire series. The chunin exams were drawn out and full of ridiculously stupid drama like Naruto...
Had Marik revived Lava Golem instead of Ra and attacked Gilford, he'd have won the duel as long as he summoned a new monster the next turn after raping Joey's next monster :odawg :odawg
Perfect. The manga being as slowly released as it is makes it hard to NOT be faithful to its pacing since they won't be having to worry about catching up to the manga anytime soon :galu
I personally think the previous 2 series had much better OSTs than GT did, except that GT's openings and especially ending songs were great. Plus, they replay the same tracks over and over and it even feels misplaced at times. Thoughts?
Apparently her human model is Gero's wife and human!16's mother or some shit like that, but she's also not even 10 years old or some shit and yet also has Majin DNA which Gero couldn't have acquired prior to the Boo arc? :wtf :wtf
If we're counting power scaling, I'd say a minimum of 5 inconsistencies per episode makes sense, so we're looking at well over 600 plot holes. :shc :shc
Even if excluding them at least one plot hole per episode seems fair. I'd estimate 150-200.
I was of the opinion that Freeza's actually younger than most people think (for his race anyway) considering that he uses childish terms like "Papa" and switches to the pronoun "boku" when he is in his true form, and his father shows no sign of weakening due to age despite clearly being far...
Since we're talking about Super's idiocy on a daily basis, time for affirmative action so :fearless doesn't get too butthurt when he comes back :troll
Aside from the entirety of the BSDB arc mainly due to me having no desire to ever rewatch it, and the existence of the Super 17 arc being one...
We know he never tried it in a battle until after he defused, but at what timing in the Zamasu arc do you think he came up with the idea?
I personally rationalized it (hard as that is to do) as his greater ingenuity somehow allowing him to make the most of being fused with Vegeta to go beyond...
As per Paladin's request for me to make a constructive DB topic :shc
- The divine Ginyu-frog suffers no strain.
- Assume he can also regenerate from a head similar to Namekian men :shc