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  1. Papasmurf

    Was Piccolo Daimao's plan retarded?

    Kami figured it was possible he could've simply died a natural death when the Saiyans came, and the Great Elder later also postulated he could've simply reached the end of his lifespan. He obviously survived for a few more years, but this basically means Piccolo's reign could've been over in...
  2. Papasmurf

    SSJ White Confirmed

    You all knew this was coming.... :idk :idk :idk
  3. Papasmurf

    Was Teen Goku (23rd) fully grown?

    He doesn't really grow noticeably after this, but a lot of material (usually by Toei or game companies) depict him as taller when he's an actual adult. I think he largely was the same size as the beginning of the Saiyan arc, and by extension the Freeza arc as well since he didn't age in the year...
  4. Papasmurf

    Pokemon Generations

    FHxZpk_hvJA yeX5GzN03AU
  5. Papasmurf

    K3nsh3h reads Please Save My Earth

  6. Papasmurf

    How reliable do you consider Toriyama's interviews to be?

    I was thinking this merits its own topic now since the subject has been discussed many times in other threads. Until BOG/FNF and the slew of absolutely terrible plot holes Toriyama brewed up through his writing and "explanations," I tried following them but honestly can't say things he says in...
  7. Papasmurf


    Are you a fatass pretending to be a skinny faggot online
  8. Papasmurf

    SRing for events in Generation 6

    I've heard rumors claiming that SRing too much prior to receiving event Pokemon, or stationary Pokemon like Xerneas/Yveltal can actually lower said Pokemon's IVs. I usually SR at least a few dozen times, and noticed I was getting IVs on the lower end of the spectrum (above average, relatively...
  9. Papasmurf

    New DBS Chapter is Out

    Well as we expected Gohan is effectively written out of even the peanut gallery where Pan, the Pilaf trio and 2-foot tall Marron of all people are part of. The 2-day limitation on the RoSaT seems to have been removed considering that the exit didn't disappear when Vegeta walked in and Goku and...
  10. Papasmurf

    DBS Chapter 6 is out

    Tights, the other main character from Jaco officially makes her appearance in the main DB storyline. Also, it's revealed that the Dragon Balls are really small fragments of a planet-sized Super Dragon Ball that originally existed (probably inspired by that filler where Roshi explained where the...
  11. Papasmurf

    Josuke's Bizarre Adventure Part 4 confirmed :et :et :et :et :et :et :nice
  12. Papasmurf

    Roshi the troll :facepalm Evidently Roshi would rather kill himself with a failed suicidal attack than ever fight...
  13. Papasmurf

    Ask King Smurf

    Guess I should probably bandwagon before this section gets too many threads :)
  14. Papasmurf

    DBS Chapter 1 Released With plotholes in the first chapter to boot!
  15. Papasmurf

    DBS Poster Released

    Female Whis and fat Beerus? Never ceases to disappoint.
  16. Papasmurf


    Decided to check in as COH's forum is completely dead and I had already lost interest in it.

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Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this
FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.