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  1. H

    Is Super Saiyan really a multiplier?

    Whenever in the series something was a multiplier (kaioken, oozaru), it was clearly stated. About the SSJ transformation, no such thing was ever stated. So why do most people treat it as a multiplier?
  2. H

    Does Kamehameha further amplify Kaioken?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  3. H

    Perfect Cell fight levels vs Vegeta/Trunks (anime filler included)

    During the first few exchanges of the anime fight, Cell seems to be as strong as Vegeta expected: strong enough to give him a challenge, but still weaker than him. Perfect Cell (initial)- 95 Vegeta- 100 Then Cell raises his effort. He's visibly stronger than Vegeta, but Vegeta can still put up...
  4. H

    Did AT forget how zenkais work in the Namek Saga?

    Do you think he forgot that only Saiyans got stronger after every fight? Or that Krillin was not a Saiyan?
  5. H

    Which power difference is greater?

    1. 20x Kaioken Goku - 50% Freeza 2. 100% Freeza - SSJ Goku
  6. H

    Anime: Are Present Androids stronger than Future Androids?

    In the anime, when Trunks says, "The Androids of my timeline weren't that horribly strong; I could put up a good fight," he's obviously referring to the fight we saw in the TV special. But in that fight, it turned out the Androids were toying with him, since his huge (probably amplified) blast...
  7. H

    Rank the 21st TB minor fighters from strongest to weakest

    Yamcha, Bacterian, Giran, Ranfan In what order would you place them and why?
  8. H

    Can Farmer=5, BODB Goku=10 work?

    First of all, judging from the fight Vegeta vs Zarbon, supposing Zarbon's power is indeed over 22.000 (say, 22.500), one needs even less than 10% an advantage to stomp their opponent. Applying that rule to the BODB gaps, we have... Farmer- 5 Martial artists- 5.5 Mr Satan- 6 Midweight champions-...
  9. H

    My "Bear Thief>Goku" gaps.

    Could they work? Farmer- 5 Trained fighters- 5.5 Mr Satan- 6.6 Bob Sapp- 7 Brock Lesnar- 7.5 Heavyweight champions- 8.5 Orangutan- 9 Lion- 10.5 Tiger- 11.5 Gorilla- 13 Brown Bear- 15 Polar Bear- 17 Bear Thief- 25 Goku- 20
  10. H

    Did Bear Thief have a higher power level than Goku?

    Is it possible the huge bear was stronger than Goku, who struggled to lift a car, but his size slowed him down, giving Goku the advantage, in a similar fashion as in USSJ Trunks vs Cell fight?
  11. H

    What are Yamcha's Wolf Fang and King Chappa's Hassuken?

    Are they pseudo-kaioken amplifiers? Or is it just another way of saying they are going full power? What about Goku's 8-hands technique against Tenshinhan?
  12. H

    21st TB Initial Krillin vs...

    Initial Krillin is the level of power he showed before concentrating to track Roshi's movements. 1. Initial Krillin vs Yamcha When Yamcha went full power (wolf fang fist), Roshi had to use some effort to dodge him. Krillin on the other hand couldn't see Roshi at all. Does that mean Initial...
  13. H

    Movie 9 Tenshinhan vs East Kaioshin

    Can a human defeat a God?
  14. H

    Gap between 3rd Form Freeza/Initial 4th Form Freeza

    Considering how long it took for Freeza to do the final transformation and the build-up to it, the increase he got must be way bigger than in the previous transformations. Mind that, at this point, the reader is supposed to believe that Initial 4th Form Freeza is his full power. It'd make no...
  15. H

    Is it worth giving power levels to Gotenks before his SSJ3 form?

    It is obvious that all the previous versions of Gotenks served purely gag purposes. Is it worth using them in a PL list to unnecessarily inflate the power levels?
  16. H

    What did Trunks mean by "regular fusion" in the ROSAT?

    "We've powered up enough to be equal to (Super) Buu in our regular fusion. So we'll let the fight drag on, then in the last five minutes, we'll do that Super Super Saiyan thing (SSJ3) and win." By regular fusion, was he referring to Base Gotenks or SSJ Gotenks? I've always thought SSJ Gotenks...
  17. H

    Which character likes candies the most (except Buu)?

    Yaay, I love candies.

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