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  1. H

    Is this evidence that Fat Buu=Super Buu?

    First of all, when Super Buu appeared, while a bunch of people noticed the change in his ki (Piccolo, Gohan, Goku etc.), none of them said anything about a power increase. Which is strange. If AT wanted to notify us about a power increase, why did he wait several pages to do so? Anyway, when...
  2. H

    Is this evidence that 22nd TB Goku ~ Baba Saga Goku?

    At the end of the Original Dragon Ball, Roshi says (about Goku), "I only taught him the basics. It was Korin and Kami who took him this far." If his solo training in the wild for 3 years also gave him a multi-fold power boost like the ones he got after training with Korin and Kami, why didn't...
  3. H

    Which was the first Gotenks to surpass SSJ3 Goku?

    Personally, I think SSJ Gotenks post is a good middle-ground solution, since he's the first Gotenks that actually seemed to stand a chance against Buu.
  4. H

    Is this evidence that SSJ Gotenks pre < SSJ3 Goku?

    When the kids fused in the ROSAT (I think we all agree that Base Gotenks post > SSJ Gotenks pre), after the first attacks, Super Buu seemed bored and said, "You're weak. I'll kill you." We know that Super Buu expected someone stronger than SSJ3 Goku to show up, since that was what Goku had told...
  5. H

    Why it makes more sense for SSJ3 Goku ~ SSJ3 Gotenks

    I'm not necessarily trying to prove that it's the case. I'm just saying that, since the Buu Saga will always have contradictions no matter how you view the power scaling, it's better from a writing point of view to see it this way. 1. From Goku's statements about the fusion between Goten and...
  6. H

    In real life, would Roshi be in jail?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  7. H

    Why did Pan blush here?

    I'm not sure I ever understood that part. (1.10)
  8. H

    Can a girl and a boy fuse with Metamorian Fusion?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  9. H

    Can Dragon Balls turn you into a Saiyan?

    Is it within Shenron's or Porunga's capabilities to perform such a task? Since they couldn't even turn the Androids back into humans, I don't think they can. But some people say it is possible.
  10. H

    DBZ shortened into 10 minutes or so.

    (On Roshi's island.) GOKU: Hey, guys, what'd I miss? KRILLIN: Dunno. Nobody watches pre-Z Dragon Ball. RADITZ: I'm a Saiyan, you're a Saiyan. Gimme your son. GOKU: No. (Raditz punches Goku, takes Gohan, and flies away.) GOKU: No, my son! PICCOLO: I'm here to help you take back your son. (Fires...
  11. H

    Can a pure evil person ride Nimbus?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  12. H

    Do you think you'd be able to ride Nimbus?

    Personally, I don't think I'd be able to.
  13. H

    Which DBZ characters do you think are pro-life and which are pro-choice?

    This is what I think. Pro-life Goku Chi-chi Goten Kami Blue Lunch Mr Popo Sixteen Pro-choice Krillin Bulma Bulma's parents Gohan Videl Future Trunks Eighteen Blonde Lunch Pan Bra Neutral Roshi Piccolo Vegeta Mr Satan Present Trunks Yadjirobe Tenshinhan Chaozu Oolong Seventeen Yamcha Puar
  14. H

    Videl wanted to be the strongest in the universe?

    After the end of Buu Saga, having discovered all those things about superpowered creatures, on top of her defeat against Spoppovitch, Videl feels humiliated. She undergoes a Vegeta-pride crisis and wants to surpass them all. She asks Gohan and his group to let her use the Dragon Balls to turn...
  15. H

    What is the gap between Piccolo and Base Garlic Jr?

    I remember their fight being roughly even. Then Garlic gets the Makyo boost, which is stated to multiply his power manyfold, but Piccolo still has an advantage because Garlic's boost makes him slow.
  16. H

    Hector's DBZ list including fillers and movies (Volume 2: Early Androids Saga)

    The first volume HERE. Note: Now that SSJ gets into the picture, each SSJ has two bases: his normal base and one that gives him access to 25% of SSJ's power. MOVIE 5: COOLER'S REVENGE The movie takes place during the 3-year period between Freeza and Androids Sagas. It must be in the future...
  17. H

    Hector's DBZ list including fillers and movies (Volume 1: Freeza-Garlic Jr Sagas)

    FREEZA'S TRANSFORMATIONS Each power-up (before final form) adds to Freeza's power 530.000 units. Freeza 1st form - 530 thousand Vegeta - 480 thousand Krillin - 150 thousand Gohan - 160 thousand Freeza 2nd form (initial) - 1.06 million Gohan (fully enraged/6x) - 960 thousand Freeza (powered...
  18. H

    SSJ Namek Goku & SSJ Future Trunks (debut) vs SSJ Yardrat Goku

    Is Namek Goku relevant enough to turn the tables here?
  19. H

    Does Ash prostitute Misty and other girls?

    How does Ash make money during his journey? I don't think trainers give him money as in the game -- and even if they did, Ash defeats random trainers once in a blue moon. Is it possible the girls that follow him (Misty, May, Dawn etc.) are the source of his income?

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Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.
My friend has incessant suicidal thoughts and he wants them to stop.
Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this