I knew that OP is monster in Japan but not this YUGE! :trump
Broly movie barely made it to ¥4 billion of its entire run in Japan and OP just did that in almost 3 weeks. Curious to see how they'll do in international market though. I wouldn't...
Hope the mod will pin this thread and merge threads about Super return to avoid mess.
It looks like it's unlikely that Super will makes its return this year and possibly next year as well. Let's speculate the reasons anyway.
One of the reason I've read (not fact) from other site was that...
The story of the franchise started when this woman was looking for the Dagon Balls and met Goku and from there onwards she was featured throughout the series until Boo arc imo where she's just Trunks mother and Vegeta's wife.
Anyone agree? If so, do you like how Super managed to make her great...
Golden transformation from manga version.
Iirc, SSjinB is just around 10x or more than SSjin based on the manga and since Golden Freeza was around of that level then how strong Cooler would be had he transformed into a Golden form against Goku from M5?
Please move this to movie section.
We know that he powered up later and managed to beat Hakaishin Toppo with that kind of power so my question are
1. initial SSJBE Vegeta compare to KK20X Goku
2. Full Powered SSjinBE Vegeta compared to UI Goku and other top tiers
I was watching this watchmojo video about this topic and surely there's something that you guys might disagree with the video so post your top 10 list then.
1. Vegeta - DBZ
2. Hie - Yu Yu Hakusho
3. Scar - FMA
4. Gaara - Naruto
5. Ken - Digimon
6. Viral - Guren Lagann
7. Ren -...
So why is he stronger? Is it because of hard working or he has a huge potential? He's not a prodigy like Vegeta but still managed to surpass him easily. He wasn't said to have a great potential like Gohan, Freeza but still managed to keep up with them and eventually surpass them...
I thought he should be higher than that. Anyone agree with the list?
I found this interview of Toriyama where he said that his stuff doesn't want to change Goku's appearance and how this goes with other shonen manga/anime as well.
So does other anime/manga have...
As a challenge from Supreme.
I've always gone back and forth of which is my favorite fight of this series but recently after watching Gohan Vs Goku I just noticed how big deal it was. Here is Gohan who trained to regain his fighting spirit back along with his ultimate form and greatly improved...
It seems the way Roshi talked about Tao implies that he just know Tao's power based on heresay.
Chapter: 120, P11.1-2
Context: Goku revealed that he defeated Taopaipai. Tenshinhan did not believe it.
Jackie Chun: “Did you really…take down Taopaipai…?”
Goku: “Huh? You too, gramps? I did so! It...
It's time to come up a different approach to advertise this forum. We have an established and loyal members around here which is enough for maintaining this site activity but we need go beyond that. I was thinking of trying as an active reddit member of some DB subreddits or whatever to recruit...