If Vegeta never joined, how would this have gone?
Krillin/Gohan Daiz numbers are 13k and 14k respectively, but their feats against a 23K Ginyu speak otherwise. Krillin himself was fighting him to a draw, and Vegeta even stated that they haven't beaten Ginyu yet because he looks like Goku
After Vegeta ate the senzu bean, did he immediately jump to 500k?
It seems unlikely as he was still in awe of Goku's 60K power and Goku himself said he only "might" be able to beat Jeice
What do you think?
So the manga and anime tell us that Buff Buu>Super Buu
However, Buff Buu is only Kid Buu+South Kaioshin, who is weaker than SSJ Adult Gohan
This would put Super a very small amount above Kid Buu, which goes against larger gap presented in the buu arc
Your thoughts?
What do you think? Can SSJ3 form be suppressed? Goku wasn't going all out against Fat Buu and Vegeta noted his power is beyond his imagination when he fought Kid Buu.
You can chalk this up to effort as Goku wasn't trying to kill Fat Buu but still; what do you think?
Which gives higher raw power? We are not talking speed, stamina, just physical power.
We are comparing the form of the same user: SSJ2 Goku and SSj Grade 3 Goku.
For example, we know that cell can sense Ki on numerour occasions. But when gohan goes ssj2, the bitch still thinks he is stronger, despite ki difference. Same applies to buuhan vs ssj vegito
We know that this version of cell is stronger than vegeta so that means he is also stronger than goku. However, Piccolo called cells kamehameha pathetic. Can Goku win the kamehameha struggle seeing as his Kamehameha has higher amp?
Vegeta was treated like shit by Zarbon and Dodoria. But how was he treated by frieza? Did Frieza taunt him by calling him monkey and such like in the filler?