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  1. ahill1

    How'd Shinobu change so much?

    How'd she?
  2. ahill1

    Masenko vs Kikoho (battle against Vegeta and Nappa)

    Which attack was stronger to you, dished out in the battle vs Vegeta and Nappa? The Masenko was read as 2800 and surprised Nappa and Vegeta, while the Kikoho seemed to scare Nappa momentarily and Piccolo wondered if Nappa was immortal for having witnessed it.
  3. ahill1

    Greed Island

    How do feel about the Greed Island saga from HxH? I've mixed feelings. All the game inspiration Togashi used was cool and well thought out, and showcases his passion for rpg like games and it's nice it had a tie to the saga's ending, meaning the structure of the saga remained solid. Some...
  4. ahill1

    How would Hisoka react if he sensed Meruem's power?

    Do you think he'd be excited and try to switch hands, or would he be scared and turn tail? I find this interesting to speculate because we know that Hisoka is always keen on challenging himself against strong opponents and finds enjoyment in that... but Meruem is so strong that he didn't only...
  5. ahill1

    Did Goku only learn to fly by the end of the 23rd Budokai?

    I've always felt a little confused about this one... did he only learn it when he used it to headbutt Piccolo? Or did he know all along? The other warriors's surprise when saying that maybe leans towards the former... but I also thought they could be showing surprise at Goku using that at that...
  6. ahill1

    Did Akira Toriyama forget Piccolo and Vegeta were way past 1,000,000?

    Freeza : You're stronger than I thought. I'm a bit surprised. I didn't think anyone else in this Universe surpassed Captain Ginyu. What's up?
  7. ahill1

    Anime's portrayal of Vegeta

    In the anime when being informed that Freeza and Goku would likely die, Vegeta laughed it off and celebrated as that would make him the strongest. Ofc, it later retconned Vegeta's behavior as if that never happened, but do you think this behavior made sense? Did you enjoy this side of Vegeta...
  8. ahill1

    #18 vs base Gohan (Boo arc)

    Gohan can't transform. Who wins? Before Z-sword, ofc. I find this an interesting battle to speculate since both Gohan and #18 hold an advantage over the base kids, but it seems to be a moderate advantage, with Gohan working up a sweat not to be hit and #18 engaging in an exchange and hitting...
  9. ahill1

    Z-sword Gohan vs Grey Boo

    Who wins?
  10. ahill1

    Prime Garp vs current Kaido

    Who wins this fuckery?
  11. ahill1

    One thing to take into account when scaling the [androids arc] Earthlings

    Is to compare their overall, raw gains with the Saiyajins'... we generally don't have Goku and Vegeta undergoing more than a 2x increase in their base forms.. Realistically, should the Earthlings undergo more of a power up, with less resources? Maybe they didn't even increase it by 2x in...
  12. ahill1

    Is Roshi (22nd Budokai) close to Goku and Tenshinhan (22nd Budokai)?

    Do you think he is? I believe there's conflicting evidence on this.
  13. ahill1

    How strong is Chi-Chi in the 23rd Budokai?

    Where do you place her?
  14. ahill1

    FPSSJ Goku, [vs Goku] Perfect Cell, FPSSJ kid Gohan

    How'd you scale them, during the Cell Games? I'm leaning to suppressed Cell being around as strong as SSJ kid Gohan, but that'd leave a puny advantage for Gohan in comparison to his father on same forms, and that could hurt the gaps in the Boo arc a little.
  15. ahill1

    Goku's battle power in the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai

    If you had to assign a battle power for him at his maximum power during the last part 1 tournament, what would it be? I'm ranging from late 300s to 600-700 based on my view that 416 read by Raditz's scouter was maybe just Goku's standing around level.
  16. ahill1

    Gohan (post Z sword training)

    How strong do you have him? Closing in on fat Boo?
  17. ahill1

    Tenshinhan reacting at sick Goku

    Chapter 146 Page 13 Context: Goku just turns into a Super Saiyajin Tenshinhan: Th-that's some amazing chi...!! So this is Goku as a Super Saiyan...!! The word is a little strange on this... Did AT forget Tenshinhan saw Goku as a SSJ in Trunks' debut?
  18. ahill1

    If Dragon Ball ended in the Freeza saga

    How do you think it should wrap up? I would rather Vegeta to stay dead. If the Freeza saga was the last one, then his participation in the story would have been fulfilled... and that'd atone for all his evil deeds. It'd be somewhat cool if Goku died and Kuririn stayed dead, so the two would...
  19. ahill1

    Other in-universe series possibilities

    Which are ones you'd like to see?
  20. ahill1

    Matches you'd like to see

    What matchup would you like to see go down, and who do you think would win? I'd like to see a Vegeta vs Piccolo when they were close in power like in the Future Trunks' 1st show up, preferably when Vegeta still hadn't solidified himself as a Z warrior. Both are very clever fighters and have...

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