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  1. ahill1

    Shin vs CGs SSJ Goku

    Who's got this?
  2. ahill1

    Tambourine vs Kame-Sen'nin (22nd Budokai)

    I've got them fairly close: Tambourine : 50 Kame-Sen'nin : 52 The winner gets to face Yajirobe (1st show up).
  3. ahill1

    Where did the name 'Roshi' come from?

    I know that it's used to refer to Kame-Sen'nin, but was the name "Roshi" also employed in the manga? Forgive my awful memory on this. I've seen some ppl saying that Roshi is Kame-Sen'nin's true name as I've seen ppl saying Roshi was a mistranslation or some thing.
  4. ahill1

    Gyumaoh vs Giran

  5. ahill1

    Part 1 (not quite now) Dragon Ball battle powers

    Well, I'm giving it a try again, following the scouter numbers Search for the Dragon Balls Son Goku -- 10 Yamcha -- 9 Bulma -- 4 Oolong -- 3.5 Pilaf -- 3.6 Mai -- 5 Gyumaoh -- 14 Training with Kame-Sen'nin Kuririn -- 7.5 Lunch (good) -- 4 Bad -- 6.6 Kame-Sen'nin -- 20 21st Tenkaichi...
  6. ahill1

    Piccolo w/Nail (post Kuririn and Gohan's energy) vs 3rd form Freeza

    Who wins? If Piccolo wins easily, make him against post Zenkai Vegeta.
  7. ahill1

    One thing GT did better than Super

    Is how the characters decide to spend their in-between battles time. In Super everyone is barbecuing together, all gathered in Satan's or Bulma's place. That doesn't feel right, specially for Piccolo and Tenshinhan. They are more the lone wolf type, or lone wolf and cub. They ain't spending time...
  8. ahill1

    22nd Budokai Tenshinhan > 23rd Budokai Yamcha

    Do you think that idea is laughable or possible?
  9. ahill1

    Best farewell anime/manga moments

    Which are the best farewell moments in your opinion, either from the character dying or leaving forever...? Goku's farewell to Piccolo and Kuririn in GT and Whitebeard's farewell to his childrens (with Rayleigh noticing a legend is fading while crying) come to mind.
  10. ahill1

    Fixing the Zamasu/Black arc

    If you could do a fixing of the arc, how would you do it? It can be from the beginning, or from the heroes' last trip to the future, as many agree this is the part that sucked, while the first part is generally regarded as good.
  11. ahill1

    How do I buy mangas digitally?

    Is there an easy way to buy them digitally? I don't want to run the risk of losing all the series if the current big sites close down... so buying them digitally would be at least way more secure.
  12. ahill1

    Was Sanji pathetic in 1005?

    Do you think Sanji was pathetic in the 1005 chapter? Well, I think it's Oda trying to show us the human side of his character. No human has nerves of steel to receive all that punishment and not try to gather help. Robin and Nami have openly begged for help before, so why not Sanji? It's not...
  13. ahill1

    Why was present Chibi Trunks so much stronger than future Trunks?

    I mean, they're practically the same persona.
  14. ahill1

    If you could meet and talk to a manga artist, which would it be?

    Which would it be? I think I'd talk to Toriyama.
  15. ahill1

    Can EoZ Vegeta easily defeat Kid Boo?

    I know that EoZ Vegeta is featless and all, but speculation-wise, do you think he can do it? Easily at that?
  16. ahill1

    Bardock's battle power

    Where do you have him? Seems like that going by this interview from AT, he wasn't even close to hit the 10k mark the special gave him. Toriyama: "To be honest, I haven’t thought it through that far, but Bardock is a low-class warrior. Although even saying that, almost all [Saiyans] were...
  17. ahill1

    Which on-going anime/manga are you following?

    For me it'd be One Piece and Dragon Ball Super. I've yet to read the few chapters of Berserk that were released soon as I put it on-hold and HxH doesn't really count when we haven't had chapters for more than a year.
  18. ahill1

    ahill rereads one piece

    I'll reread the entire fucking manga wity its 1000 chapters... since my memory is fading on it, I think it'd be cool. And it'd also help with the creation of content for this section, so wait like 4 threads of OP in a single day while I'm rereading it! Hehe.
  19. ahill1

    Did Vegeta care about the Saiyajins being wiped out by Freeza?

    ... or was his grudge built solely upon the factor of him being used?

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