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  1. ahill1

    Rank these 3 by strength

    How'd u rank those 3, during the above instance, by strength? To me it goes like Karin > Roshi > Chi-Chi Exclude Bulma, of course.
  2. ahill1

    Would Kuririn die if he faced the Saibaiman instead of Yamcha?

    Kuririn said Yamcha took his place because he feared something like that would happen. Would Kuririn die, in your opinion?
  3. ahill1

    Zeta reads HxH

    I'm planning on rereading the series. Anyone else wants to join?
  4. ahill1

    Luffy vs Goku vs Gon

    Which easygoing character, out of these 3, do you prefer and why?
  5. ahill1

    The last Straw Hat

    Besides Jimbei, there will probably be one more straw hat... who do you think it'll be?
  6. ahill1

    First character to reach the billion mark

    Who is the 1st character to hit the billion mark in your estimations?
  7. ahill1

    Ashita no Joe -- which big arc did you prefer?

    So there're 4 big arcs, pretty much, in AnJ --- Rikiishi Toru vs Carlos Rivera vs Kim vs Jose... Which one did you like the most? Which are the upsides and the downsides of each to you?
  8. ahill1

    Gramps from filler runs a DB gauntlet

    Well I searched for his name and couldn't find it... but this is the old man that appeared in the filler preceding the Cell Games and that briefly fought Cyborg Tao Pai Pai. Which character from part 1 he gets up to?
  9. ahill1

    Did Goku use Kaioken in the manga at the ToP?

    When he powered up vs Jiren, some characters did comment that was the "principle" of the Kaioken. So do you think he used the Kaioken on top of the Blue state there?
  10. ahill1

    Cyborg Tao Pai Pai vs Old Piccolo Daimao

    Who wins? 23rd Budokai Tao.
  11. ahill1

    Wano and Zoro

    So this arc was assumed by many as being the one to flash out Zoro the most post the TS. We also had a "Sanji arc", so this seems fitting. What do you think about how they handled Zoro in this Wano arc, for the time being? Overall impressed or disappointed?
  12. ahill1


    Was SSJ3 thought about on short notice by Toriyama? Goku intially said he was no match for fat Boo and would likely go to the other world without revealing it weren't for the need to stall time for Trunks to get the dragon radar. I find it strange Goku failed to acknowledge his power even before...
  13. ahill1

    Straw Hats vs Admirals

    In a certain opening of OP, it was shown Luffy facing Akainu, Sanji vs Kizaru and Zoro facing up Fujitora. Do you agree these are the most likely match ups to occur?
  14. ahill1

    Bellamy vs Arlong

    Bellamy upon his first show-up.
  15. ahill1

    Is post Z sword Gohan overrated?

    So we know that according to many people's estimations, this Gohan is close to fat Boo due to Goku not asserting with sureness that Gohan couldn't defeat fat Boo. But in the Super's manga, Trunks managed to wield the sword as well as Gohan and was still no match for Dabura in SSJ, with his SSJ2...
  16. ahill1

    Sanji and his perversion

    So, Sanji's gag with women hasn't been received as well lately whilst it functioned as a good gag beforehand. Why, would you say? More people are criticizing it, maybe because flerting with women is seen differently lately? Or maybe because it has gotten repeptitive? Or is Sanji acting any...
  17. ahill1

    Can Gohan conceal his muscles?

    Something came to my notice... when Gohan went to the Orange School for the 1st time, Shapner (that student that in the anime liked Videl) stated Gohan doesn't seem any kind of warrior, due to his shape. In fact, Gohan seemed pretty skinny. Yet he seems pretty muscular when about to get back in...
  18. ahill1

    Why did Tenshinhan decide to leave forever?

    When everything with Cell was said and done, he said they wouldn't see each other again... Why, would you say? Maybe he doesn't consider them "friends", but more so "battle allies"? I felt sad when I saw that for the first time, actually lol
  19. ahill1

    Did Goku's spirit contribute to Gohan's final KMHMH?

    According to the Daizenshuu, Goku lent power from the other world to Gohan's KMHMH and Goku's spirt was also shown with some sweat doplets during it... Idk, I find it kinda far-fetched tbh. I think it was moreso an ecouragement type of boost. What do you think?
  20. ahill1

    SSJ2 watches Cowboy Bebop

    He'll watch it. I convinced him of the grandiosity of this anime and it can't remain unchecked by our great superior being SSJ2.

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.